Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1404: Negotiate itinerary

"Uh-huh ..." Under severe pain, the Hidden Serpent Saint was trying to retreat and escape, but he did not expect Guan Hengji to turn sideways in the air and flew out of the center Saint King's chest. Injured and wounded, the prince with a bright red mouth quickly fell backwards.


The body of the venerable prince fell to the altar, and he hit the golden coffin at the bottom of the altar. He immediately smashed the coffin into pieces, and the fragments flew between the splashes. There was a flash of shards square by square, flying in a strong wind toward the northwest, so he hurriedly called, "Basilisk, go and catch this guy, I'll come and go."

The long-headed Basilisk promised, and the electric light and flint flew down to entangle the badly wounded Lord of the Snake, while Guan Heng drove Long Xiangshu to fly over and reached out to catch the fragment.

Because Guan Heng captured the ghost of Bai Di, one of the four major protector bishops of the Hidden Serpent, and read the memory of the master of the formation, he immediately recognized the appearance and structure of the fragment, which belongs to the demon alien space transmission. Part of the formation.

"It's great, things are in hand, and I also ... eh?" Guan Henggang wanted to turn around and look for a multi-headed basilisk, and saw a black plume of black popping out of the seriously injured pope's body, and went straight to the end of the altar. This is the ghost of the venerable prince, and this should not be allowed to run away. "

Guan Heng thought of this, and suddenly called out two ghost swallowing ghosts and ordered: "Get the soul back immediately!"

Two tortoises and ghosts led away, and immediately captured the ghost of the venerable monarch and returned, Guan Heng honestly turned it into the appearance of a soul stone, and began to read the memory of the monarch lord, After a while, Guan Heng learned the information of the nine layers of the abyss and the realm of eight and nine.

"Well, it seems that the pope did not lie to me before. The abyss aristocrat lord on each floor has kept a fragment of the teleportation array. If I want to leave, I have to collect all these things."

Guan Heng thought of this, and he breathed a long sigh of relief: "In short, go to the upper abyss first. I don't have much time. I must rush back to St. Lomprum. Rutta are waiting for me."

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly found that there was some other kind of information in the memory of the Lord of the Snake. After a few minutes of Guan Heng's careful consideration, a smile flickered at the corner of his mouth: "Well, this is a bit interesting . "


After a moment, Guan Heng returned to the hut where Seraki and Ting Si siblings hid. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yabu and Ting Si staring at a soul stone bun on the table face to face. Guan Heng looked wondering, so he asked Seraki: "Hey, what's wrong with them?"

"Well, Guan Heng are you back? They ..." Seraki looked very happy to see Guan Heng returning, but immediately reached out and pointed at his sister and soul sucker, and then smiled bitterly, "Ting Si is really a shame. Alas, your pet is also a living treasure. "

At this time, Abu suddenly saw Guan Heng's figure, and immediately laughed and shouted, "Huh, Guan Heng, you are back!"

"Hahaha, Abu, you blinked." At this moment, Ting Si laughed with her palm and said, "This spar belongs to me."

Helpless Yabu shook a pair of big ears and said, "Forget it, spar, I'll just ask Guan Heng for it, just give it to you."

The Serage next to him then told the story and whispered to Guan Heng, he could not help laughing or crying.

It turned out that when Abu was leaving Guan Heng, Guan Heng thought he was hungry, so he left a lot of soul stones, and left some weapons, wands and armors to Seraki and Ting. Si, after Yabu ate a few soul stones, his spirit was really much better. At this moment, Ting Si's eyes stared straight at the soul stones.

It turned out that Ting Si had liked to collect beautiful stones since she was a child, and she was almost crazy and obsessed. When she saw the spar that was full of lights and flashed with various soul colors, she immediately wanted to take it away.

However, Abu took these soul stones as delicious delicacies and would never give up easily. At this moment, Tingsi and the soul-sucking beast Abu are like two jealous children. One must, the other refuses to give anything. Seraki, sandwiched between the two, was so noisy that his head was three times larger.

In the end Tingsi thought of an idea and offered to bet with Abu. If anyone wins, he can take away a soul stone. Abu is not convinced and immediately agrees. So these two living treasures began to make endless bets for the "Soul of the Soul".

Just before Guan Heng came in, Ting Si and Ya Bu were playing the staring game for the last soul stone on the table. Whoever blinked first lost.

"Hmm—hahaha!" After Guan Heng heard Seraki's narrative, he immediately laughed back and forth, he cried with a smile on his stomach, "I said that you two are really a living treasure."

"Sorry, Brother Heng Heng." At this moment, Ting Si felt hot on her face, and she snorted and said, "I have been a child since I was a child. When I saw a beautiful stone, I wanted to grab it and collect it. This incident has not been scolded at me. "

"It's okay, it's okay. I can't count the number of such soul stones." Guan Heng smiled and waved his hand, "Since you like it, I'll give you a few more. It doesn't matter."

With that said, Guan Heng took out a black snake storage ring. This was the unfortunate head of Guarva. Guan Heng dumped out all the useless junk inside and stuffed dozens of pieces into the storage ring. All kinds of spar, soul stone, and so on, and then handed it to Ting Si: "Here, I'll give it to you, take it to play."

"Thank you, Brother Heng Heng." Ting Si saw the beautiful stone, and she was so happy that she forgot what she was calling, holding the storage ring in her hand, and swaying in front of Abu with a flamboyant look: "Look, you see, I have A lot. "

"Ah, Guan Heng, why are you pampering Tingsi more than my brother?" At this time, Seraki smiled bitterly: "I've let you spend it, how can you feel sorry?"

"Selach, listen to me." Guan Heng patted the other's shoulders at this time, and said positively: "Now we are in the abyss of the Demon Realm. Everyone is blessed at every moment, just like you. I was separated from my sister before, wouldn't I be able to find her? Or if I have the opportunity now, I should pay more attention to the talents around me. Otherwise, the regret medicine in this world cannot be bought. "

"Well, what you said makes sense. When I was the head of the Cavaliers, my concern for my sister began to diminish, and now she has been arrested with me in the Demon Realm."

Seraki whispered: "I have nothing else to do now, I just hope that Ting Si hastened out of danger and returned to the land of St. Lomplon, even if it cost me my life!

—— [Second more in 2016.7.7, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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