Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1396: Altar of the King

A few minutes later, Guan Heng changed into a high-grade sacrificial gilt-gray robe, walked out of the remote corner, and lay down a body wrapped in rags in the wormwood grass behind him, the unlucky thunder. Ai.

This senior priest's gray robe was indeed a status symbol. Along the way, Guan Heng repeatedly met with patrolling demons and other cult snake priests. After seeing Guan Heng's clothing from a long distance, those guys immediately nodded and bowed. Just go around without looking up.

"Ha ha ha, this dress is good. It seems that if I have a chance, I should wear a higher-level Hades clothing, and I will be able to walk sideways here."

Thinking proudly, Guan Heng has now arrived at the courtyard on the last floor of the Lord's Mansion. This is the east entrance of the altar of the Hidden Serpent, and the guardian bishop Bai Di is here to guard. At this moment, Bai Dina The dormitory room was dimly lit, and four priests were watching the door.

"According to the memory of the director, these four guys should be Baidi's disciples. When Baidi is meditating and resting, they are always waiting for him."

Guan Heng stopped at the corner of the courtyard and watched the other side quietly. He thought, "If you want to enter Bai Di's room, the four obstructing guys like wooden posts must be removed. Right, I don't need to show up first. Let the Basilisk go. "

After making up his mind, Guan Heng silently summoned the multi-headed Basilisk Demon King, and secretly gave instructions to it. After the multi-headed Basilisk understood it, he flew over it.

In this dark and dark abyss space, the multi-headed Basilisk as the soul demon king will easily hide his figure in the air. It is close to the enemy in the light and flint.

"Papapa!" The long-headed Basilisk giant broke through the air, and suddenly wrapped around the necks of three of them at the same time, and struck them completely as if with their own tails. of.

"Oh!" The Basilisk's giant skull, the blood basin, opened his mouth, and snapped off the head of the last person. Within seconds, it killed four priests swiftly and indiscriminately. No sound was heard, only in the air. There was a thick, **** scent spreading in the midst.

"Good job, Basilisk, you should dispose of these corpses first." Guan Heng walked to the door of the room at this time, and said to the multi-headed Basilisk, "Then he ambushed here, and used it as soon as other people approached. Communication tells me. "

After commanding these words, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the multi-headed basilisk immediately rolled up the four corpses and flew away, while Guan Heng was slightly stunned, and felt the movement in the room carefully.

"Strange, there is no breathing sound in the room, and there is no other breath reaction, is there no one in the room?" Guan Heng thought of this, and suddenly pushed in the door. After glances around, a faint trace of quirky color passed on his face: " It turns out there's really no one here !!! Where did Baidi go? "

Bai Di's lounge is right next to the altar entrance. At first, Guan Heng thought he was not in the room. It must be that he had entered the altar. When Guan Heng was about to leave here, he suddenly found that there was something wrong in the room.

"There are traces of separation in the wall on the side of the room. It seems here is a secret passage, can it lead to the altar?" Guan Heng secretly murmured: "Just go in and take a look, anyway, Tiesha city meditation sermon Place, no one can stop me at all. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng went down to find the machine that opened the secret passage on the wall. Sure enough, he saw a long handle under a table. "That's it."

Feeling that kind of thing, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and pulled it hard. The wall in front of him suddenly separated left and right, showing a dark, dark, stepped tunnel that went straight down.

Guan Heng is also a daring artist, and to be honest, there is nothing terrible, so he walked down, and the stairs of the tunnel meandered deeply, but Guan Heng walked for a short time, and there was no road ahead, but A solid soft ladder appeared. Guan Heng thought about it and immediately started to climb up. Just as he was about to reach the top end, Er suddenly heard the voice of someone talking.

One of the girls asked, "Baddy, why haven't you been here these days?"

"Garmin, I'm sorry, I have a last resort." Another male voice said, "Tell you, I think the Pope seems to have discovered the relationship between you and me, and he has begun investigations secretly."

"Baidi? Gammin? Aren't these two bishops of the Hidden Serpent? Isn't they ..." Guan Heng climbed on the ladder at this time and stopped, raised his ears and began to listen to each other's conversation.

At this moment, Bai Di and Gamma in the room above Guan Heng's head thought that they were in their room and had a bold conversation, but they had no idea that there were ears in the wall.

Guan Heng listened, and immediately understood the relationship between the two men. It turned out that the two people had known each other since childhood, and after entering the cult of snakes, they had long been intimate. But this It is strictly forbidden in the cult of snakes. If it spreads to the ears of the pope, even if these two people are expensive bishops, they will be executed with endless torture.

In addition, the personality of Bai Di and Garmin is also extremely greedy. They have done a lot of bad things behind the Pope. Bai Di used his position as a bishop to protect the law, secretly deducted ore, and negotiated business with other abyss privately. Many private bags.

Because of his trust in the pope in the past, Garmin was sent to guard the northern area of ​​the altar and a mysterious door. A long time ago, Garmin secretly entered the room behind the mysterious door, where it really was the sleep of the prince of the snake The place-Diming Temple, the appreciative bishop of the law-protecting bishop Garmin was greedy. Although she didn't dare to approach the sleeping room of the prince in the temple, she also stole many good things in the Diming Temple.

In the room, Bai Di and Jia Min talked tiredly and whispered, and gave an overview of their recent gains, how much ore was swallowed, and how many things they sneaked into the sleeping hall of the Holy King and took sheep by hand.

After hearing these things, Guan Heng laughed secretly: "The bishop's guardian of the law is just two unscrupulous thieves."

At this moment, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and he heard Jia Min said to Bai Di: "... The day before yesterday, I sneaked into the side hall of the Temple of the Underworld, and wanted to get some fine black magic crystals, but inadvertently I found that there is a teleportation array in the side hall leading to the upper abyss. Although it is already broken, it should be able to start if it is trimmed. You said, is that thing useless to us? "

Upon hearing this, Bai Di's tone was immediately full of joy: "Of course it is useful, in case our events are revealed, the Pope and the other two law-protecting bishops will definitely not let us go, and we can only use this teleportation array to escape to other places. Abyss level, so, wait a moment, you will find a chance to take me to the underground temple, I will repair the teleportation team, we are best at this kind of thing. "

—— [Fourth more in 2016.7.5, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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