Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1406: Meet on the narrow road

"However, according to the memory of the venerable sage monarch I found before, his relationship with the ancient skull and evil **** has always been inexorable. The two have repeatedly indulged in personal fights, and even personal fights often occur." Guan Heng felt at this time. With his chin in thought, "only after they were seriously injured and dormant, the two abyss-level talents started trading."

"Guan Heng, what shall we do now?" Seraki stood next to the teleportation team at this time and asked: "Are you going to find this abyss-level lord house?"

"No, there is no lord's house for the ancient skeletons of the eighth layer of the abyss."

At this time Guan Heng took out a broken atlas found from the Temple of Earth Hades, spread it out on the large rock in front of it, and spread out one of the pages, saying, "This said that the ancient skeletons are the eighth strongest abyss. Race, but they are not very civilized. The entire family lives in a deep mountain called 'Bone Demon Ridge'. I think the place where the ancient skull and evil gods sleep and sleep and the fragments of the teleportation array are hidden should be in Bone Demon Ridge. "

"Near our location, there should be a town where the Demons live in. Let's take a rest, find a few good feet, and then rush to the Bone Magic Ridge without delay." Guan Heng said at this time. "On the way to there, I will also let you learn something, which will increase your ability to protect yourself."


A moment later, Guan Heng led Seraki and Tingsi to a nameless town where the demons gathered. As soon as he entered here, he saw all shapes and shapes on the road, looking strange and weird with **** bloodthirsty at the corners of his eyes. The demons, Guan Heng and Seraki are better, but Ting Si is a girl. When she sees so many demons passing by, she always feels a little frightened, and her shoulders start to tremble slightly. .

"Pop!" At this moment, Ting Si, who was walking at the end, bumped into a rampage Demon big man, and the other party immediately shouted in a rage: "Damn, you can't be blinded? How dare you hurt? Uncle Ben? "

"Uh, I'm sorry, I ..." Ting Si, who didn't want to cause trouble, apologized hurriedly, and wanted to leave, but the strong man of the clan refused to let it go. He stopped in front of Ting Si with a bad intention. Said: "Sorry to just get out of here? It's not that cheap!"

The demons around the road are all standing still at the moment, looking at each other, only because the local demons are strong, regardless of their age, men, women, and children are all brave and fierce. If you are soft before others, then you prove yourself , Soon there will be bad guys provoking and insulting you, this is called "human good being deceived, Ma Shan being ridden by others"!

"What the **** do you want to do?" Seeing that her way was blocked, Ting Si was sweating on her forehead. At this moment, the mask on her face was the appearance of an ordinary demons, but her body was uneven. I was seen by the other party as a girl.

"Is this a chick?" The Devil strong man laughed at this moment: "Let the uncle touch you two, this matter is even ..." Before the strong man's swear words were finished, the oblique stabbing came suddenly. With a punch, "Bang!" He was not biased against the boy's ears!

"Wow—" The Demon Clan has a lot of fun. He just felt the pain. He seemed to have wings. He flew straight into the air to call the parabola, and then he planted it in a trash can on the side of the road. in!

"Hahaha-what a powerless guy!"

"Deserve it, the lesson is good!" When the demons around saw the strong man being taught, not only wasn't stopped, but he stood by and laughed coldly.

But at this moment, Guan Heng, who shot the flying strong man, said coldly, "What's so funny? After watching the fun, I'm not ready to get farther away for Lao Tzu !!"

At this point, Guan Hengshen shook his body slightly, and suddenly sent out a terrible murderous spirit. Those who were originally giggling demons suddenly changed their faces and became unstable, and Teng Teng took a few steps back. These people knew Guan Heng clearly. Not easy to mess with, so they turned around and did not dare to come to trouble again.

At this moment, Ting Si quickly flinched behind Guan Heng, and she whispered, "Thank you, Brother Heng Heng. If you didn't send that guy out, I would be in trouble."

"It's nothing," Guan Heng said at this time: "But in the wolf's den, when the attitude should be tougher, you also need to become arrogant, otherwise it's always you who suffer, you understand?" In this remark, Ting Si made a lot of sense, she nodded in a hurry: "Well, I see."

At this time, Seraki, who had just gone to work, came back. He didn't see the scene just now, so he asked with some curiosity: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just a few annoying flies that are buzzing." Guan Heng asked pretendingly, "how? Have you found a place to sell the mount?"

"Our luck is not very good. The mount animals in this small town were all bought out not long ago." At this moment, Seraki rubbed his forehead and said, "So if you want to find a mount, you can only Go to the next town. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng also frowned slightly, and he secretly murmured, "If I'm better, using Dragon Ability and multi-headed Basilisk to accelerate, I will soon reach the Bone Demon Ridge, but the stoppers around Lacy and Tings don't have this ability, and the horse must quickly find a solution. "

"Well, that's ... Guan Heng, look at it." Seraki now accidentally saw a group of people across the street. He immediately said to Guan Heng: "Those people are just buying all the mounts and kicks. People. "

Guan Heng looked up, and saw a team of demons from across. These guys were slender and skinny, with extremely dark skin. They were all dressed like wild man, but the strangest thing was A skull emblem is embroidered under the placket!

There were a few demon people on the road next to each other who saw each other. They immediately changed their faces slightly and walked around the road. They murmured: "It's unlucky. When I went out, I met these guys of the ancient skull race. Hurry up. If you take a slower step, the opponent may kill someone for no reason. "

"It turned out that these are the guys of the Ancient Skull tribe, which is a coincidence." Guan Heng looked at each other at this moment, but at this moment, he suddenly glanced at the strong man who had just been hit by himself, and the guy was still on his feet. Lying in a trash can and turned dizzy, but ... on the corner of the placket that the strong man was exposed, there was also a striking skull emblem!

"Haha, it turned out that I was fighting against the ancient skull people, so it wasn't because the enemies didn't get together." Guan Heng thought of this, and simply winked at Seraki and Tingsi, letting the two hide behind him. Guan Heng, however, was holding his shoulders in his spare time, standing still and watching the changes.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.7.7, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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