Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1403: Shengjun appeared (first)

After listening to the Pope's words, Guan Heng's eyes flickered: "So, if you want to get the fragments, you must put out the fire of this altar ?!"

Hearing Guan Heng's meaning, the Pope secretly grieved: "Well, the prince has not reached the level of awakening. If this person extinguishes the fire of the altar, then I am the most unforgivable sinner in Wraithism! No! , I must stop ... "

But at this moment, Guan Hengzhen sneered suddenly: "No matter what you say is true or false, I decided to give it a try, you go ahead and explore the way for me!" After finishing, Guan Heng waved his hands, long The basilisk immediately threw the pope into flames.

"Yeah--you don't talk about credit!" The pope screamed suddenly, and then a head of onion fell into the altar of fire, and sparked a large circle of flying flames.

"Well, I didn't say I wanted to let you go from beginning to end!" Guan Heng sneered at this time: "It's your fault, idiot."

But at this moment, sudden change suddenly emerged!

Suddenly, the high flames in the altar suddenly turned black to blood red, and quickly separated to the left and right, turning into two "walls of fire". On the golden coffin lying at the bottom of the altar, the pope who was thrown down Sitting quietly cross-legged, his eyes opened narrowly, and he suddenly shot two strange bloodthirsty, full of evil light.

At this moment, the "pope" murmured and said: "Stranger, I want to thank you, and cast the only son of Ben Shengjun here, so that his body and soul become my best. The sacrifice allows me to wake up in advance. Hey hey, after all these countless years, my lord of the serpent will finally see the sun again! "

"It turns out that you are the undead sage monarch?" Guan Heng sneered, holding his shoulders at this moment, "I will tell you the good news first. The chess pieces thrown on Ashton's continent, have already been I got rid of it, and your magic disk fragments also fell into the hands of Master Ben. How about it? Is there any unusual surprise when you hear the news? "

"Abominable, it turns out that your **** is bad for me!" Hearing the words, the sacred prince who had occupied the Pope's flesh shouted: "I said before that, why has no power of faith been transmitted back to me to heal It turns out that you have taken away the magic chart from my waste! "

"Yeah, yeah, not only did I take away the magic chart, but today I will also take away the fragments of the teleportation array." Guan Heng smiled at this time: "If you are acquainted with the acquaintance, put your hands on your hands. I can also let you Die happily, otherwise, the soul demon king— "

Guan Heng whispered, and the body of the multi-headed basilisk soared tenfold in mid-air. Nine giant snake skulls spat their fangs and screamed loudly. At this moment, Guan Heng laughed and said, "Did you see it? It ’s the nemesis of your abyss demons. It's easy to kill you! "

"Extreme arrogance! Do you think that the saint has not dealt with the spirit demon?"

"Oh!" In the roar, the sage monarch flew into the air in an instant, and the red and black flames in the altar immediately followed him. In a blink of an eye, he changed his form into a red and black two. The python of the skull coiled around the foot of the sacred snake.

At this moment, the vengeful monarch waved his hand, listening only to the sound of rattling around the altar, and then a thick black chain was suddenly caught in his hands!

"Well, what's that chain ?!" The multi-headed basilisk saw the appearance of the chain and immediately took a breath of air. It quickly communicated with Guan Heng in his brain: "Master, that chain of the snake king, I've seen it in Cohan's hands before, when we went to the first shrine of the human god. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly: "You mean, the chain is exactly the same as the thing that bound you last time?"

The long-headed snake with a lingering heart said, "Yes, according to Cohen, the chain was hand-forged by the ancient deities to deal with the artifacts of our spirit demon family!"

Guan Heng knew that the soul demon king had no response to that kind of chain, so he waved and said, "Basilisk, you go back first, this guy will deal with it myself."

"Yes, the little servant obeys it!" After listening to Guan Heng's orders, the multi-headed basilisk immediately retreated dozens of meters in midair, trying to avoid the attack range of the Saint King's chain.

"Huh, the spirit of this soul demon is indeed not low, even knowing that I'm a restraint cable," he said proudly at this moment, the sage monarch who stunned the soul demon king. "How? Human worms, left the soul demon who restrained the black spirit of the demon domain, you can't help it? Don't hurry to suffer, let's wait! "

"Huh, I'm afraid you're wrong more wrong?" Guan Heng smiled slightly at this moment, and flew into the air with a gimmick, and suddenly the other side was shocked. Guan Heng's double-edged dragon blade suddenly came out of the sheath, his expression Senran whispered: "I'm more difficult than the soul demon king, you fell into the hands of the multi-headed basilisk, at best, but died ..."

Guan Heng said here, and suddenly the majestic momentum of Dragon's Breath erupted, and his head smiled, "I can make you unable to survive, not to die!"

"No way, how could human beings have such amazing domineering powers !!!! Almost chasing His Majesty the Lord !!" The sage monarch was completely panicked this time. He did not expect that Guan Heng's Dragon's Breast Crystal would like to absorb darkness most. Material, so Guan Heng is almost like a fish in the abyss of the Demon Realm.

"Yeah!" Guan Heng turned to the prince, and the dragon's blade was wrapped in a strong wind, and the prince hurriedly parryed with a **** cable, and shouted loudly: "Black and red devil snake, help me quickly Kill the enemy! "

I only heard a bang, and the rushing Dragontooth Blade and the Binding Demon Cable collided. The two were slightly wrong. The chain was suddenly chopped by the sword, the sage monk screamed, and his own half of the palm was also The opponent's blade fell off, and the blood mist squirted!

At this moment, the black-and-red devil snake slammed the flames, and Guan Heng laughed loudly: "Lao Tzu is born to be immune to flames, you're sending him to death!"

Guan Heng immediately spread his palms, the dragon's breath crystal sphere was partially hidden, and suddenly attracted. The pair of black and red snake skulls only trembled a few times in midair. "Slowly!" Among them, it is almost the same as that of the Pope just now!

"Ah! My black-red devil snake--" Suddenly I felt that I had lost contact with the devil snake. The venerable prince of the snake was wounded with gas, and the puffed blood suddenly burst out of my mouth!

"What shit, Lord of the Snakes, Lord of the Abyss, your doomsday is here!" Guan Heng, at this moment, was full of momentum, and saw the cold light of the dragon's blade in the air flashing up and down almost at the same time. On Jun's shoulders, his two arms were brushed off at once!

—— [First update of 2016.7.7, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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