Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1395: Turn back again (third more)

Guarva, the governor of the Lord ’s Mansion, knows a lot, including how those cult snakes use the territory ’s tribe to work day and night, mining this layer of specialty ore to exchange human captives with other abyss levels, and some in the Lord ’s Mansion. Thing about the Altar of the Wraith King.

"Guarva is just the governor of the Lord's House, and it seems that he does not know the way to Saint-Louplun." At this moment, Guan Heng secretly murmured: "However, according to Guarva's memory, there are four major bishops in the Lord's House- —Beddy, Huluba, Lingbo, and Garmin, who guard the four entrances to the Altar of the Serpent King. "

Bai Di guards the east entrance, where lower and intermediate priests are used to enter and exit and transport sacrifice supplies.

Hrubba, Lingbo, and their men patrolled the west and south entrances, respectively, where the high priests of the cult of snakes entered and exited.

The only female bishop of the four law-defending bishops, Jia Min, is responsible for guarding the northern region and a mysterious gate.

Although all Necromancers are silent, everyone is talking in private. The other side of the mysterious gate in the northern area of ​​the altar is the sleeping place of the Monarch, because anyone who approached it without authorization was all the bishop. The **** Garmin killed him without even knowing it, even the corpse could not be found. Therefore, among the high-level members of the meditation serpent, apart from the pope who does not appear often, the most terrible person is this Gal Min!

"Of these four people, Baidi is also responsible for contacting the other aristocratic lords at the level of the abyss and trading human captives and ore with each other. This guy should know how to leave this abyss."

Guan Heng thought for a while: "But if he wants to go to St. Lompland, it's not clear if he knows. In short, go to the east entrance of the altar first, and find Baidi's guy before making plans."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng no longer hesitated at the moment, he just wanted to enter the Lord's Mansion again through the back door, but at this moment, the neat footsteps of his feet screamed loudly, Guan Heng looked up and watched, it turned out to be a large number of Tiesha City The magic soldier rushed from a distance.

At this moment, maybe I heard the footsteps of the demon soldiers, and there are also several high-level priests in the snake costume running out of the gate of the Lord's Mansion, and some of them shouted eagerly: "Quickly, start at all nearby entrances and exits immediately. Martial law, carefully examine every guy who comes in and out. "

Here is a captain of the magic soldier asking, "This saint priest, we arrived as soon as we got the news. What happened?"

"You don't know. Just now, spies were mixed in the lord's house, killing the jailer and the governor of our lord house, and took away the only living sacrifice." One of the high priests said loudly: "This The Lord Pope was furious when he was blaming his staff for being unfavorable, and we are letting us take the murderer seriously. "

When I heard that the governor of the Lord ’s House was killed and the human sacrifices were taken away, the captain of the magic soldier suddenly shook his neck. He whispered, “This is an extraordinary event. It is no wonder that so many magic soldiers are here. Martial law in the street. "

"Hey, you!" Suddenly a senior priest turned his head inadvertently, and saw Guan Heng who wanted to slip in by the main entrance. He immediately snarled with a calm face: "I don't know if the inside or outside of the Lord's Mansion is forbidden now? What are you doing here? "

"Oops." Guan Heng cursed secretly. He immediately lowered his head and hid his face into the hood, and then whispered, "Yes, the villain is a relative of the Archbishop Bai Di. He just gave the bishop's order. Go to work, it's late. "

Guan Heng really wanted to find Baidi's guy at this time, so he justified his reason for a reason, and Baidi's bishop's name could fool these people.

Ke Heng thought it was light, but things didn't go so smoothly. One of the senior senior priests said, "I'm also a person serving near Bishop Baidi, why haven't I met you? And you are just a junior priest, bishop How could an adult take you as a close friend? "

At this moment, the murmuring Captain of the Demons wanted to cheer on the fire, and the man said, "Well, wouldn't this little priest be a spy?"

"Your forgotten babies who killed thousands of knives, even made me mess at this moment ?!"

Guan Heng heard the words of the Captain of the Demon Soldier, and he couldn't wait to pull out the Dragontooth Blade and split the opponent, but at this time it was important to mix into the Lord's Mansion. In addition, the Captain of the Demon Soldier and his men were pressing the hilt of the sword with a gloomy face. Guan Heng, coupled with the poor eyes of several senior priests, Guan Heng was anxious at this moment, and an excuse came to mind when his brain suddenly turned.

Therefore, Guan Heng hurried forward, deliberately lowering his voice and said, "He is really a relative of Bishop Bai Di, who is responsible for entertaining other guests who purchase ore at the abyss level, and handing over the tasks of the human captives, wearing the priest's gray robe It ’s for the purpose of covering people ’s eyes. I ’m also a high priest, but my identity is kept secret. ”

Guan Heng's voice was very low, so low that the nearby Captain of the Demon Soldier didn't hear what he said, but when these words were spoken, it sounded like a thunder blast in the ears of the senior priests.

Trading mineral captives with ore and other abyss levels is definitely a high-level secret in the Hidden Serpent. This is a secret that is strictly forbidden to leak. The identity of the senior priest is not known at all, and Guan Heng is responsible for it from the lord's house. The information obtained from the memory of Elva's soul stone, so he can speak out and fool the guys in front of him, trying to fool through the level.

The senior priests looked at each other, because what Guan Heng said was a secret that high-level officials can understand, so they already believed in 70% to 80%. In this blink of an eye, Guan Heng had seized the fleeting opportunity, and he hit the iron while he was hot. Said: "If a few don't believe it, you can take me to the altar immediately. Let's go to Bishop Bai Di to confront me. What do you think?"

At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "As long as you enter the Lord's Mansion, it will be much easier. I want to find a quiet place to kill you all!"

Seeing Guan Heng being so calm and easy, these people suddenly believed a little more, so the oldest priest said, "Rei Ai, take this brother to His Excellency Bidi, we have more important things, so Not accompanying. "

"Well, you follow me." Priest Ray Ai nodded and made a "please" gesture to Guan Heng, and the two entered the gate of the Lord's Mansion.

After entering the door, Guan Heng laughed secretly in his heart: "I didn't expect Hu Hu could convince them with a few words, huh, these guys didn't follow me, they were lucky to pick up a life, but this one is called Lei Ai Boy, I'm going to be very 'sorry' ... "

—— [The third update of 2016.7.5, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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