Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1394: Meet brother and sister

"Ah-Brother Guan Heng, you ..." Seeing Guan Heng's lightning strike to solve the jailer, Ting Si was frightened for a moment, but Guan Heng hurriedly said, "Stupid girl, don't be dazed, hurry up!"

"Oh, oh ... yes ..." Ting Si also knew that this was the magic cave where the wolves looked around, and she had no time to run, so she followed the gate and ran towards the back door.

Just as two people passed through the two-story courtyard of the Lord ’s Mansion, a strong man in a gray robe was passing them by. He recognized him at a glance. He was the chief of the Lord ’s Mansion who had just caught himself in the kitchen to help— — Guarva.

"Well, it's him again, there must be trouble!" Guan Heng suddenly wanted to speed up, but the director Guarva recognized Guan Heng's figure and his gray robe of the priest, and he cried immediately. Said: "Boy, you stop me, and you can't be lazy, how can you be lazy?"

"Haha, it was the lord, the little one was courteous." Guan Heng saw that he could not avoid it, and his heart suddenly began to kill. He gently blocked Ting Si beside him and walked towards Guarva immediately, and He deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Xiao just met the Pope, he said he wants you ..."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Guarva frowned suddenly and said, "Uh? You met Lord Pope? This is impossible. Lord Pope should be at this time ..."

But before the director said anything, Lee Heng ’s straight fist had been impartial on his face. Time was tight. Guan Heng did n’t want to keep his hand. What kind of power he hit with all his strength, directly Shattered Guarva's upper body completely, and the flesh and blood pieces soared, and then a black body of spirit rushed out of the corpse.

Guan Heng saw that this guy had gathered a ghost, and immediately broke it into an old soul stone with his broken pupil power and grabbed it in his hands.

"Tingsi, hurry up—" Guan Heng reached out and grabbed the girl's arm, and the two ran out of the back door like a smoky cigarette, turned over the hexagonal worm that Guan Heng left there, and then ran down the street of Tiesha City. start running……

After a while, Guan Heng came to the old house area and saw that the soul-absorbing beast Yabu was still lying on the eaves, so he immediately greeted it and flew down. In the room, Seraki was walking around anxiously, and suddenly came from outside. The knocking of the door slammed and the voice of Hengheng said: "Salachi, I saved Ting Si, and open the door!"

Seraki opened the door with a violent rush, and immediately fell apart with Ting Si's supporters. The brother and sister burst into tears.

At this moment, Guan Heng gently closed the door. He said to the brothers and sisters, "When I rescued Ting Si, I killed a few cult snakes. The lord's house must have been bombed, so now you are more Can't act lightly. "

"Engong, what shall we do now?" Seraki said with anxiety on his face: "Now the entire abyss of the Demon Realm is not a place for us humans to treat, here are the demons who kill and don't blink. We want to return to the hometown of St. Lomplon. "

"Don't worry, before that, I was instructed to know that the lord's house here might have a way to return to the land of St. Lomplon." Guan Heng said with a chin at this time, "So I need to return to the lord's house. Go and find out the secrets here so that you can quickly leave with you. "

Having said that, Guan Heng paused, and then he looked at Ting Si and said, "Will you fight?"

"Yes, I'm an ice magician." Ting Si said with a little embarrassment, "but none of my staff such as staff is around, I ..."

"Wow!" Before Ting Si finished, a lot of things were poured out of the storage compartment of the horizontal belt. What magic booster bracelets, wands and robes, as well as magic potions, and even dry food and water. .

At this moment, Guan Heng said to Seraki and Ting Si: "These things are enough to support you overnight. I'll go to the Lord's Mansion to find out the news now. Remember, don't go out of this house. Oops, in addition, this soul-sucking beast— "Guan Heng pointed to the vague Abu said," It's my magic pet, so I'll leave it here to protect you. "

"Uh ... uh ... Guan Heng, I and I seem to be uncomfortable ..." At this moment, Yabu suddenly shook his big ears and raised his head and muttered in a low voice: "Somehow, After you let me out here, I felt lazy and unable to keep up. How did this happen? "

"Hi, I think you're probably hungry." Guan Heng was anxious to go to the Lord's Mansion at this time, so he took out seven or eight huge soul stones in front of Abu: "Come, eat slowly, old Honestly waiting for me to come back here. "

Guan Heng finished speaking, waved to Seraki and Ting Si brothers and sisters, and turned out of this old house.

At this moment, the sky was completely dim, and two of the three sun-like spheres suspended from the sky above the magic realm had turned dark and dim, indicating that it was now dark.

Guan Heng re-covered the gray robe over his body, and he secretly murmured, "I do n’t know if the Lord ’s Mansion has lost the living tribute now. Ca n’t the ceremony be done? Hey, what a wonderful experience. Last time you rescued Norton and Zhu Brothers and sisters, they are also used as sacrificial offerings by the cult of snakes. It seems that I may be born to be the opposite of cult of snakes. "


After a while, Guan Heng had returned to the area outside the wall of the Lord's Mansion, and he was reading the soul stone memory of the Guarva.

The cult of snakes is very special in this layer of abyss, because it is basically a private force cultivated by the noble lord of this layer, the prince of the snake, which is different from the ordinary army of the magic soldiers. The members of the teaching are selected from the locally grown Demon tribe, only a few years old.

After these children were sent to the serpent religion, they were educated from an early age. There is only one thing, that is, to be completely loyal to the serpent monarch. Even if they give their lives, they will not hesitate. To do this, so brainwashing education in childhood is very scary.

The Lord's Mansion, which is the private residence of the Lord of the Snakes, is the gathering place of all the cores and loyal forces of the Snakes. There is a Supreme Commander-the Pope of the Snakes, the four bishops, and a large number of junior and middle schools. , High priest, but the noble lord "Hermit of the Serpent" has not appeared in front of everyone for hundreds of years.

According to rumors, the prince of the serpent was seriously injured during the expedition to the other world (that is, the Ashton continent) with his demon Paine, so he fell into a long sleep.

In order to wake up and restore his strength as soon as possible, the venomous prince left his only son-in-law, the current pontificate Pope, and asked him to form the cult of the venomous snake, and search for superior sacrifices for himself, including living humans and Gao. Smart living beings for the Saints to absorb their vitality.

—— [Second more in 2016.7.5, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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