Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1417: Gold leaf notes (fifth more outbreak)

In this period of history, Guan Heng heard from the dragon **** Ganesha before, so he was more interested in the ancient skull evil **** himself.

At that time, the ancient ancestors of the ancient skeleton followed the evil **** and went to the site where the cosmic meteorite fell, but after the three gods took away the meteorite with interest for research, the first ancient skeleton evil **** found another thing in the crater, that is, This gold leaf cover book.

At that time, out of curiosity and a bit of selfishness, Gu Luan voluntarily wrote this book and never handed it over to the demon, but he also couldn't open the book. At that time, Gu Gu was disappointed, but he couldn't bear to lose the gold foil The books were carefully kept.

"Well, if the devil knows that you are hiding books in private, maybe you, the abyss lord, have done your head!" Guan Heng sneered at this time with his shoulders and said, "Maybe he will even disregard the driving by eight pieces." "

"I, I ... my ancestors didn't do much bad things!" The ancient skeleton evil **** grinned wryly. "At best, it's just a book kept privately, not a crime ..."

"No time to talk to you, get back to the soul stone!" Guan Heng knew that the ancient skeleton evil **** could not open the book, and immediately took him back to the soul stone. The guy disappeared into the original with a series of screams. Ground.

At this moment, Guan Heng groaned with his chin and said, "Well, I really want to open the pages of the book to see, what can I do?"

"Well, that's it ?!" Suddenly, Guan Heng's eyes fell on the back of the book. There was a weird diamond-shaped groove on it. Guan Heng looked familiar: "Strange, as if I've seen it somewhere. ... "

"Ah, right!" Guan Heng suddenly snapped his fingers and said, "It's the core of the inverse astrolabe!" Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly took out the five pole beads and astrolabe cores he found, all placed on Around the gold leaf book, at this time, I saw the gold leaf book flickering suddenly, and a change occurred. When Guan Hengdeng glared, his eyes were old and stared closely.

"Oh!" I saw that the diamond-shaped core of the inverse astrolabe suddenly flew over the book, and fell into the groove on the back of the book steadily in the next moment, and then everything was calm.

At this moment, Guan Heng stepped forward and picked up the gold leaf book. He felt a bit different in his hand. He touched the core spar of the astrolabe, and murmured in his mouth: "Okay, now we can see if we can can not be opened!"

"Hey ..." Sure enough, Guan Heng had expected. This booklet could be opened immediately after the core spar was inserted into the groove on the back, but after opening, Guan Heng's face suddenly burst into tears and laughed. It was a little embarrassing: "Well, the above text is neither part of St. Lomplon nor seen in Ashton, so I don't know it at all."

"Hmm." Guan Heng sighed and closed the gold leaf book. He whispered to himself: "If the Dragon God is awake now, I can ask what it says, because they are the three ancient gods. After all, the earliest study of the origin of the Astral Disk was started, but unfortunately, Dragon God is still dozing off. Oh, there is no way. "

Guan Heng had to decide to leave the abyss of the eighth floor at this time. As for the book, I could ask Ganesha when I had a chance later, or I could find someone to ask about it when I returned to St. Lomprum.

In this way, Guan Heng properly packed the gold leaf book together with the core spar and the five-pole beads, and then quickly returned to the ancient skull village above the crater.

At this time, the patriarch Kai Peng of the Guluxia tribe was anxiously waiting for Guan Heng's message, so anxious that he paced back and forth in situ. Old Kai Peng also said in his mouth: "Mr. Guan Heng, you can be ten million Do n’t do anything, otherwise, it would be difficult for me to end. ”

It turned out that under the attack of the ancient bones tribe, Seraki, Tingsi brothers and sisters, and the soul-absorbing beast Yabu and the multi-headed basilisk, most of the evil bone heavy armored soldiers of the ancient bones tribe and the middle tribe have been killed, and the rest They all surrendered on their knees, begging for immortality, but if Guan Heng did not return, the old Cappen would never dare to take the initiative, and he knew very well. Guan Heng was a vicious character who said nothing and stared at the living person. Violate.

"Hoo--" A swift, dark shadow wandered out of the crater and landed among the people.

"Guan Heng, are you back ?!" Seraki hurried to him at this time and asked, "How is it? Is everything done?"

"Well, we can go to the seventh abyss immediately." Guan Heng replied with a chuckle at this moment, and then turned to the old Captain and said: "I have found what I need, we have been clear between us, now You can become the head of the ancient skull family with peace of mind. "

"Thank you, Mr. Guanheng, thank you very much!" Old Kai Peng said in a hurry: "Thanks to your help, we have a day to stand up for the ancient skeletons. Little old is really grateful!"

"Okay, I help you, but also for your convenience. By the way, I just slain the awakened ancient skeletal **** in the crater just now. You don't need to offer any sacrifices in the future."

Guan Heng said indifferently at this time: "However, you better remember one thing. On the mainland of St. Lomplon, there are still many strong men like me. Don't help the Lord Pawn to do evil everywhere, otherwise You do n’t know why you died, you see? ”

Hearing that Guan Heng had beheaded the ancient skull and evil gods, the descendants present were all horrified. The old Cappen wiped the cold sweat on his head and said, "Yes, yes, Mr. Guan Heng, the little old man and all the people Remember clearly, never dare to forget! "

"You can't forget it, Seraki, Tingsi, let's go!" In this way, Guan Heng led the brothers and sisters around him and threw them away, leaving a group of people like ancient chickens in the woods.

After a while, a few of them came to the uninhabited area of ​​Bone Mountain, and Guan Heng found a whirling waterfall near a cliff somewhere. At this moment, he said, "Here it is, behind the waterfall is the road leading to A portal to the upper abyss. "

"Brother Guan Heng." Ting Si asked at this time: "Do you know what the demons are in the seventh level of the abyss?"

Guan Heng said in a low voice, "Of course, those guys are-Dark Werewolf!"


After a moment, the seventh layer of the abyss of the demon domain, where most of the area is a virgin forest full of various demon plants, at this time, Guan Hengzheng and Seraki and Tingsi explored in the forest.

"Those dark werewolves are plain ordinary demons who can be wolves." Guan Heng walked forward and said to Ting Si, "After this group of guys evolved into wolf demons, they will become bloodthirsty and crazy. Attacking other creatures everywhere, tearing them up with fangs and claws, and then digging for food, so even ordinary demons are very disgusted and afraid of the dark werewolves. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and he solemnly instructed the duo: "And you need to be careful. Although you don't know what will happen to humans when they are bitten by the Dark Werewolf, but ordinary demons are bitten by them In the next few hours, you will be forced to become a wolf. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.9, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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