Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1376: Find each opponent

"Okay, we made a note and say goodbye." Eding took the black **** of humanity and led the Sha people out of the Dark Dragon Valley and returned to meet Mrs. Jiang Ge in the Stone Demon Fortress.

After watching Eding leave, Guan Heng turned around and walked in front of Borui and others, smiling and reaching out his fists, saying, "Partners, we will win this battle!"

"Yes! We must win!" Everyone's voice didn't fall, and eight fists collided together. Guan Heng and everyone laughed out loud: "Let those guys of the Dark Dragon family come!"

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the sky: "Unexpectedly, you are really confident. This is also good, because destroying the enemy's confidence and stepping on your feet completely, this victory is the best!"

"唰 唰 唰 唰 ——" The six figures suddenly walked out of the space tunnel. It was Otrow of the Dark Dragon tribe and his five transforming dragon fighters.

When these dark dragons appeared in front of Guan Heng and others, Borui and others clearly felt that the momentum of the other party was more than ten times that of the first meeting yesterday, including Urtero, and the eyes of these dragons were mixed. With endless darkness and bloodthirsty madness, everyone is clearly aware that the danger of each other has soared.

"Huh, Urtero, how does it feel to live an extra day and night?" Guan Heng crooked his shoulders and deliberately scolded the other side. "With my kindness, you can complete the final physical transformation and become Now, how do you plan to thank me for being such a benefactor? "

"Huh, Guan Heng, I really should thank you. I wouldn't have the power of today if I didn't respect the arrogance of driving too much and accept the chance of final transformation." Suddenly, the surrounding air was constantly distorted. The sense of appalling oppression, except for Guan Heng's indifferent performance, others couldn't help but step back to avoid its sharp edge.

At this time, Utrosen sneered sneerly: "The strength I have obtained through the strongest transformation is indeed thanks to you, Guan Heng. In order to thank you for your respect, I will kill you as a thank you !! "

After all, Urterol suddenly raised his hand, and five giant pillar-shaped objects suddenly fell in the sky, planting on the ground in the valley.

"What kind of trick is this?" Guan Heng was startled, without waiting for him to ask, Urtero said: "The battle between you and me will not disturb anyone, as long as your companions , My men will do their best to entertain them. "

Speaking of which, Utro's finger next to the giant pillar, this object suddenly shone brightly, and then spread to the surrounding ripples, forming a huge circle of light curtain.

At this moment, Urtrolange said, "This is a small closed space expansion matrix. Here, our battle space will expand indefinitely, but we are still in the valley of the dark dragon. This is a convenience. The battlefield selection tool, let's go. As long as we step in here, no one can come in again. Unless one party falls down, this place will not reopen. "

After saying this, Utro stepped into the light curtain without hesitation, his figure disappeared in place, Guan Heng saw this scene, and slightly nodded his head, he was right Borui and other partners said, "Everyone should be careful," and then stepped on the light curtain, and then disappeared.

At this time, the strong and muscular dragon warrior took a step forward, and he yelled, "I, Hausen, are willing to challenge the strong human race present on my own. There is no limit to the number of people who are willing to accept. Please follow along. I enter the French light curtain. "

Ruta stepped in front of Hausen at this time. He turned around his companions and said, "Sorry everyone, let me give you this battle." Say, Rutha made a "please" to Hausen. Gesture, he took the lead in the light curtain.

"Good courage! I admire the warrior most in my life!" Hausen stepped into the light curtain and raised his thumb and said, "I believe there must be a wonderful battle between your Excellency and me."

Watching the disappearance of Haussen and Ruta, a long, unusually strong and strong transformational dragon warrior emerged, saying, "I am a **** who is fighting like a swift wind, and I am willing to challenge any strong person on the scene. , Please be willing to stand in the queue! "

"Oh!" At this moment, the keel spear in Ma Ze's palm suddenly turned around and poked on the ground. He smiled slightly: "The undead gun fighter-Ma Ze, is willing to accept your challenge."

"What a keel spear !!" Seeing Ma Ze's weapon, the transformed dragon warrior Boom's eyes suddenly flashed, he said with a little excitement: "Presumably you are the former leader of the undead dragon army. I have long wanted to compete with you, Zunjia must be a good opponent! "

"This guy is a natural warrior." Ma Ze saw that only blazing warfare in this Bom's eyes, and did not include the different colors of good and evil, he immediately understood: "He really wants to fight me, eh It seems that I did not make the wrong choice! "

Boom and Maze stepped into the light curtain and disappeared without a trace. Then, the dwarfed dragon warrior with a single horn and a fleshy face on his head snorted and said, "I'm Legger, a proud dragon warrior, who is it Willing to fight me? "

"I'm coming!" The low voices of the two women sounded at the same time, and Imela and Zowei stepped forward, and they said, "My girl fights you!"

"What a joke? Young woman?" Leger's black face suddenly turned into a pig's liver color because of his anger, and he shouted, "I'm going to fight a warrior, not a weak woman like you ..."


"Boom!" Lejie's voice didn't fall. Zou Wei then waved his staff, and the dazzling arrow of an instant shot broke a huge rock not far from the height of Qiren. On the ground, a cracked deep pit with a radius of several meters was suddenly shaken, and the two sturdy girls yelled in unison: "Mixed ball, who are you weak?"

"Uh ?!" Seeing the opponent's powerful attack, Leger suddenly stopped talking, and when he blushed and didn't know what to say, the transforming dragon warrior next to him said, "So, please these two female warriors, together Challenge Leger so that we don't take advantage, what do you think? "

"Agree." Such a good opportunity is rare. Zuo Wei and Imila are also used to fighting against the enemy. There is nothing uncomfortable. After they say these two words, they immediately step into another light curtain at the same time. With a sound, stepped in.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.7.1, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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