Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1392: Disguised as a disguise (fifth more outbreak)

The two older priests, the old Fuer and the younger Berne, were scared by the horned rhinoceros just now, and now only Guan Heng in front can surrender this fierce guy. Just in case.

As a result, Guan Heng slowly followed the hexagonal worm. The two cult priests drove the car pulled by the magic horn rhino. Three people talked as they walked. Get intelligence inside the Lord's Mansion.

The old man, Fuer, has a temperament, but the younger Bern is more talkative, and Guan Heng has already asked about what Bern knows, without even two or three sentences, even those sent to the lord's house from various places. When will the living person make a sacrifice, at this time the matter of being held in the secret underground cell of the Lord ’s House was asked by Guan Hengtao.

After a while, Guan Heng and the two priests had arrived at the gate of the magnificent Lord's Mansion, where tall sculptures of snakeheads stood tall on both sides, and vomiting fangs were alive, full of strange bloodthirsty and killing.

"Hey, this kind of evil spirit spreading from the Lord's Mansion is exactly the same as the one that I have encountered in the past, the goddess of the snake snake, Reese." Guan Heng thought to himself: "It really is a hill, hey, just look at it What old tricks do these old opponents have? "

As two obscure little priests of the snake religion, Fuer and Berne certainly couldn't enter and exit from the main entrance of the lord's house, so they drove the magic rhinoceros and rushed to the back door.

Just when the two men just called to open the back door, Guan Heng jumped off the hexagonal worm and reached out to grab a huge box. He laughed and said, "Let's go, I'll help you carry the box in."

After saying this, Guan Heng stepped forward and stepped on the back door of the Lord ’s Mansion. The opener saw him in the captain's armor and a little bit of God ’s work. Guan Heng had already entered. I felt a bit wrong, but when I saw Guan Heng so enthusiastic, I had to smile at each other and walked in with the box.

In fact, the ritual treasury of the Lord ’s Mansion is not too far from the back door. There are two yards across. When Guan Heng and the three of them walked into the treasury and lowered their things, Fuer and Bern were laughing with faces, and they would open each other. : "Sir Captain, you ..."

Before the two of them had finished speaking, Guan Heng's pair of iron palms suddenly stretched out, "Slap, Slap!" Long and clenched his neck and throat, Guan Heng sneered at this moment: " Seeing that you let me know a lot of information, the uncle will not kill you, and the two are tired, so take a good sleep now. "

After all, Guan Heng's ten fingers were slightly stunned, and two unlucky cult snake priests rattled in their throats, and suddenly their eyes fainted.

Looking up and sweeping around, Guan Heng found two empty empty boxes, leaving behind a gray robe of the priest himself, and then threw the two in hand, "Pop! Wow!" The lock on the cover was fastened, Guan Heng put on his robe and put on a hood, and walked out of the warehouse.

Looking up in the courtyard to look at the three suns in the sky, apparently dim, according to the memory of Captain Demon obtained by Guan Heng, the time here is also 24 hours a day, but the moon does not appear, when two of them When the sun is dim, it means that the day has passed.

"Now it's dusk, go to Seraki's sister first." At this moment, Guan Heng thought for a moment: "The two priests once said that all human living offerings were kept in the secret of the Lord's Mansion. Underground cells, you have to figure out how to find the exit first. "

"Hey, you!" Just as Guan Heng started moving forward, a voice suddenly growled behind him: "Shit boy, I called you twice, why didn't you answer? Want to find death?"

"Me?" Guan Heng was a little surprised when he heard this voice, but he still looked back, and it turned out that there was a man with a gray robe full of flesh on his face.

"Yeah, **** things, not you, but who else?"

The man in the gray robe was no different from Guan Heng, but two golden laces were embroidered on the placket, which was obviously higher than the two little priests who were flat on Guan Heng, and he yelled angrily. : "An hour left, the ceremony is about to begin, everyone is so busy, why are you a little junior priest hanging around here? Want to be lazy?"

"Uh ... that me ..." Guan Henggang tried to find an excuse to slip away, but the gray man could not help but say, grabbed Guan Heng's sleeve, he said loudly, "Fool, there are not enough people in the kitchen, those No human sacrifices are going to deliver meals, don't you hurry up and help ?! "

"Follow me!" The brave man didn't hesitate, and the protagonist would drag the check horizontally into a busy kitchen, and he opened his throat and shouted, "Milu, this lazy **** finds some hard work!"

"Follow your orders, Director Guarva."

The chef named Milu was so busy in front of the cooktop that he didn't look up and said, "Hey, new boy, you and Mans haul this iron bucket with leftover soup into the underground cell. Remember, especially to feed the little ethnic girl who is a living sacrifice tonight, this is her last meal. If the **** refuses to eat, cut out her mouth and pour it in, because Master Hexu I don't like sick and thin sacrifices. "

The man named Mans patted Guan Heng's shoulder: "Hey, man, the chef has spoken, let's hurry up." Then, Mans couldn't help but pull Guan Heng and pick up an iron for leftovers The barrel went out.

"Ha, I was looking for the entrance to the underground cell. I didn't expect someone to lead the way." Guan Heng laughed and laughed, but also whispered and followed the guy named Mans. Around the sprawling lord's mansion, all around, only a few minutes, came to an iron gate several meters high.

"Dangdangdang!" Mans knocked on the door three times with his hand, "Oh!" The small window on the iron door was suddenly opened, and someone yelled, "What is it?"

"Add food to the live sacrifice tonight." Mans said angrily: "Open the door, there is more work to do today, don't let us delay time here!"

"Wait!" The guard muttered lowly, then immediately opened the iron door, Guan Heng and Mans walked inside with the leftover iron buckets, and watched the surrounding movements in a gap. The iron door was just a prisoner underground. At the entrance stairs of the room, two people made three steps and made two steps, and hurried down. At this moment, Guan Heng felt that the more he walked down, the oncoming smell of decaying blood was getting heavier and heavier. .

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.4, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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