Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1410: Unbearable oppression (third)

Guan Heng heard the names of the Bone Warrior and the Evil Bone Bone, and raised his eyebrows, and just about to speak, at this time, suddenly changed suddenly!

"Why--" There was an unusually rapid rushing sound outside.

"Matriarch, the big thing is bad !!!"

"Dangdang!" A mournful screaming ancient skeletal tribe stumbled and ran into Old Capone's room. He didn't stand firmly under his feet and fell a big heel, and his head was covered with blood. The old Cappen saw the people. , Immediately asked loudly, "Hey, what happened?"

"The people of Shang and Shang clan came to catch our companions again as sacrifice ..." This clan yelled madly: "Everyone is angry, they already have weapons and fight with them! You go Check it out ... a lot have been wounded ... uh !!! "

This tribe said less than three words, and suddenly his eyes turned white and he died. Only then did the old Cappen discover that the tribe's back was full of horizontal and vertical, and the wounds on the bones were deeply visible. News, after seeing the old Capone, the injury was repeated!

"Oh bad, this group of reckless guys, don't conflict with the superiors, that's looking for death !!" The old Cappen couldn't care less at this time, and dragged his son Opo to the outside. Run: "Come on, stop everyone from doing stupid things!"

Guan Heng glanced at Seraki and Tingsi behind him at this moment: "Let's go, let's follow the scene to see the excitement, then we will see the action!"


At this time, dozens of subordinates holding weapons in the open space in the village of the ancient skulls were fighting with a pair of soldiers wearing bone armor. The captain of those bone armor soldiers was born with a lip. The middle-aged man with two mustaches and gloomy eyes shouted, "Kill, kill me! Kill these disobedient subordinate animals, and you don't need to be polite with these dregs !!"

The Bone Warriors got orders, and they became even more fierce, like a wolf-like tiger pounced on the tribe and launched a side-by-side slaughter, only to hear a jingle, the blades of the tribe people of the ancient skeletons chopped the sword and spears. The stab was useless to the Bone Warrior. When Mars shot around, he just trembled his wrist!

Although these special bone armors are not as good as the "Evil Bone Armor" made by the ancient skeleton evil gods in the past, they are also extremely defensive. The knife and axe chop are invalid for the evil armors, but the attack of these bone armor fighters is just the opposite.

Under the strong black gas surrounding the magical field, the strength of these fighters wearing bone armor has increased, and they can break the blades of the people of the clan with bare hands and tear their limbs from their bodies. The blood flowed into the river, and the helpless Xia people were killed and injured. At this time, the old Captain rushed with his son.

"Captain Sensma, please stop!" Looking at the countless dead and injured tribe, and the bone-armed fighters who continued to be commanded to kill everyone, Old Capone screamed, "Give me my tribe? I am paying you for them! "

Speaking, the old Cappen fell on his knees and squealed to the captain of the Sensma, but the Sensma strode to the old Cappen and sneered: "Old Cappen, you These subordinates' animals to be slaughtered dare to resist the orders of the superiors and want to escape from being sacrificed by the evil god? Well, in this case, it is better to kill all your people! "

"You—" Before the old patriarch had any response, his son Opo could not bear it anymore. The boy reached out and picked up a long blade from the ground. He snarled and rushed to Sensima: "Animal, Master, I fight with you! "

"Look to death !!" Sensma's bone armor body, how could he be afraid of Ou Po, when he saw a strong punch and punched Ou Po's arm, a crackling sound of cheekbones sounded, Aopo dropped his knife with a broken arm and fell out!

"Well, old Cappen, isn't this your son?" At this moment, Sensima's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty crickets, and he laughed strangely: "Let Laozi save a few for your descendants first. It ’s okay to sacrifice the dead. This year ’s sacrifice, you pick out fifty strong men and women, plus your son, I can let you live a few more days, understand? ”

"No, no! Lord Sensma, please be merciful to your men." At this time, the old Cappen chief hoeed like a chicken pecking rice. He shouted sternly: "I have four sons, three of whom have become After the offerings of the Soul Sacrifice Ceremony over the years, please forgive my little son. "

"Originally, I don't care about the low life of Opp's kid."

Sensma said, arrogantly lifting his foot on the old Capen's head, he smiled vaguely: "But this boy dare to use his sword against me, this is a taboo against my uncle Let me tell you, even if I do n’t take away dozens of descendants ’sacrifices today, your son ’s life will be set!”

"You, you ..." Feeling that the other's feet were stepping on his own head more and more, old Capone was shaking with anger, he suddenly burst into a force that did not know where he came from, and suddenly roared: "I and You fight! "

The old Cappen suddenly jumped up, and suddenly made Sensma who had stepped on his head to stand unstable. This guy watched the old Cappen rushed to himself, and suddenly gave an unpleasant sneer and flew into a strong wind. One foot was right in the heart of the old patriarch.

"噗 ——" Poor elderly Kepen suddenly raised his head with blood and slumped on his back, Sensma shouted at this time: "Old guy, even dare to resist the grandfather, I will destroy you now, come Now, kill me— "

However, at this moment, a swift and unscrupulous figure suddenly rushed into the Bone Warrior group, and saw the two long blades in the palm of the man's palm flip up and down. These bone-armed fighters hit the sword one by one, and when they saw the fierce sword Jin Fu, they instantly shattered the armor on their bodies.

Not only that, but the destructive and rotten offensive shattered the flesh and bones of the Bone Warrior, listening only to the sound of the sounds of sounds in the open space, and the bodies of those guys all exploded into a mist of blood!

In such circumstances, how **** and terrifying the eyes are! All the people at the scene felt the coldness of the back spine, such as the fear of falling into the icy depths of the ice, rising suddenly. At this moment, Guan Heng had a good time, and he walked in front of Sensima with a careless expression and closed his mouth. Upturned and sneered at the other side sneerly: "Your men ... it's easier to kill than to kill pigs and dogs!"

"You, who are you? How dare you do this? Are you not afraid of the patriarch's anger being angry?" At this time, Guan Heng was still in the costume of an ordinary ancient skullman, and his face was also an illusion, so Sen Sima thought that Guan Heng was also an ancient skull.

"Your dregs of the ancient skeletons are really Rory, don't you feel annoyed?" Guan Heng was too lazy to talk to the other side, the dragon's tooth blade in his hand suddenly turned over and fell, and the cold light was fleeting!

"Hmm--click, wow!" Sens Ma Zhou's bone armor suddenly fell into pieces and fell to the ground. Before his startled eyes solidified, his arms fell to the ground instantly.

"Eh-" "Uh-huh! It hurts me!" The blood mist that burst from the wound flew into the air suddenly, and under severe pain, Sensma suddenly fell to the ground and twisted and rolled. The blood was mixed with the blood of those subordinates who had just been slaughtered by his own and the bone-armed soldiers, and could no longer be separated from each other.

—— [The third change of 2016.7.8, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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