Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1385: In the Demon Realm (Third)

It is actually a very dangerous move for Guan Heng to use the four-word space transfer rashly, because this kind of one-way space transfer without knowing where it will be sent is likely to place itself in In danger, but Guan Heng has no choice but to do so in order to avoid the huge explosive energy of the starburst magic stone.

The body, ignoring how long it drifted in the unknown space tunnel, his consciousness gradually blurred, Guan Heng was suddenly drawn into a narrow space gap by the vortex in front, and in a blink of an eye, he came to a dark, dark and unknown area!

"Tongtong!" Guan Heng, who fell on the unknown dune, is still in a coma. He has been exhausted after a series of fierce battles. In addition, when stopping the starburst magic stone, he excessively uses the power of the dragon god, which indirectly makes the dragon **** sweet. The spirit of Nisso also fell into a deep dormancy. At this moment, the crimson dragon's breath crystallized in Guan Heng's body, but it beating quietly again.

At this moment, the dense dark mist in the surrounding air quickly rushed towards the unknown dunes lying on the side of Guan Heng, and saw that the red dragon dragon crystals in Guan Heng's body floated out at this moment, and began to absorb the rich black around him. Fog, gradually, the sphere of the dragon's breath crystal gradually became dark ...

I don't know how long, suddenly there was a daddle footsteps in the distance, and suddenly a childish voice called: "Sister ... Sister, there is ... food!"

"Laibao, it's not clear if that food is unavailable, beloved, oh! Don't bite with your mouth ..." another young female voice shouted in a panic: "This doesn't seem to be a creature near Dieto Mountain, so Let's drag him back on a wooden wheelbarrow and ask the village chief whether Grandpa can eat. "


When Guan Heng opened his eyes again, he was thrown into the corner of a dark cave, just wanting to stretch his arms to take a deep breath, he suddenly found that his body was tight: "Why, who tied me up ?! "

"Um ... uh ..." Guan Heng struggled twice, but found that the dark rope that bound him, the tighter and tighter under the activity, he stopped gasping slightly, and the rope did not tighten immediately.

"Hey, it's funny, strange black rope." At this moment, Guan Hengqi laughed extremely, but he didn't want to rush to break the black cord that bound himself. At this time, Guan Heng thought: "The dragon on my back The toothblade scabbard and the dragon emperor's belt around the waist have been taken away. If it is not retrieved, it is a bit troublesome. Now you should figure out what is here. "

Thinking about this, Guan Heng secretly said, "The Dragontooth Blade has been taken away. There is no way to contact the Dragon Soul Kufa. The cloth of Yabu's pet is stored in the storage compartment of the Dragon Emperor's Belt. Naturally, he cannot count on it. Now, and now that Ganesha is in deep dormancy, he just yelled a few times and it didn't respond. Now, what can help me out of difficulties is only-- "

Guan Hengyan suddenly spread his palm, and the strange branding on it flickered, "Oh!" A black light was shaking, and the soul demon king multi-headed basilisk suddenly appeared in the air.

"Master, you call on the servants ..." The multi-headed Basilisk didn't finish the sentence, it suddenly shook the nine snake skulls and said, "Hey, so rich dark magic, here and here are not me Hometown—Abyss of the Demon Realm? "

"What are you talking about ?! This is the abyss of the abyss?" Upon hearing this, Guan Heng's face changed slightly, and his thinking turned into a flash of lightning at the moment: "I did not expect to use the current beads in my rush, after the space transfer effect was produced. Actually came here, but is this really the abyss of the demon domain dominated by the Lord Pawn? "

After raising these doubts in Guan Heng's heart, he asked subconsciously: "Basilisk, this is really your hometown? Are you sure?"

"I can definitely be sure." The multi-headed Basilisk said very determinedly: "This place is full of magic, so familiar and comfortable, except for my birthplace, the abyss of magic domain, there is no place to compare."

"It turned out to be a realm here, so how do I leave?" Guan Heng just thought of it before realizing that he was still bound by the black cord. He hurriedly said, "Don't worry about anything else, Basilisk, hurry me up. The black cord on him was broken. "

"Yes, the little servant will do it right away." Although the multi-headed basilisk had some strange reasons why Guan Heng was tied here, he didn't dare to ask more, so he snapped the black cord with the fangs of a snake skull. Guan Heng immediately said, "Okay, you hide first with me, and it will naturally be useful to you later."

"Observe." The multi-headed Basilisk is very adaptable to the environment here. It just dangles its body slightly in the air and has been completely hidden in the thick black gas surrounding it.

"DaDa Da--" Just then, there were hurried footsteps outside the cave, and there was a voice of someone talking.

The voice of a young girl sounded first: "Village chief, we tied the strange 'thing' we picked up in the cave, and see if we can be our emergency food."

"You did the right thing, Sheila." Then, the old voice said, "Now our rations are in short supply. If it is an edible food, then it would be better. Alas, the tribute requested by the territory forest recently. More and more, and if this continues, the village will soon starve to death. "

During the conversation, the two had entered the stone cave. At this moment, Guan Hengzheng turned his hands on his back, pretending to be still tied, and stared at the person with wide eyes.

"Oh, he's awake." The young woman who spoke first was a weird race with sharp ears and a greenish complexion. Although the facial features are not ugly, they are only about 1.4 meters tall, wearing simple leaves and animals. Short skirt made of leather.

In addition, the old man around this woman was shorter and had two pointed ears with a green complexion. A large pie face was born with pus, a small-eyed hawk nose, thick catfish-like lips, and four fangs. Canine teeth came out of his lips, it was too ugly.

The ugly old man with a round-headed wooden staff saw Guan Heng staring at himself, his eyes flickered suddenly, and he suddenly said: "Sila, this guy seems to be a human."

"Yeah, Lord Lieldor, you mean ... man, human?" The name "Syrah" asked a little surprised: "It is the demons of the upper territories, from the world of St. Lomplon Plundered slaves? "

Hearing the words "St. Lomplon", Guan Heng's eyes flashed a faint flash of brilliance. At this moment, the head of the village of Rielie Duo struck his white beard and said, "Sila, this time But you've picked up something extraordinary. If you let the 'magic soldier' ​​who collects tribute in the territorial forest see us hiding humans, everyone in the village will suffer.

—— [The third update of 2016.7.3, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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