Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1393: Crucifixion (first)

"The smell is really disgusting." Guan Heng frowned at this moment, his heart murmured: "I don't know who the living sacrifices these worm snakes just said in his mouth? He is really unlucky. . "

"It seems that the cells on both sides of the cell are empty and empty. Where is Seraki's sister? Has she been caught by accident? It seems that it needs to be explored."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng lowered his voice and pretended to ask Mans next to him: "Hey, man, I'm new here. I don't know what the details are. Have you seen the live offering tonight? "

"You ask the little kinsmen who are to be thrown into the altar of the venerable prince? Of course I have."

Mans and Guan Heng walked forward with iron buckets and said, "These molds have really fallen in our lord's house these days. Just the day before yesterday, human captives just escorted from all over the territory, regardless of their age All the young were infected with that **** plague, and all of their brains were ill and died, leaving only a sick and sick tribe little girl who was not dead. "

At this point, Mans suddenly stopped and stopped at the door of a cell. He said to Guan Heng, "Here it is, here, Lord Pope, said, even if there is only one living human being left. She must also throw it into the saint altar's altar to sacrifice, so let's fill the little girls with food, even if it restores a little spirit, lest she die before she enters the altar. "

Guan Heng moved, and asked Mans, who had just removed the key from the wall, and was opening the door of the cell: "What is the name of that little tribe?"

"Hey, what are you doing so clearly?" Mans said angrily as he twisted the rusty door lock. "The whole underground cell is just a living person, it seems like Ting ... silk ..." "

"Eh!" Guan Heng didn't wait for Mans to finish the sentence, and a hand-knife cut on the other's back neck. Manston's eyes turned white and his body collapsed, but he was in a cage at this time. The iron door squeaked open.

Guan Heng then picked up the leftover bucket with one hand, dragged Mans's back collar with one hand, walked into the prison door casually, and then closed it gently with his feet.

There are darkened blood everywhere, humming mosquitoes flying wildly, and weeds with stinky weeds spreading and covering the ground. The place is dark and dim, making people's sights blurred. It took only a few seconds to see the surrounding scene. There was a thin, trembling figure, curled up in the corner of the cell with his hands and knees.

Hearing the sound of the cell door opening, the thin figure shuddered and shrank into the corner again. She seemed to want to scream, but her voice could not roll in her throat, and she turned into a beast. Growling: "嗬, 嗬, 嗬 ..."

"Tongtong!" Guan Heng threw the Mans to the corner of the cell. He stepped in front of the thin figure, and at this moment it became clear that this was a young girl of sixteen or seven years old. It was dirty blood stains, and a pair of godless eyes almost gave up vitality. Her body, hands, and feet were covered with bruises. She could barely hide her clothes, and it was horrible.

When Guan Heng saw this, he turned his head off and pulled off Mans' gray robe, wrapped it around the girl, and then he asked, "Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you, girl, you are Not Tings? "

When she heard someone say her name, the girl suddenly trembled with excitement, but when she saw the gray robe of the snake snake in Guan Heng's body, she suddenly showed the color of panic, and her mouth just made a howl. But she could not speak, and the chains on her hands and feet were still connected to the wall, and now it was rattled because of fear.

"It's not right!" Guan Heng suddenly realized something, and he reached out and clasped the girl's jaw: "Don't move, I'll see what's in your mouth!"

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng gently took off the girl's jawbone, and when he saw what was in the mouth of the other person, he was instantly stunned: "The clumps of the Nether Snakes have done this to you ?!damned--"

In order to prevent the girl from screaming or struggling, the gang of worm snakes even put two iron **** the size of walnuts in her mouth, with small spikes on them. If the girl rushes to speak, her tongue and the inside of her throat will Be **** flesh and blood. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng gently stretched out his **** and took out both the thorn iron balls.

"Uh-hh ---" The girl screamed and cried when the iron ball took out of her mouth, and Guan Heng said quickly: "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm not out of danger now Now, let me ask you, is your name Ting Si? "

Watching the other person sobbing slightly and nodding his head, Guan Heng then asked, "Do you have any other relatives who have also been caught in the abyss of the Demon Realm?"

"I, I have an older brother, called Seraki, is the head of the Knights ..." Ting Si's eyes continued to burst into tears, she stunned and said, "But I ..."

"You see what this is?" Guan Heng immediately took out a pearl headdress and said, "Is it your thing?"

"Yeah, I left it in the captive camp. Why was it in your hands?" Ting Si was surprised when she saw the headwear: "Who the **** are you?"

Guan Heng hurriedly notified his name, and briefly said something about the encounter with Seraki, and then said to Ting Si, "Come on with me, I will save you out and meet your brother."

After saying this, Guan Heng handed Ting Si a bottle of restorative agent, let her drink to replenish her strength, and the two immediately exited the cell door of the underground cell and went straight out.

As he passed the last iron gate leading to the outside, the guardian demon jailer suddenly glanced at Ting Si behind Guan Heng and said with doubt on his face: "Hey, I came with you just now, Is that the guy? What do I think of his short figure? And why do you look at me trembling? "

Because Ting Si was tortured in this underground cell, she now faces the wicked jailer, but she can't bear the fear in her heart, so she trembles slightly. As a result, she is seen by the suspicious jailer. flaw.

"Well ... dude, I don't know ..." Guan Heng said as he noticed that there was no fourth person left and right. He said that time and time were fast. Guan Heng flashed in his eyes, and between the light and the flint. Hit the jailer.

"Yeah!" The left hand slammed quickly on the jailer's face door, shattering his mouth full of teeth, making the jailer's tongue burst and unable to call out, the right palm like a knife directly into the heart of the opponent, a fierce dragon breath power Walking around, the prisoner's internal organs were utterly messed up in no time. This boy died instantly and could not die anymore. Guan Heng's shot was called swift and incorruptible. In less than two seconds, everything was completely over.

—— [2016.7.5 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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