Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1399: Harm oneself

"Well, don't talk so nicely, we are just a relationship that has passed a few times."

At this time, the corner of Garmin's mouth sneered and was a little sneer: "The old lady can stay out for you for a few days just to respect the valuable ore in your hand and your ability to repair the teleportation ability, you should Do n’t you really think that your mother likes you, please? Pee yourself and take a picture, but it ’s just an old dog that nobody wants! ”

Garmin's words were extremely shameless, and immediately he was irritated with Bai Di, he growled angrily: "Shameless shameful things, how dare you lie to me? Lao Tzu will break you to death!"

"Roar !! The emperor snake is trembling—" With an endless anger, the imperial black snake behind Baidi swelled a hundredfold, almost full of half a side hall, seeing this scene The corner of Garmin's mouth flickered a bit of scorn: "Stupid guy, you've been calculated by the serpent teeth at the door. Now I have only one arm, what else is the dying body struggling with?"

"The Emperor Snake Bursts !!"

With Garmin's low whisper, her black snake from the imperial class also emerged from behind. Although this black snake is not as big as Bai Di's, it has turned into five identical blacks in an instant. Snakes, these guys exuded extremely dangerous breath around them, and flew around in a hurry, immediately encircling Bai Di and his magic domain black snake.

"This is ?! The Emperor Serpent avatar that only the Pope can use, why would you make it?" Bai Di shouted in disbelief, seeing that he had been completely surrounded and had been seriously injured: "This, this is not may!!"

"Hahaha, do you know why I am stronger than the three bishops who protect your law?" At this moment, the proud Gamin stretched out her tongue and swept across the lips of the cherry, and she smiled cheerfully: "That's because of my ability All were hand-in-hand handed down by the pope, including the kung fu on the couch, hehehehe. "

"To tell you the truth, the pope's old thing is much better than you on the couch. At that time, the old lady coaxed him happily, and he taught me the technique of the emperor snake avatar, and you are not dead at all right now." Speaking of this, Garmin sneered sneer and sneered, the five black giant snakes opened their blood disks and began to bite Baidi's emperor snake frantically.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at att after it has spiritually driven the black snakes of the demon domain, they have a deep connection with each other, their devil is bitten, and Bai Di is so painful that he is alive and injured, In less than ten seconds, he planted his head on the ground, and there was a murmur of bright red under him, and his voice was trembling and trembling.

"Hey hey, deserve it, you stinky men, all dead."

Gammin saw that Bai Di had lost her breath, and immediately waved her hand to take back her five devil snakes, because these big guys were too exhausting, and then she looked at Bai Di's black snake storage ring: "The ore inside There must be a lot of valuables. My mother has been with this **** for so many days, and now I have to pay up before I can leave. "

Thinking of this, Garmin quickly walked to the corpse, took out her hand and took off the storage ring. She swept with her spirits, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Well, it really has some oil and water, good."

But at this moment, sudden changes suddenly occurred! Bai Di, who was lying on the ground and had no sound, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, and roared and choked Garmin, who was looking at the storage ring. The other's legs were sturdy by him, and Bai Di hissed with exhausted noise. : "Slut, I'm with you all !!!"

It turned out that Bai Di stomped his last breath and caught Garmin in one fell swoop. At this time, the black snake behind Bai Di condensed and formed again, and opened his mouth to bite Garmin's shoulder: "Ka! — "

The flesh flew in a hurry, and the cracking of the cheekbones sounded. Garmin threw away the storage ring in the scream, and her shoulder blade was completely shattered under the full blow of Bai Di's dying blow.

"Ahhhhhh! You jerk! How dare you hurt me !!" Under severe pain, Garmin screamed suddenly, her hands were now grabbing at each other's face, and the five demon black snakes rushed However, although the haste hasn't grown huge, it is only a few meters long, but the black snakes still bite fiercely on Bai Di's head, neck and body, tearing him into pieces.

At this moment, no one saw, a black gas flew out of Bai Di's residual body, and went straight out of the side hall. Bai Di's magical black snake slammed back, almost smashing Garmin's half of his body, and letting her hurt, she suddenly fell to the ground.

But even at this time, Garmin still didn't forget to get Baidi's storage ring, she crawled hard toward the place where this thing fell.

Finally, when I reached out, I could reach the storage ring. When Garmin's fingers trembled and touched the storage ring, a boot fell down fiercely and stepped on the back of Garmin's hand impartially. "Click!"

"Uh ah ah-it hurts me!" Only the other hand was trampled by the other side, but when Garmin looked up to see the other person's face, the fear in his heart was even better than the hand. Huge pain!

At this moment, Garmin cried out, "Master Pope, how are you ?!"

It turned out that something unexpected happened. At this moment, he stood sneering in front of Garmin, who was the leader of the Hidden Serpent-the Pope, and the other two defenders of the law, Heruba and Lingbo.

"Hey, what's wrong? Garmin."

The Pope of the Snake sneered at this moment: "Isn't I just a useless old thing in your eyes? How dare you be? You guarded the thief while guarding the Temple of the Underworld, and after leaving my bed, it turned out I got hooked on Baidi again. You two are really born idiots. Do n’t you know what you have done? Is it already in my eyes? ”

"This ... you ..." Garmin, who was seriously injured, couldn't help remorse at this moment, panic-stricken and sweaty, unable to speak.

At this time, the wrinkles on his face were piled up, and the tall and thin venomous Pope sneered slightly. He provoked Garmin's jaw with a crutch in his palm and shook his head. , I have taught you a lot of good things, including those secrets that are not transmitted by the Emperor Snake. I have no regrets, but ... hehe hehe. "

Having said that, the Pope of the Snake paused, and continued to say, "You are too greedy, and you are so brave and calculated on my head. It is really an unfamiliar she-wolf!"

—— [Second more in 2016.7.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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