Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1413: Kill the enemy in an instant (first)

"Huh, evil bones ?! It's just a bunch of broken bones!" With a long laugh, Guan Heng's dragon's blade suddenly pulled out, aiming at the hundreds of evil bones in front of him. Huge sword power: "Ice magic electric shovel slashes-"

"Hoo!" The frantic frozen knife **** suddenly swept away all the evil bone crickets in a huge fan-shaped attack range, and immediately frozen them all in place, and then, wrapped in the cold, the numerous crackling electric snakes, banged Ran into the body.

"Boom-嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭!" The evil bone crickets that were directly hit by the galvanic knives were all turned into black and gray powder, which spread and spread in the air until they were blown away by the cold wind!

Seeing the elite and evil bones of his own tribe, only one person was destroyed by Guan Heng and others. The ancient patriarch's middle patriarch Meilin only felt black in front of her eyes, and suddenly smashed against the blood: "Eh Ah ah-my compatriots of the ethnic tribe !! "

"Tongtong!" After vomiting blood, the patriarch of the clan fell to the ground and could no longer climb up. At the same time, the patriarch of the clan Ang Shan saw this scene in his eyes, and his hands and feet were cold and shocked. : "What are these people, anyway? They can kill the evil bones of the Clan ?!"

"Patriarch, they have come over!" At this time, the captain of a heavy armored bone warrior shouted, "Are you ordering an attack now?"

"Abominable, you can't let the little subordinates be so mad in front of me!" Aung Shan, who was so arrogant and arrogant, shouted: "The first team of evil bone heavy armored soldiers, rush me —— "

"Basilisk, Abu, you come back and stay beside Seraki and Tingsi." Guan Heng then recalled two magic pets, and then said to Serachi and Tingsi: "The time to test your actual combat ability has come, take Rush forward with those people of the ancient skeletons and start. "

"Okay!" The brothers and sisters Seraki agreed, and raised their arms to call the people behind the ancient skull: "Let's go!"

As early as just now, Guan Heng has already given the same "weapons" to those who are not good at fighting, that is, a large number of magical beast soul stones captured by Guan Heng along the way. As long as these things have cracks in advance, they are thrown out. When it hits an object, it can produce a strong explosive power, comparable to the magic explosion spar produced by the mainland of St. Lomplun!

At this moment, Ting Si waved the staff in her hand and commanded: "Ready, throw!"

After hearing the order, the people of the ancient skeletons pointed at the evil bone heavy armored soldiers that came over, and threw out the black spirit soul stone: "嗖 嗖 嗖 —— 嗤嗤嗤!"

"Papapapang, when 啷 ——Boom !!" Black Qi soul stone completely exploded among the evil bone heavy armored soldiers. Although it could not be seriously injured, it also caused the heavy armored soldiers to retreat hurriedly, and the dark mist in front of them could not see the front, It also gave them a hint of unknown fear.

At this time, Seraki suddenly throbbed the big sword in his palm and shouted at the two bone-armed soldiers closest to him: "Dragon's fighting spirit cut!"

This trick is the trick that Guan Heng improved after using the Dragon Clan to teach Serage to save himself and attack enemies.

"Hoo-bang!" This powerful slam fell on the two evil-boned heavy armored soldiers, and they immediately shook them, and sat on the ground with each other.

"Good opportunity, sister, hurry up!" Upon hearing Serach's shout, Ting Si immediately waved the staff in her palm and whispered at the Bone Warrior: "Ice Dragon Magic-Ice Dragon Roar !! "

In a short time, countless ice elements quickly gathered in the air, condensing into a huge dragon-shaped phantom. This ice-dragon phantom pointed at the front, and it was a fierce roar: "Wow!"

The roar of the ice dragon is the intermediate magic in the Longyu ice spell, but its power is not inferior to Borui's move of "Ice God's Indifference", but it only consumes less magic power.

However, Borui can't learn the dragon spell, not because he is not qualified, but because of the magic of Roar of the Ice Dragon, which can only allow Ting Si, a magician who specializes in ice, to learn, good at fire and ice. Borui, who has dual magic, had no chance to understand this trick.

Speaking late, then, the roaring power of the Ice Dragon swept enemies in a hurry, and immediately frozen the two bone armored soldiers. Those ancient people who were desperately embracing waved their swords and screamed at the frozen guys. They didn't breathe until they were chopped into **** ice cubes, until the weapons rolled in their hands collapsed.

"These dregs of the subordinates are all crazy!" The invincible, heavy bone armored soldiers who swept the entire abyss of the eighth floor are trembling slightly, because they saw the other party ’s bloodthirsty madness and attacked their companions fiercely. It's like letting go!

However, the attack command of the patriarch of the upper clan has been issued, and the brave and fierce warrior heavy armored soldiers have no intention of retreating and timid the enemy, not to mention the other party has been oppressed for a long time. Although the team's evil bone heavy armored soldiers lost two of them under the cooperation of Seraki and Tingsi, they still made strides and stormed forward!

"Kill, kill!" Seraki, the head of a knighthood of a country, was captured in the Demon Realm, suffered humiliation and abuse with his sister, and had a wicked fire in his heart. At this moment, he got a chance to vent, naturally. It is not easy to let go.

Guan Heng teaches Seraki the power of the dragon is amazing. Although this fighting exerts a great load on the human body, Guan Heng has quietly infiltrated Seraki with the original power in the two dark dragon soul stones. He Tingsi's bloodline greatly improved their physical condition.

The method of transforming human blood using the dragon's original power can only be achieved by the Dragon Soul Library method, but Guan Heng gradually realized the method by himself after merging the power of the dragon **** and the power of the dragon's breath crystal, so in the absence of Gani With the help of two dragon souls, Suo and Kufa, Guan Heng can also do it.

At this moment, the two brothers and sisters, Serachi and Tingsi, only felt that their strength was full and they did not vomit. How could I know that this was the result of helping in the secret of Guan Heng. For a time, Serachi's dragon fighting and fighting Ting Si's Ice Dragon Mantra became the main force of attack. Under their strong cover, the people of the ancient skeletons wielded weapons to kill the Quartet. After dozens of casualties, they finally killed the first group of evil bone armored soldiers. !!

"How can this be, how is this possible?" Seeing this scene, the patriarch of the clan Aang Shan's face changed slightly. At this moment, he has noticed that the three talents such as Guan Heng are the main attackers. Without their assistance, the descendants are just A group of wild barking wild dogs!

"Abominable, the second team and the third team both gave me up and surrounded the first three people!" Aung Shan stretched out an index one hundred meters away from Guan Heng, Seraki and Tingsi, roaring viciously: "Kill, those three people, kill them all !!!"

—— [2016.7.9 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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