Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1411: Resentment

"Opo, Patriarch Kaipen ... and you ..."

Guan Heng suddenly pointed at the presence of those subordinates who were slightly trembling and trembling in the presence of dragon teeth. He exclaimed: "Look at you, what's the point of struggling to survive? All of them are timid as rats It ’s no wonder that this guy just called you pigs and dogs to be slaughtered! "

Having said that, Guan Heng paused and looked at the people who were ashamed around him and said, "I now give you a chance to restore your blood and courage!"

"Oh!" The blade pointed to Sensma rolling underground, and Guan Heng raised his voice again: "Everyone of you come over and use this weapon in your hand to give this guy a shot. Let's get together until he ... **** !! "

After hearing this, the people of the ancient skeletons are as if they were thundered by the sun, and they stand still in a dumbfounded position. Ask anyone who doesn't hate Sensima, the superior bully who slaughtered his loved ones, but killed one and broke the double The Sensima of the arm is easy, but it is harder to ascend the sky to resist the forces of the ancient and upper tribe.

At this moment, all the people, including Oppo and the old patriarch Captain, who had just emerged from the consciousness of resistance, hesitated, because every descendant with a yellow skin and thin skin was afraid of death! !!

"Well! This group of guys is really waste. I spent a long time trying to slaughter the dog, and I spoke with confusion and excitement, but no subordinates dare to come out and make a knife for Sensima."

Guan Heng looked at the cowardly expressions of these people one by one, and couldn't help but shake his head slightly and sighed: "Slavery has been burned into the bone marrow, and it is not saved. These guys are like pigs raised in tigers, and they can see them With the sacrifice of a loved one's life, as long as he can stay safe for a while, he can be completely indifferent. "

For a while, the cold wind blew through, and the living people stood around the corpses on the ground, but they were still. They were still breathing, even though they were still breathing!

"Ahhh! Dad, dad, you wake up!" At this moment, a childish voice suddenly sounded, and Guan Heng looked up. A four- or five-year-old child of the ancient family descended. Take the crawl to the front of a corpse, pounce on and cry, the scene is very sad!

Maybe he heard the call of his son, and the young people of Guluxia, who had been fatally injured, finally woke up slowly. He murmured with blood, grunting his child, and said, "Daddy ... Daddy is not good enough. , Son, remember, don't learn from me ... forbearing not to resist, stand willingly to be killed by the other party ... I don't want you to suffer this kind of doom ... "

Speaking of which, the severely wounded Guskong tribe gasped, and he raised his hand and pointed at Sensma, who was suffering and rolling in the distance, and then said to his son, "It's that man ... that hurt me like this ... and immediately I will leave you forever ... son, tell Dad, do you hate that guy named Sensima? "

"Oooooooooooooooh-I hate him!" The boy cried, holding his head up and crying, "I hate this big villain! I hate him!"

"Well said, son, remember, what Dad left to you ... the last, last sentence ..." The seriously injured Guskou tribe slowly grabbed a short blade on the ground and stuffed it into his son's hand: "If Being bullied ... can't be so willing to tolerate insults, we must resist ah ah !!! "

The last roar of this dying man suddenly resounded through the sky and reached the ears of every tribe in the presence of the presence, all eyes slowly turned into the blood of the angry red pupil!

"Ah ah ah - Sensi Ma, you big bully!" The little boy then his hands gripping the short edge, step by step stumble hobbled toward Sen Sima, he sobbed, his face is tears: "I want to Kill you, I want to resist, I want revenge for my dad! "

"You little beast, come to bully me ?!" Sensma, struggling on the ground with her arms cut off, saw the child coming, and suddenly gave birth to her gall: "Little cub, I can't live today, then I I will kill you first, and I will bury the dead for myself !! "

Thinking of this, Sensima gritted his teeth, forbearing severe pain in the broken arm, and suddenly rolled over to the child, saying that time and time soon, Sensima put all his strength on his feet, aiming with full strength The child stumbled: "Little beast, you die!"

"Child, danger!" Everyone present was shocked to see the scene, but it was too late to come to the rescue. Everyone closed their eyes and sighed inwardly: "It's over! This child is dead!"

However, although Sensima's dying and wishful thinking abacus sounded, he forgot that Guan Heng was still there, how could he do what he wanted and let it be?

Between the flashes of light, Guan Heng waved the dragon's toothblade, a frost chill swept across the feet kicked by Sensima, and the two dog legs were frozen in the air, and the toes were even frozen. He touched the child's forehead lightly, but he didn't even hurt the skin!

"Small-chattered!" The next moment, Sensima's frosty feet suddenly shattered into powder, but in the extreme cold, the boy had forgotten the pain. At this moment, the child's hand The short blades in it have been embedded in Sensma's body.

"Eh ?!" The child was weak and weak, and the wound was not deep, but Sensma groaned. This guy broke his hands and broke his feet, but did not forget to scream and exhausted: "The one who killed Qiandao The next generation of pigs and dogs, one day, I will kill you, hahaha, the patriarch Aung Shan will not let you go! "

"Sensma, the beast, is already in such a situation, and he doesn't forget to humiliate us! Hell!"

"He **** it! He **** it! He **** it! He **** it!" These three words are like magic spells, always echoing in the ears of all the people of the ancient skeletons, they are like the machinery being screwed, slowly Picked up the weapon at the foot, surrounded by Sensima who fell to the ground!

"You ... what do you mean to do?" Seeing the fierce subordinates approaching themselves, Sensma finally panicked. This guy shouted pretendingly calmly: "Laozi is Ang The faithful of Patriarch Shan, you cannot ... "

"Oh!" It was the child of the father who had died again. He gritted his teeth and waved the short blade in his hand again and again, and yelled, "I want revenge for my father, you go to death!" "

At this moment, severe pain and fear struck the whole body, and Sensma shouted, "No, no, no--"

"唰-噗!" A spear broke through the stab and stabbed into the thigh. "唰 唰!" Several long blades fell, all cut on Sensima's face. At this moment, the ancient skeleton The captain of the superior's bone warrior, trembling with trembling, screamed from a loud scream, to crying for mercy, and then ... the sound was gone.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.7.8, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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