Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1405: Ancient Skull Territory (Third)

"Don't say that, brother, since I can meet you, I can guarantee to send you home." Guan Heng was very determined at this time, he said with confidence: "I have found a way to leave the abyss of the magic realm."

"Really? That's great." Seraki heard the news and immediately turned to shout at his sister: "Tings, we, we can go home soon!"

Ting Si heard her brother's words and was very excited. At the next moment, Guan Heng said that he had to go to the lords of all levels to get the teleportation debris. Guan Heng said easily and simply, but in this pair Brothers and sisters, it's almost impossible.

"Guan Heng, directly provoked the lords of the abyss, aren't you kidding life?" Seraki said with a sad face at the moment: "If so, it would be better to live in seclusion here."

"In fact, it's not that sleepy, you see ..." Guan Heng said, and he took out the shards taken from the altar of the snake from the belt storage grid: "This is one of them, I am from the abyss of this layer The lord got it there. "

Hearing that Guan Heng had taken it from the lord's hands, the brothers and sisters of Seraki and Tingsi were shocked, almost crooked and fell to the ground, they thought, "You are too terrible, right? Outrageous! "

"Well, what's the matter, let's talk on the road, you should change these two clothes first." Guan Heng said and threw two gray and white robes to the brothers and sisters: "This is the costume of the Bishop of the Nether Serpent Law, wearing it You can walk sideways in the Lord's Mansion, and then I will lead you to the teleportation array of the Temple of the Underworld, and we can go to the eighth level of the abyss. "

The brothers and sisters heard the words and laughed with joy. Ting Si put on her robe and asked: "Brother Guan Heng, we are dressed as bishops, so what are you posing as a priest?"

"No, no, you guessed wrong, Sister Tings." Guan Heng smiled and shook his fingers from side to side. He said, "Oh, because I'm a little bit stronger than you, so I'm playing- —Poppy snake. "

"And this, good thing I found at the Altar of the King."

Guan Heng said as he took out two thin masks and handed them to his brother and sister. He said, "It is too eye-catching for us to walk in the abyss of the abyss. As it happens, the prince of the snake has previously studied a kind of illusion. The mask made of special materials, and then changing the shape above with the magical black gas, can transform into the appearance of any layer of abyss creatures, so we can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble. "

Speaking, Guan Heng motioned them to put on the mask, but he quickly read the mantra and wiped it on the two faces. At this time Ting Si looked at his brother's face and exclaimed: "Yeah, you have become a demon It looks like that. "

Seraki also said, "Sister, your appearance has changed."

"Well, it looks pretty good." Guan Heng nodded contentedly at the moment: "Let me put it on, too."

Then, Guan Heng also wiped on his face, and immediately became the skinny old man of the Pope of the Snake. At this time, Yabu, the soul-absorbing beast, looked at three people who had changed their looks, and said with some doubt: "It's weird, why is this happening? Don't you think it's awkward?"

"Hey, that's the problem we have to face, so I don't bother you." At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly remembered something, so he asked the soul-sucking beast: "Yabu, when I left, I found you slouched, That is how the matter?"

"When you just released me from the tube of the magic pet, I felt that the surrounding air made me uncomfortable, drowsy and weak." Yabu said, shaking his head, "I ate a few pieces later. The soul stone you left, I don't feel that way, especially the black one. "

The black soul stone that Yabu said was made by the ghosts that Guan Heng came to capture after he came to the abyss of the Demon Realm. Hearing here, Guan Heng slowly drew his jaw head: "So it ’s like that, during this time in the abyss, you try your best. Eat the black soulstone. "


After a moment, Guan Heng took Serage and Ting Si into the Lord's Mansion again, because what happened in the Temple of Earth Underworld was unknown, so the Lord Mansion remained calm and normal.

The priests, Guan Xiao, and the priests they met while walking halfway saw the three people saluting each other, and immediately detoured. Good guy, this is the Pope of the Snake and the two law-protecting bishops traveling at the same time, who dare to come up?

So the three of them easily came to the side hall of the Temple of Earth Hades, the backup teleportation team heading to the upper abyss.

Because Guan Heng remembers the memory of Master Bai Di, he has no rustiness in controlling and driving the teleportation array. He took out a few black magic crystals from the storage ring left by Bai Di and placed them. Around the teleportation array, he waved to Seraki and Ting Si: "Okay, let's go now."

The three stood firmly in the teleportation array, followed by a flash of white light, and everyone's body suddenly disappeared.

It didn't take long for Guan Heng to reach the abyss of the eighth level of the Demon Realm. At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "Speaking of me, the abyss lord of this level is also a half-acquaintance, because that guy ... … But the ancient skeleton evil god. "

In the past, Guan Heng once defeated the ancient skull people on the Ashton continent. Those people are the guys who have a relationship with the ancient skull evil gods. Guan Heng has also won a "bone evil armor" for a while. (For the contents of the ancient skeletons of Ashton continent, please refer to the second volume of Zhuozuo, Chapter 0242 and subsequent chapters)

The descendants of the Ancient Skulls originally did not belong to the Aborigines of the Ashton continent, but were a middle-aged race from a different space, the 'Magic Domain'. Therefore, the special blood of the residents of the Magic Domain was flowing in the body.

Only a thousand years ago, the ancient ancestors of the ancient skull family, the ancient skull evil gods, were dissatisfied with being squeezed and enslaved by other higher races in the demon domain, which led to the ethnic group in the eighth layer of the abyss, and the lords of the other levels of the abyss had a group. Fighting.

However, the ancient skull evil **** lost the demon Lord Pawn's monstrous power, and was defeated and wounded. Most of the ancient skull's forces were also exiled to the Ashton continent, as the vanguard of the demon domain, penetrated and penetrated the Ashton continent. Every corner of the world prepares for the future invasion of the demon realm.

Later, His Majesty the Ancient Skull Evil God re-submitted Pawn, and was ordered to enter the dormant hibernation. He had left two secret treasures for the exiled ethnic group, namely the evil bone cricket and the ten thousand bone evil armor. The evil armor finally fell into it. Close up in hands.

The ancient skull family is bloodthirsty and is accustomed to the mutual killing of relatives. The casting and evolution of the bones and evil armors is to directly **** up the blood of the same family in order to gain stronger power. It is a completely humane approach.

—— [The third update of 2016.7.7, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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