Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1386: Kabulin

"What should I do then? The village chief of Rielie Duo." Sheila suddenly came up with a sloppy idea, she cried: "Just hurry up and chop this guy into a stew and share it with the whole village. Destruction traces and evidence can also be achieved ... "

"Hey, I said this lady, my meat isn't delicious at all!" Hearing the other person chopped the stew, Guan Heng was instantly angry, and he exclaimed, "Cough, my body There are a lot of bacteria. If you eat my meat, you may fart after three consecutive days of thinning. Are you afraid? "

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the village leader, the humans are talking !!" Sheila stunned and hid behind the leader of the village of Lielduo. She was trembling in shock and said, "Sorry, I do n’t want to eat You, I am for the safety of everyone. "

"Hey, he's **** now, what are your girls afraid of?" The village chief Lielduo was a little nervous at the moment, but he gasped for himself and Sheila: "It's just a human, nothing terrifying."

"Hey, old man." Guan Heng asked with a big grin at this time: "Where are you guys? Is it the Abyss of the Demon Realm?"

"Well, this is the Dieto Forest in the Dieto Mountain. We are residents of the Kabulin Village ... Hey? Why should I answer your question?" The head of Lielie Duo Village answered Guan Heng with a lip, and then realized Not right, the village chief shouted angrily: "Don't forget, you are our captive now. The question should be asked by the village chief!"

"Kabrin? Is that the name of your race?" Guan Hengwei brushed a weird smile, and said, "Also, you said I was a captive? Isn't that true ... you two are Where is my captive? "

Guan Heng immediately showed her free hands and laughed softly: "Basilisk, grab these two guys."

"Oh!" The multi-headed Basilisk hidden in the top of the stone wall appeared in mid-air, slamming the waist of Sheila and the head of the village of Lieleduo with a thick and long neck.

"Ahhhh! Monster!" After this old, young and two Kabulin people were caught, they panicked and screamed. At this moment, Guan Heng chuckled and laughed: "This is not true. You just grab people and prepare to stew. I think you are more like monsters. "

"This man, please do n’t eat me, my meat is old and rough, I must have poor teeth." I did not expect that the village chief Lietuodu sighed with tears as soon as he was caught. : "If you want to eat, eat this little girl, Sheila. She is thin-skinned, tender, and even-skinned. I definitely want to eat barbecue and stew."

"Eh ?! Village chief, how can you do this?" Sheila heard that she was betrayed by the village chief, and suddenly exclaimed, "You are so abominable, why should I die for you? You might as well die yourself!"

"Uh-huh, that's the same, I don't see this old guy pleasing to the eye." Guan Heng glanced at Lie Duo at this moment, and then said, "Basilisk, put this girl down first, as for the village chief, you Take care of it for a while. "

The multi-headed basilisk did what she said, and immediately released Sheila, and Guan Heng immediately said to her: "I have no interest in eating you and I don't want to hurt you, but the dragon tooth blade and belt you took away from me You have to return it all to me, okay? "

"Ah, you're talking about that weird long scabbard and belt?" Sheila said immediately without hesitation. "When I pulled you back, I left those things in the cave next door, and I'll take them now. "

Having said that, Sheila glanced at the village chief Lietuoduo who was still entangled by the multi-headed basilisk and quickly turned away.

"As for you, Mr. Village Chief, I now need to know some information. If you can tell the truth and don't hesitate to enlighten me, I will not consider it difficult for you." Guan Heng said with a ringing finger, and the multi-headed basilisk will be scorched The torch fell to the ground, and the old Kabulin village chief gave a snoring sound, and almost didn't breathe.

But at this time, life was important. A little pain was nothing, and Lie Duo shouted in a hurry: "I said, I said, no matter what you ask, I will tell you everything."

At this time, Sheila's cautious voice came from outside the cave: "That ... Mr. Human, I've taken your things."

Guan Heng was wondering why when she didn't walk in, a child's voice rang outside: "Sister, this thing is so heavy, uh ... I'm going to take it ..."

"Oops, forget that few people except me can take the Dragon's Blade." Guan Heng thought of it, and hurried out of the cave. He saw Silla and another Kabulin dwarf boy hug together at a glance. Holding the Dragon's Toothblade, Li Lizhe stood there.

"Slap!" Guan Heng quickly lifted up the scabbard, and then carried it on his back. At this time, the two sisters Sila were almost tired and paralyzed. The chubby child said gaspingly: "Uh, it's heavy, it's exhausting Leibo."

"Okay, girl, give me the belt and you can go back."

Guan Heng said, picking up his dragon emperor's belt, and then turned around into the hole. At this time, Sheila supported her brother, and asked timidly: "Master, you will not be the leader of the Martyrdom Village." Although he is old and confused, and has some broken mouths, he loves small and cheap, but his heart is not too bad. "

"Rest assured, I just asked the old village chief about something, and then I will leave. You see that I haven't hurt any Kabulin people now." Guan Heng went into the hole after saying this, Sheila here Shi tilted her head and thought for a while, and she muttered to herself: "Yeah, this Terran Master is much more kind than the magic soldiers who collect tribute."

At this moment, Guan Hengzheng sat opposite the old village chief and asked about the situation in the Abyss Demon Realm. It turned out that this place was really a Demon site, but it was always under the management of different upper demons. They were nobles in the abyss.

The Abyss Demon Realm is divided into twelve levels here, of which nine are managed by strong men who have been registered as abyss aristocrats. The other three tiers belong to the no-man's land in the abyss, and are full of unknown dangers. Not willing to approach.

The area of ​​the Nine-layered Demon Abyss is in nominal alliance with each other, and belongs to His Majesty Pawn, the Abyss Demon, but these nine lords are all taunts, and they continue to fight each other, sometimes even Pawn's orders are It was Yang Fengyin, and even some guys secretly disobeyed the master's **** and tried to replace it.

The place where Guan Heng was at this time was the ninth floor of the abyss of the Demon Realm. The place name here is called the Dieto Valley. The weak races inhabited here, such as the dark orc, multi-handed ghost sickle, and Kabulin. Clan and so on.

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