Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1414: Afghanistan

"Observe the patriarch's orders, rush!" The two teams of evil bone heavy armored soldiers exceeded two hundred people. They were like a converging black torrent, wrapped in monstrous evil and slammed into Guan Heng and others.

Guan Heng suddenly smiled scornfully: "Master Ben is worried that he can't get together and annihilate you. This group of idiots have come to their own door, great!"

"Serrachi and Tingsi, lead everyone back 50 meters!" Guan Hengyang shouted and waved, and all the people Hurala quickly retreated, leaving only Guan Heng and the long-headed basilisk. . At this moment, the corner of Guan Heng's mouth flashed a sneer sneer: "Basilisk, it's time for you, the soul demon king, to perform new stunts and become famous in the realm of magic. Let's do it!"

"Observe, master!"

In mid-air, the invisible soul of the multi-headed Basilisk trembled and burst into light, and suddenly began to quickly absorb the black gas from the surrounding magical field. Then, the Basilisk's body had skyrocketed more than ten times, and its three largest snake skulls swept together. On, suddenly a powerful surge of energy condensed, and the next moment, the soul demon king growled his head and roared: "Taste me this trick, the three demon snakes burst into air!"

"Oh!" The three beams of energy that spurted out from the back of the Snake Skull Giant, in an instant, two teams of evil bone armored soldiers rushed over in favor.

"Booming--" The violent and unrivaled energy burst out, crushing hundreds of bone armored soldiers into powdery nihility in a short time, and left a circle of dark potholes on the ground, and the smoky plume rose suddenly, letting The rest of the evil bone armored soldiers felt sick and nauseated. In the face of this spike attack, they were even more terrified!


The "Basketball of Three Demon Snakes" was launched, and the body suddenly reduced its size. In the blink of an eye, it became the size of a fist and floated beside Guan Heng and the soul-absorbing beast Yabu. At this moment, the Basilisk whispered: " Master, after you pointed this 'crack air burst', it is really powerful, but after I cast it, I feel that my soul is a bit weak, and I am probably not used to this drastic energy consumption. "

"I see. The next battle doesn't need you. Come back to rest." Guan Heng said, spreading his palms, and turned the multi-headed basilisk into a mark.

At this time, the patriarch of the upper clan Aung Shan had become ashamed, and this guy finally realized the fact that he and these evil bone heavy armored soldiers were not at all obsessed with their opponents, facing the fate of impending failure, this On weekdays, he was arrogant and arrogant. He regarded the people of the middle and lower races as Ang Suo of pigs and dogs, and his forehead suddenly showed a twisted blue tendon.

"I ... will I die here? Will I die in the hands of those lowly clans?" Ang Su looked at his hands with his hands folded, and stood calmly in Guan Heng, and a sudden blast of cold air burst out from the back spine. , Scared him to take two steps back involuntarily, but Aung Shan immediately saw the expressions of his subordinates around him with the light in the corner of his eyes, and they were all looking at him with panic and amazement.

The patriarch's trembling senior clan suddenly shouted, "No, this must be a weird nightmare. Those subordinate dogs can't have such a strong power!"

"Uh ah ah-I'm going to kill you!" At this moment, extreme fear finally turned into anger, like a mad tiger, like a crazy Aung Su-hyun suddenly flew into the air. It is the relic of the ancient skull evil god. After absorbing a large amount of black gas in the demon domain, it also has the ability to fly.

After stagnation in mid-air, Aung Shan's red eyes suddenly flashed crazy, "Bang!" He suddenly slammed his fists, and at this moment, a strong suction surged from around the bones. Out, a lot of magma in the crater 10,000 meters away from him was taken into the air!

"Huh ... huh ... it's hot ... it's so painful ..."

Seeing that the magma completely surrounded his body, Ang Su could not help moaning, and he was crying inwardly: "This trick can only be used by His Majesty the Ancient Skeleton Evil God. I am afraid I will have to pay a lot of pain Can be done! "

"But even so, I would rather fight to death than to die in the hands of the humble inferiors!" At this moment, the bones worn by Aung Shan were wrapped in hot and hot magma, letting him thoroughly Become a "magma fireman".

Aung Shan stared at Guan Heng on the ground and yelled, "The subordinates who dare not lead pigs and dogs to oppose the rule of their patriarch, no matter who you are, I will kill you on the spot and frustrate me hundreds of times. Over and over, Fang Jie Lao Tzu's heart hate! "

"Taste this trick! His Majesty the Ancient Skull Evil God passed down the worldly killing method--"

Suddenly, a huge scarlet skull ghost appeared behind the lava fireman-like Aung Sui, and then, in the terrifying roar, the "fireman" wrapped in a mighty evil power and rushed to the ground Guan Heng: "Ancient Skull lava is fiercely **** !!! "

This extremely sharp attack contains three forces: the pure dark matter in the demon realm, the perennial magma heat of the abyss active volcano, and the demonized blood mark of the ancient skull family!

"Kill, kill--with this trick, I can kill him!"

Aung San fell quickly in the air, and the power of the ancient killing lava ancient blood lava was also manifested at this time, but it was Aung Shan himself who was the first to be harmed by this damage. This trick belongs to the typical "injury enemy" One thousand, self-damaging eight hundred ". When Aung Shan was still a hundred meters away from Guan Heng, his flesh and blood had evaporated by 80%, and turned into a terrible" half skull "!

"Ancient Skeleton Rebirth!" In order to finally attack the enemy, Aung San displayed a clan of forbidden spells. After a while, his flesh and blood disappeared again, and he quickly recovered with the naked eye, and his power Also restored to its peak state, but this prohibition is cast at the cost of life!

"Ye--" Zhang mouth vomited a thick blood mist, and Aung Shan stared at his red eyes and forced his trick "Ancient Skull Lava Lixuesha" to Guan Heng, a hundred meters away: "Go and die!"

Evil and mighty dark matter, 10,000 years of lava, and ancient skull blood shadows gathered in one place. In time, it turned into a huge blood skull ghost. This blood skull opened its huge mouth fiercely and was about to swallow the entire body!

"Hey, this trick ... a bit of a look !!"

When the words didn't fall, Guan Heng slammed the dragon's teeth back into the sheath. He suddenly pushed the power of Dragon's Breath crystal out of the body, and then attached to the surface of the whole body. At this moment, the power of Dragon's Breath soared the momentum of Guan Heng. Countless times, he also slowly emerged behind him a ghostly black dragon's head. This is the horrible evil of the dark dragon master who can tie with the **** of light at that time and possesses incomparable power! !!

"Let's burn! Dark Dragon Breath Crystal!" Guan Heng roared, and his fists slammed into the Scarlet Skull with all his strength, "You! Give me a break--"

—— [Second more in 2016.7.9, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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