Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1400: Pope's face (third)

"Well, since you tear your face, I don't mind you telling the old thing straight!"

Gammin knew that today, she was already in a scourge, she simply struggled to stand up, pointed at the Pope and yelled, "You have spent so many years training our four cardinal guardians to the end What is it for? Do you think the old lady doesn't know your conspiracy? Despicable and shameless old things, let your **** of hell, hell!

"Bold! How dare you disrespect the monarch !!!" After listening to Garmin's words, the Pope of the Snake suddenly became furious and was a little bit annoyed, apparently because of the privacy of the other person!

"It's just an old man's plaything. How dare he be so arrogant! It's a born bitch!" In the rage, the Pope of the Snake waved his hands like electricity, "Papapapap!" Gamin's mouth and nose blew blood, but the woman just stared at the Pope coldly, and said nothing at this moment.

The Pope then glanced at the teleportation array repaired in the side hall, and he said to himself: "Except for the teleportation array in my room, there must be no second such thing in the lord's house. Otherwise, there will be trouble." , When the things in front of me are settled, I will come back and blow up this teleportation array, so as to avoid night long dreams! "

"Heluba, Lingbo." At this moment, the pope instructed the two bishops behind him: "Put on Baidi's corpse, take the **** Garmin, and follow me to the sleeping palace of the prince."

The two fellows, Huluba and Lingbo, saw the pope's face sink like water, and they dared to violate it, so Vino promised, one carrying Baidi and one dragging Garmin, and came straight with the pope. A place where the Wraith King sleeps.

In fact, only the Pope and the four archbishops know that the altar outside is nothing more than a blindfold. The real altar of the monarch is at the door of the sleeping temple, and in the absence of human sacrifices, the pope will choose each month. Hundreds of junior priests, throwing them alive into the altar, and sacrificed to the prince of the snake, this is the biggest inside story of the snake religion!

In front of the altar of the Sleeping Temple, watching the blazing black fire inside, the Pope waved at the two behind him: "Throw me the body of Baidi and the **** Garmin!"

"Yes!" Hluba, carrying Baidi's body, promised, flinging her arm and throwing the remains of her hand into the fire of the altar, the peaceful black fire suddenly became incredibly manic, as if by accident Benefits and feeling excited.

At this time, Garmin struggled desperately to resist the doom that was thrown into her. She screamed screamingly: "Let me go, let go of me, Hulba, Lingbo, you two stupid guys, we are all popes Did you lie to me? It's me and Bai Di, and it will be your turn to be thrown into the altar by him soon !!! This is the ultimate 'use' of our bishop, we are just the highest sacrifices !!! "

Garmin's words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and a heavy hammer was constantly pounding on the atrium. Hearing the fear of Chronuba and Ling Bo, they pushed Garmin to the altar's hand, and couldn't help but tremble.

But at this moment, the Pope of the Snake said coldly behind the two men, "What are you still hesitating? Do you want to learn that Baidi and Gamma are not rebellious?"

This sentence made the two remaining bishops protect their hands trembling, and then both gritted their teeth and pushed Garmin fiercely into the blazing flames of the altar.

"Uh ah ah-I curse the cult of snakes! Curse you, Pope, Heruba, Lingbo, you will soon be swallowed up by the fire of this altar!" While being burned by the flames, Garmin stunned himself A sharp smile: "Well--the dregs of the cult of the snake, let's meet later, yeah yeah yeah--"

Garmin's last scream just ended in half, and it stopped abruptly. At this time, Heruba and Lingbo only felt that the cold sweat of the back spine had been soaked in the expensive gray robe. Garmin's words were like a nightmare. Go, let these two people have been completely scared into their bones.

"Hey, hey, you two wouldn't think that the crazy words that Garmin said before he died ... is it true?" At this moment, the Pope of the Snake said attentively behind the two: "Actually, she said ... one-point-both-no-wrong! "

"Eh ?!" Upon hearing this, Hluba and Lingbo suddenly panicked and took a few steps back, snapping their backs on the edge of the altar, and Hlubapi laughed. He said without a smile: "Master, Pope, you must be joking, right?"

At this time, Ling Bo was also busy wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. He said with a bitter smile: "Yes, Pope, we have always been loyal to you. You will never use us for sacrifices, hehe ..."

"Huh, it's a pair of idiots who don't know they are dead."

At this moment, the pope's eyes shot a cruel and extraordinary spirit, and he laughed strangely: "The quality of human sacrifices has been getting worse and worse in the last hundred and several decades, The news and the power of faith in the Shiton mainland have not been sent back. In this way, the resurrection of His Majesty the Lord must be in the foreseeable future, so I have to think of cultivating a few high-level offerings. "

At this point, the pope's mouth flickered with a weird smile. He pointed at Hulba and Lingbo and sneered and said, "You, and you, as well as Baidi and Garmin, thought that you would start with thousands of juniors. The priests were chosen to become the bishops under this one? That ’s because I have used countless precious materials to make you into a full of pure dark matter, which has great effect on the awakening of His Majesty the Serpent King. Special body of benefit. "

"You-the original and the original Garmin are telling the truth." After listening to the other side's truth, Hulba and Ling Bo were instantly stunned, their fists giggled, Suddenly wanted to violently hurt and pope desperately.

However, at this moment, the Pope of the Hidden Snake sneered more than once: "Hey hey, now that you have raised the animals to be slaughtered, of course, this seat will prevent you from resisting in advance. Let's wait and try this now!"

After saying this, the Pope said something, and the two bishops protecting the law suddenly felt dizzy. Of course, they refused to sit still, so they yelled, and their own black magic snake appeared behind them.

Originally, Hrubba and Lingbo were going to drive their black snakes to attack the pope, but at this moment, unexpected changes happened to the two: their two black snakes that had been in control for years, like their hands and feet, were stunned. The two of them were tangled up between them.

"Uh-huh—what's going on?" After this change, Huluba and Ling Bo were suddenly scared to the sky, and they were sweating all at once.

—— [The third change of 2016.7.6, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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