Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1415: Force the evil **** (third more)

This is the first time that Guan Heng has blasted out more than 60% of the power of Dragon's Breast Crystal. This is because he feels that the scarlet skull on the opposite side is so threatening to himself. It turns out that Guan Heng's guess is still correct. .

The power of the Dark Dragon Breath crystallized against the Scarlet Skull. In an instant, the victory and defeat of the two had been born without suspense. The power of the Dragon Breath Crystal was extremely fierce. No matter how the Scarlet Skull struggled to impact, it always fled. However, in front of this black dragon giant mouth gathered by the original energy, in a few seconds, the blood skull has been torn to shatter!

At the same time, Aung Shan in the air suddenly made a terrible cry, the ancient bone lava fierce blood backwash began, and saw the bones of Aung Shan's whole body blasting.

"Oh-bang bang-ooh! '' Countless red mist sprayed out of the pores, and Aung Shan couldn't be hurt any more. Suddenly, an onion fell to the mountain pass of the active volcano, and it came out in the air. He screamed in a series of screams: "I'm not willing! His Majesty the Ancient Skeleton God, give me another chance!"

"I can't let you disappear like this!" Guan Hengxi suddenly flew up into the air, driving Long Xiangshu to catch up with Aung Shan who fell to the end of the crater. He secretly said: "Master Ben has not yet asked this layer of abyss The whereabouts of the teleportation shards, you don't want to die so easily! "

A few kilometers below the active crater, the magma was hot, and the hot and high temperatures doubled, but Guan Heng was naturally immune to flames and high temperatures, and he didn't care about the heat.

However, Aung Su, who was seriously injured, fell very fast, and even the speed of Long Xiang could not catch up with him in a short time. Guan Heng had to fall along with the guy toward the end of the crater.

In an instant, the distance between Guan Heng and Aung Shan was getting closer and closer, and when Guan Heng was secretly happy, suddenly changed suddenly!

The blood splashing from Aung Sui ’s body was dripping from the sky into the magma at the end of the volcano, making the sea waves of the calm waves suddenly ripple innumerable, and gurgling began to bubble, and then, A huge and strange weird shadow burst out of the magma core in an instant.

This thing suddenly stretched out its dark red colored claws and received a drop of blood, and then gave a shocking laugh: "Hahaha, good **** flavor, this is the taste of the blood **** of this evil deity, I did not expect that when I woke up How could you enjoy such a delicious offering !! "

"You! It's mine!" The black shadow exuding a powerful and strange evil spirit suddenly soared upwards this time, and came to the falling Aung Shan in a while, "Pop!" The huge dark red with dry claws will soon hurt the person. The body clenched tightly, then threw it into his open blood basin and opened his mouth: "The evil **** is welcome, please be one with me, future generations!"

"Guru——" The voice didn't fall, the huge black shadow that claimed to be the ancient skull and evil **** had swallowed Aung Shan, the next moment, the evil mang of his whole body was magnificent, and the shadow shrank in an instant, and there was only one left in the air. An evil middle-aged man in a red robe with a skull-like face.

"Oh! Sure enough, the most delicious supplement is the **** son of this evil god!" The evil alien man, the awakened ancient skeleton evil god, laughed wildly: "It is the best thing in the abyss demonic realm, and it restored my heyday at once. Sixty percent of your strength! Hahaha— "

"Huh, cold-blooded demon! Go to death!" There was a thunderous roar suddenly in the air. It turned out that Guan Hengzhang came to the sky with a terrible anger, saying that sooner or later, a pair of dragon tooth blades suddenly came out of the sheath. !!

"Battle of Dragon Fighting, Bingyan's Power, and Thunderbolt Charge!" Guan Hengzhang suddenly stagnates in mid-air, and the dragon's tooth blade in both hands gathers the power of Bingyan's thunderbolt, crackling, "Taste this trick ——Bingyan Lightning Dragon Tooth Cut! "

"Eh! Hey!" The powerful slash suddenly split into eight in the air. These eight powerful swords formed a dense knife net in time, slicing wildly to the ancient gods below!

"Is there such a reason, who are you? How dare you attack me!" The ancient skeleton evil **** just awakened, even if he had swallowed Aung Shan before, he only recovered six or seven points of strength, and in a hurry, he could only defend with all his strength!

"Blood skull covers the sky shield !!" In the roar, the evil red robe man's head suddenly gathered a monstrous blood mist. After quickly exhausting the black gas from the surrounding magic domain, it instantly became a blood red skull shield with a diameter of more than ten meters.

"嘭 —— 咚咚咚 ——Dangdangdang !!!" Countless heavy swords kept venting and falling on the blood shield, 挟 wrapped with different powers such as ice, inflammation, and thunder and lightning, sometimes mixed together, sometimes swimming alone In just a few seconds, the rushed blood-skull shield can't bear the pressure and is on the verge of collapse!

"Kalie ... Bang !!!" The blood-skull covering sky shield made a harsh noise, which instantly turned into countless fragments, but Guan Heng's sword strength continued to slam on and on, just a few breaths away, there were already ten Several follow-up thunderbolts struck the whole body of the ancient skeleton evil god!

"嗤嗤嗤-噗噗 噗!" Where did the newly awakened ancient skull evil **** withstand such a rapid offensive, when those lightning forces attacked him, it suddenly caused countless scary blades, but the ancient skull The blood from the evil god's wound was not blood, but the countless magic domain black gas!

"So pure dark matter, hey, I'll take it!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng drove Long Xiangshu to the ancient skull evil god, and a palm of his hand suddenly emerged, and began to absorb these dark substances, namely ancient skulls. The source of evil gods.

"Abominable, where are the monsters? They can completely suppress the evil gods !?" The ancient skeleton evil gods are now very weak, and the other party continues to **** away the original power, and they can't help secretly crying: "Suffering! Or rush away and retreat it is good!"

Thinking of this, the ancient skeletal evil spirit suddenly struggling, letting go of the entanglement of the entangled knife energy on his body, and took a sudden retreat of more than ten meters, and the next moment, the ancient skeletal **** shouted: "Lao Tzu will not play with you, this hatred will be changed Daily report! "

"Oh!" Between the electric light and flint, the ancient skeleton evil **** tore off his red robe and threw it towards Guan Heng, who tried to obstruct his eyes, but he yelled, "Heavenly explosion!"

"Bang--Boom!" Instantly, the body of the evil alien exploded instantly, with countless fierce energy bursting out, even the entire volcano shook violently. At this moment, the ancient skeleton evil spirit exploded. The flesh flew into the distance in a stream of red and black!

"Want to run? Not so easy!"

Guan Heng's swift and unbelievable shot, using the dragon's blade to instantly form a huge whirlpool vortex, quickly weakened the impact of the self-explosion, Guan Heng then used the crystal of dragon's breath to absorb all the energy of the dark matter that erupted, and absorbed all the energy, his eyes were like a torch, At a glance, you saw the red and black air that was rushing ahead, and recognized that it was the soul of the ancient skull and evil god!

—— [The third change of 2016.7.9, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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