Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1412: Ancient Skull Chaos (fifth more outbreak)

Guan Heng, who was watching on the side, intentionally blocked Ting Si in front of her to prevent her from seeing this cruel and **** scene, because the guy from Sensma had been chopped into flesh by the ancient skeleton people who had been suppressed by her own anger for a long time. broken!

"Well, this group of guys seems to have recovered a bit of blood." Guan Heng stepped in front of Sensman's corpse at this time, looked at the ghost group that suddenly appeared, and immediately turned it into an old soul. Stone.

"Mr. Guan Heng, the little old man agreed to all the things you said." At this moment, old Kai Peng reached out and touched the blood on his face. He said to Guan Heng, "As long as you can help us The upper and middle races are at peace. No matter what you want, the little old man can agree. "

"Well, I'll wait for you to say so." Upon hearing this, Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "Remember your promise, let's go!"


After a while, Bone Demon Ridge, a place where the ancient skull and upper tribe live together, there is a huge crater nearby. Every year, the ancient skull tribe will hold the "Skull of the Ancient Skull Evil God".

At this time, the patriarch of the ancient skull group Aung Shan and the patriarch of the middle family Meilin are leading a large number of people waiting for the captain of the Bone Warrior team Sensima to release the sacrifices of the next tribe, but wait and wait. Below, I didn't even see the personal image.

"Ahem." Mei Lin, the patriarch of the Chinese dwarf with a small but sturdy face, said softly, "Patriarch Aung Sui, see that Sensima hasn't returned yet. Is something wrong?"

"Well, just do something trivial as usual, Sensma's waste is so crippled, Mei Lin, you middle-class people, really waste!"

Sensima is a close relative of Mary Lin, so Aung Shan cursed politely: "Minions are slaves. Rarely I gave Sensma such an important task as sacrifice of sacrifices, but his performance let him I'm so disappointed! "

"Yes, yes, I can't teach you anything, I'm sorry to patriarch Aung Shan."

Knowing that the other party deliberately blamed each other, but the ancient cross-Clan tribe still had no place in front of the upper clan. At this moment, Meilin had no choice but to apologize but secretly cursed: "Old things, we really treat our mid-class as a watchdog. , You are too much. "

"Two clan, patriarch-big things are not good!" At this moment, an ancient skeleton Chinese with blood on his face stumbled to the crater altar, and he yelled, "Those who The clan guys have rebelled now. They killed Captain Sensma and many bone-armed fighters. They rushed towards us and came over! "

"Waste! The dregs of the tribe's tribe, dare to kill my men and gather rebellion, I think they are impatient to live!" At this moment, the chief of the tribe, Aung San, was furious, and he threw his robes. Suddenly there was a whole set of 10,000-bone evil armors wearing inside. This pair of bone-arms was surrounded by black gas, and it was a mighty treasure. It was one of the treasures left by the ancient skull and evil gods. Only the patriarchs of previous ancestors could wear it.

At this moment, Aung Shan yelled at the patriarch Ma Lin, who was next to him: "Gather all the evil armors that the clan can control at once. I want to let the rebel subordinates, scum, know the end of the rebellion and capture them. , All become sacrifices dedicated to the Lord God this year !!! "

Hearing the news of the rebellion of the descendants and the killing of Sensima, Meilin was secretly shocked, and then gritted her teeth and thought angrily: "Now something is going to happen. These pigs of the descendants are going to be slaughtered. The dog killed my nephew, I will never let them go! "

In a wrath, Mei Lin took off a black and grotesque weird horn around her waist and immediately blew it out, and for a while, the people of the hundreds of ancient skeletons came from all directions, and they were all around Followed by a "evil bone cricket" with a portable blade.

Under the light of the three magic domain suns, these puppets were glowing with dark golden light all around, moving one by one to move quickly, all of them were horrible and scary.

At the same time, Aung Su-hyun, who wore a ten thousand-bone evil armor, suddenly uttered a howling to the sky, his voice was deafening, and he could not quell for a long time in the Bone Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of rubbings of the armour of the crater several kilometers around the altar. Originally, there were hundreds of more elite bone armor warriors, who had taken neat steps towards the position of Aung Shan. Come here, these elite bone armor warriors are the real killers and the hole cards of the upper and lower races of the ancient skulls. They are five hundred evil bone armored warriors!

The armor of the evil bone heavy armor warrior is made from the demon bones that have been tempered for many years in the sleeping volcano of the ancient skull and evil god. It is a fine piece of bone armor. This power is far better than the inferior armor worn by those in Sensma!

Not only that, a wicked bone armored warrior can easily destroy ten wicked skeletons. This is also the upper capital of the upper clan to restrain the clan, so in the eyes of the upper clan, in addition to his relatives, the middle and lower clan All the same slaves!

When the heavy armored warriors and evil bones gathered at the crater altar and waited closely, Guan Heng led the brothers and sisters of Seraki, followed by a large number of people from the ancient skeletons carrying weapons.

"Basilisk, Yabu! Sweep all the obstacles in front of me !!" Guan Heng thought that at this time, he should make a quick decision, so he simultaneously released the multi-headed Basilisk and the soul-absorbing beast Yabu, and directed them to rush to the evil bones that had been killed. This is the line of defense arranged by the ancient skeleton Chinese.

At this time, Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, had eaten a lot of soul stones of the other monsters in the Demon Realm and became energetic. When he saw it had a big mouth, he inhaled the drum cheeks and aimed at those ancient skeletons who drove the evil bones. It was a fierce blow: "Ah-oh-huh!"

"Ehhhhh!" I heard only the screams of the Chinese people. The flesh of the whole body was suddenly turned into a bone of bones by Yabu's ossified fog, and it broke down, and the ghosts of these guys were also Yabuyi Breathed most of it.

At this moment, Abu fluttered in the air and laughed, "Hahaha, the soul of the ancient skull race is really delicious!"

"Hey, Brother Abu, give your brother a taste of something new."

The multi-headed Basilisk rushed forward, nine huge snake skulls opened their mouths at the same time, and swallowed up the remaining souls that were scurrying around. The soul demon, as a native creature of the Demon Realm, was also rushing to the soul full of the black power of the Demon Realm. It is regarded as delicious and delicious, so it is also delicious.

The evil skeletons wielding their weapons preparing to meet the enemy suddenly lost their master's control over them, one by one frantically spinning in place, all at a loss.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.8, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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