Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1401: Who is the winner

"Really stupid!" The Pope of the Snake sneered sneered: "You two idiots have too bad memory, forgotten that I personally taught you how to control the black snake of the demon domain? At that time, I already Move your hands and feet, if you have any rebellious actions, the control of these two black snakes will be completely taken back, and now you are ready to be thrown into the black fire as a sacrifice! "

"Pope, you old-fashioned thing."

Knowing that he had eight or nine lives, Hulbabas yelled: "Our brother has done so bad things for you for so many years before and after saddle horses. I never expected that once you use it, you will use us as a sacrifice. Pigs and dogs are not as old assholes! "

"Yeah!" Ling Bo also hissed and snarled exhaustedly: "Old man, I curse you and the cult of the venomian are immediately destroyed-"

"There is so much nonsense, even if one day, these two stupid things you can't see." With a smirk, the pope said, and immediately waved, two black snakes threw their former masters between the electric lights and flints. Into the fire of the altar!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!-Pope who killed Thousand Swords, you must not die!" Suffering from the scorching fire, Heruba and Lingbo screamed and kept screaming, but in no time it was turned into Nothing.

"Well, a bunch of stupid people, you should be a real honor to be the sacrifices to awaken the saints." The Pope of the Snake whispered a few storage rings in his hand and said, "These few I have had a lot of personal possessions for decades. Let me take the cost of taking care of them for many years. "

At this moment, the fire of the Altar of Saints in front of the Pope suddenly caused a violent weather, and it suddenly soared by tens of meters. This black fire seemed to have encountered some natural nemesis, and had already felt a sense of fear.

"Eh? What's going on?" The Pope has been waiting for this saint altar for hundreds of years, but has never encountered such a strange thing. At this moment, he could not help but tremble slightly, and suddenly I thought, "Is it because the prince has accepted the sacrifices of the four protector bishops, and there is a sign that he is going to wake up? Perhaps this is possible!"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly broke the dream of the Pope: "Hey, use your loyal subordinates to make sacrifices. You guy is also cold-blooded, really worthy of this saint's loyalty running dog!"

"Ah! Who's there?" The pope was surprised to find that the people behind him suddenly came to such a short distance. He didn't even notice it at all, and he suddenly scared a cold sweat. However, at this moment, he chose to show up, but it was time to spare. Smiled: "Wait a minute, I'll catch the things behind you, swallow the beast, go up—"

It was said that time and time later, Guan Hengzheng suddenly released two ghosts that swallowed the ghosts. Before the Pope had responded, they had caught a pair of ghosts floating above the fire of the altar, which were Garmin and Lingbo.

Within two seconds, Guan Heng had turned the souls of these two guys into the stones of the soul. He immediately said to the pope, "You are the boss of the cult of snakes, right? Now Master Ben has something to ask you, most Answer honestly, otherwise you would die worse than the four people just now. "

"How can this be true, where did the human tribe dare to break into the altar of the prince of the snake ?!" The Pope heard Guan Heng's words and suddenly became angry, he shouted: "It is just that there is no living person to wake up the prince. Sacrifice, this seat just grabbed you, His Majesty the Father! "

The Pope knew that he could easily sneak into the altar's hinterland without being aware of it. It was absolutely impossible for ordinary people to think of it. He then thought of the fact that the only sacrificial offering in the lord's house had been taken away and the killer was in charge. After a few minutes: "Let's show you the power of this true-imperial magic domain black snake !!!"

The words did not fall, and there were dozens of huge black snakes behind the pope. This is the true "snake of the emperor snake". As for what he taught to Garmin, it was just a trick to coax the children!

"Oh!" Dozens of black snakes screaming in rushing up, surrounded the gate completely, and the Pope smiled strangely at this time: "boy, I'll ask you again, who are you?" "Why sneak into the Lord's House and take away the sacrifices of the King?"

"Hey, Pope, your memory doesn't seem to be very good, but I asked a question just now." At this time, Guan Heng's mouth flickered with a smile, and he opened his palm, and it has turned into a dark dragon's breath crystal sphere. Appeared, and suddenly produced the power of absorption, those giant magic domain black snake immediately began to tremble!

Guan Heng continued: "Since you are so unfriendly and uncooperative, then I have to punish a little and give a big commandment, so that you have a long memory, close—"

"Yeah!" The crystal of Dragon's Breath flashed like a black gem, "Yi-Yu-Yu"-in a blink of an eye, he sucked dozens of black monsters in the magic domain!

At this moment, Guan Hengguai laughed: "Well, it seems that these dozens of giant snakes are all made of pure dark matter. It is indeed the crystal of the Dragon's Breath. Hehehe, thank you for your hospitality."

"Ah ?! My baby, the black snake!" Suddenly, the pope suddenly felt that he had broken the spiritual connection with those black snakes in the demon domain. He suddenly understood that the baby that he had worked hard for many years had completely disappeared!

"Is there such a thing, I fight with you ..." The pope said, waving his staff and rushed to Guan Heng, but Guan Heng looked at the other with a scornful look and said softly: "Basilisk, catch him !! "

All of a sudden, the old pope only felt a dark cloud on his head. He looked up and saw that there was already a huge multi-headed basilisk rushing towards himself.

"Ah? Is it a spirit demon ?!" Seeing this species in front of him, the pope was frightened. He lived a lot of years and had heard of the spirit demon. Naturally, he had heard that the spirit demon specifically restrained the magic domain black used by the demons. Furious, when you meet the soul demon, even ten lives are not enough to die!

"I didn't expect that some people could drive the spirit demon arbitrarily ?! This is awful!" The pope pope watched his black snake be absorbed by the other side, plus the powerful threat of the soul demon, he was definitely not an opponent. If you find a chance to stay away, then it will be too late!

"There is a cloister on the left side of the altar that leads directly to the Lord's Mansion. I must go from there!" Thinking of this, the sly pope threw a few pieces of black demon crystals to Guan Heng, and after a strong collision, these things would burst into a large and rich The dark mist, the Pope wanted to get away.

"唰 唰 唰 -bang!" Just as the Pope wished, the mist was soaring after the black demon crystal burst, and he was about to rush to the escape with a little luck, but he did not expect that the multi-headed basilisk ignored the black mist in front of him and ran directly. Behind the Pope, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit his waist.

Guan Heng called urgently at this moment: "Hey, basilisk, don't try too hard, remember to stay alive!"

—— [Fourth more in 2016.7.6, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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