Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1397: Dark tricks (fifth more outbreak)

"Haha, I almost forgot that you were a master of cults in the cult of snakes." Garmin also smiled joyfully at this time: "Then it was decided, I'm tired of staying in this deadly cult of snakes It doesn't matter where you go as long as you can be with you. "

"Hmm ..." Guan Heng heard the voice of Garmin talking to Bai Di, and almost didn't laugh. He quickly covered his mouth, for fear of being heard by the other party. The basilisk communicated with Guan Heng with his mental strength: "Master, the servant has thrown the four dead ghosts into the distance."

"By the way, Basilisk, you come back to me quickly." Guan Heng suddenly thought of something, so he urgently recalled the Basilisk, because the tunnel near the ladder was narrow, so the rushed Basilisk retracted into a fist. Big and small, floating in front of Guan Heng and asked, "Master, what do you tell me?"

"You, hide your body, dive into the room above me, and feed back everything I see to my mind."

Guan Heng knew that he could keep the same line of sight with the multi-headed basilisk, and what the other party could see could be teleported to himself, so he thought of using the basilisk to observe the enemy ’s situation. He also said: "Remember not to be found by the other party And I'll look for a chance to order later, so we can take control of each other at the same time, understand? "

The multi-headed Basilisk nodded his head and headed away. It is an invisible soul that can pass through the wall to block into the room. And because the Basilisk is far more powerful than the two so-called cults of the Nether Serpent, The opponent couldn't find the Basilisk at all.

The fist-sized Basilisk is hiding, just sneaking into the corner of the room, Guan Heng has passed through it to see everything in the room. It is exactly the same as Bai Di ’s lounge. The furnishings are simple. There are two men, one woman and two women. The gray robe demons are chatting and talking.

The man was born with a fierce appearance. He was about 50 years old. The lion nose, ring eyes, cavities, windy ears, and cross-meat flesh were not good people at first sight. This was Bishop Baidi.

Another Demon woman is over 30 years old, she is full of body, she looks like she is born, but she has a beautiful face, and she seems to be shrinking in Bai Di's arms as if she had no bones. She is talking about some soft waxy buns, this person is a ghost snake The only female bishop in the church-Jia Min.

The woman of Gamin, with a dark complexion and a lot of strange patterns on the surface, although she showed great admiration for Baidi, but when Baidi couldn't see it, the brilliance of Jiamin's eyes flashed from time to time. However, there seems to be some disdain and disgust.

Guan Heng has seen the occasional glances on these faces of Garmin through the eyes of the multi-headed basilisk. At this moment, he secretly pondered: "It seems that although Garmin and Bai Di are in a relationship, they are somewhat different. It ’s not right, especially the woman in Garmin's eyes is vicious and ruthless. It seems more difficult to deal with. The teleportation team they said went to the upper abyss is very useful to me. I must find a way to know where. "

At that moment, Bai Di suddenly said: "If I look at it, let's not delay here. It's a matter of time before the Pope finds that we are full and that we want to scramble to the Temple of the Nether. It is better for us to quickly pack up valuable things around us. Pack up and rush to the teleportation team and leave. "

"Why are you so anxious?" Garmin asked with a frown, "What have you found?"

"Well, the Pope has said three or two times recently that he wanted to talk to me alone, and I guess the private trading of ore has been revealed."

At this time, Bai Di pushed away Garmin, who stood beside him. He walked around the room twice, and then turned around and said to the other party, "I always think that it will be more night long and more dreams. It is better to take advantage of the annual Saint King Festival. , The opportunity for everyone to be extremely busy, let's go now! "

"Okay, just go. Anyway, I listen to you all. Besides, this place is already tired. It's time to change to a place of residence." Garmin passed a strange color in her eyes at the moment, but she covered it well. , Was not found by the other party.

"As soon as I came to see you, I had brought with me the ore and valuables that I had seized privately over the years." Bai Di said here and patted the black bracelet on his left wrist. Above it is engraved a lively and twisted strange snake. This object is the storage equipment unique to the high-level cult of snakes-the black snake storage ring.

At this time, Garmin also stood up and walked to the side of the wall, reached out and pressed on a movable brick surface, and only heard the rattling sound, a gap appeared on the wall, which turned out to be a secret small storage room.

Garmin reached out and took a pair of black snake rings from the inside to put it on his hand, and then said, "Let's go, I'll take you into the earth's shrine."

Having said that, the two pushed out the door and walked straight to the side of the altar. At this time, Guan Heng had quietly climbed out of the secret passage, and instructed the multi-headed basilisk to follow Bai Di and Jia Min. Passed.

Inside the altar, there are many middle and senior priests of the Hidden Serpent religion. When they saw two law-abiding priests coming together, they immediately bowed and saluted without fear of raising their heads, and then drew back far away, and did not dare to ask the two people. Where to go, but Guan Heng, who was wearing the high priest's costume, followed, walking slowly and without any doubt.

The roads inside the altar are intricate and complicated, like a huge maze, embarrassed. If there is no hidden Basilisk behind the two people in secret, even if they go around for a day and a night, they may not find the correct way.

After a few minutes, the road ahead was getting narrower and narrower, and the black gas spreading around the demon domain became more and more dense, even close to the pure dark substance contained in the "black magic crystal".

"Hey, don't waste it now that you have it."

Guan Heng followed each other silently, while driving Dragon's Breath to absorb the dark matter in these abyss magical spirits. At this time, the two people in front seemed to have reached their destination, so they stopped and Guan Heng hurried Shrinking, he hid lightly behind the corner wall.

"Beddy, wait a minute, I'll open the door to the Temple of Earth."

With a wave of his hand, Garmin let the other party back, took out a strange tool before walking to the door, and started to pry the door lock. She said softly in her mouth, "The **** old thing of the pope, trust me, let me Guarding the portal to the Underworld Temple, but not giving me the real keys for safekeeping, so I had to pry the locks every time I wanted to go in. Damn it! "

As she said these words, Garmin kept working, but she quietly glanced at the position behind Bai Di with the light of the corner of her eye, and then pressed the door handle with her hand, and suddenly opened the door!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.5, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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