Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1402: Leaving method (fifth more outbreak)

"Yes, all to the command of the master." Thanks to Guan Heng's throat, the multi-headed Basilisk gently held the other's robe and threw him to the ground in front of Guan Heng.

"Slap!" Guan Heng stepped on the Pope honestly and politely at this moment, he sneered sneerly: "Old man, you are kind to you, you don't know what your name is, right? Master Ben asked now , You just answer, otherwise I will trample you to death like an ant! "

Guan Heng said, pressing hard under his feet, stepping on the other side's chest ribs, rattling.

"Uh-huh, this uncle's life, I must be honest!" Now that he knew that he was running away, the Pope was still afraid of death, so Guan Heng stared at the moment and asked, and he had to be soft and talk.

Guan Heng thought, now the most important question is whether there is a way to leave the abyss demon realm, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Hey, do you have any way to leave the level of the abyss and go to the land of St. Lomplon?"

"Well ... this ..." The Pope of the Snake never expected that Guan Heng would ask such quirky questions as soon as he came up. He said sweatily: "This strong human race, our abyss race, especially It ’s the Devil, and most of his life has never left the level of the abyss where he lives. What about you, your question, I really ... ca n’t say it! ”

"Miscellaneous things, you don't know anything? Why not die?"

"Papapapap!" When he couldn't get the answer he wanted, Guan Heng sank his face at once, and raised his hand to the Pope with four mouths, beating the other party dizzy and spitting out several teeth.

The poor Pope Pope gave his life in front of the believers in his entire life, saying that he would kill anyone who wanted to kill, but today he was planted in Guan Heng's hands, as if he was a beaten-blooded old magpie dog!

At this moment, Guan Heng grew more and more angry, and kicked at the old thing again: "Since I can't go back, I will kill you alive first, let out this bad breath!"

"Oops, oops! Forgive me! Don't fight!" Seeing Guan Heng punching and kicking himself, the Pope of the Snake was sorely alive that he suddenly remembered something!

"Uncle, uncle don't fight!" The Pope wailed and begged at this time: "I, I remembered one thing, which may be helpful for your return to St. Lomprum."

Guan Heng then stopped his fist, and he sighed and cursed: "Sure enough, there is truth under the heavy punch. I see that you either have a severe mouth and forgetfulness, or you don't want to suffer from flesh, you have something to say. Just say it !!! "

"I said, I said ..."

At this moment, a pair of thief eyes of the Pope of the Snake murmured, and he desperately remembered some anecdotes that he had inadvertently recorded before, and then said in a hurry: "Yes, uncle, in ancient times, The demons of the abyss were all exiled from the land of St. Lombon. At that time, the leaders of the demons were not His Majesty Pawn, but the immediate family members of the nine ancient deities. They are also the nobles who now lead the nine layers of the abyss. The ancestor of the lord. "

In this way, the Pope of the Snake intermittently told what he knew one by one. It turned out that in the year, although the devil had fallen to his death, the demon Pawn managed to work hard and managed his power in the abyss demon realm. Revenge by killing St. Lompland.

However, the world of the abyss of the demon has already been separated from the two sides of the land of St. Lomprum, so Pawn gathered the power of the nine abyss lords, and is committed to creating a huge teleportation circle that can return to St. Lomprum!

After thousands of years, after the unremitting efforts of Pawn and the Lords of the Abyss, they finally developed a large, two small, and a total of three teleportation phalanx, one of which is a small one and two phalanx, which can lead to St. Lomplon On the mainland, the remaining small circle is a different world leading to an unknown area, that is, the third world outside the abyss of the demon domain and Saint Lomplun-Ashton mainland!

After the three different world teleportation law formations were created, they were not used immediately. Two of them were placed in the hands of the demon Pawn, and were placed in the fortress of Pawn, the demon palace. Now the demon palace On the mainland of St. Lomplon.

As for the largest alien world teleportation circle in the abyss of the demon domain, it was divided into nine fragments and placed in the custody of the nine-layer abyss aristocracy.

When the Pope said here, he carefully said the words: "Master, Terra, if you want to return to St. Lompland, I'm afraid you have to make an idea on this huge alien space teleportation team. In addition, I really Can't think of other ways. "

Guan Heng was playing with several storage rings that he had taken from the Pope. Hearing this, he said coldly, "Then I must take the teleportation debris from the hands of the abyss lords of all levels. Then you have a chance to go back. "

"Yeah, yeah." The Pope nodded in a hurry. "That's what I mean."

"Huh!" Guan Hengxi suddenly reached out and held the Pope's robe collar, and he whispered, "Where are the fragments of the teleportation circle on this floor? You won't tell me I don't know?"

"He ... I ... this ..." The Pope of the Snake just lived his life, and inadvertently told the truth. The aristocratic lord of this abyss is the Lord of the Snake, as his descendant, Of course, you will know where the fragments of the teleportation array are, but the thought of the pope ’s legs began to snoring.

"Good old thing, you must know the details, but you wouldn't tell me, you really don't see the coffin and don't cry." Guan Heng thought of this, and said to myself, I'll give you something cruel!

Therefore, Guan Heng deliberately angered and yelled, "Basilisk, doesn't the Pope like throwing sacrifice into the fire? Good, let him taste this taste today. You throw me to the altar. Go in the fire !!! "

"Yes, master!" The multi-headed basilisk deserves to be Guan Heng's loyal servant. To Guan Heng, it is 100% obedient. I saw the multi-headed basilisk entangled in the pope's waist, and flew directly above the altar in an instant, posing Throw alive into it.

"Uh ah-stop! Please stop!" At this moment, the Pope was so scared that his hands and feet were cold and he was scared to pee. He shouted incessantly: "I said, I said, the prince in this level Fragments of the teleportation array kept by the lord ... just hide here! "

"Actually, the Lord, Lord of the Abyss, slept in the golden coffin at the bottom of this altar fire."

Speaking, the Pope shivered and shook his finger at the hot and burning altar fire. "The prince entered the world with His Majesty the Lord many years ago, but was seriously injured and returned. The prince was always dormant. So, the piece of the teleportation array he kept was also placed in the golden coffin. I, I only know these ... "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.6, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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