Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1418: Accidentally being bitten (first)

Hearing what Guan Heng said, Seraki asked, "So, what are the weaknesses of these dark werewolves?"

"I don't know, I think that it should be a trouble-free way to directly kill after encountering the other party." Guan Heng replied, "I do n’t know exactly where the dark wolf people gather in the seventh abyss. We better be in Find some town or village nearby, right ... "

Guan Heng said, pointed to his own face, and then said to Seraki and Ting Si: "Let's quickly transform the appearance and turn into the appearance of an ordinary demons, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. "


After a while, the three of Guan Heng finally came near the edge of the forest, but at this moment, a few screams suddenly came out in the distance. Seraki and Tings immediately made a smart move, and then looked at Guan Heng. Response, the latter immediately whispered, "Go, hurry up and see."

"Eh!" The three were physically shaped, swiftly and swiftly running wildly, just listening to the sound of wind and the wind, and they quickly ran to the place where the human voice screamed.

At this moment, in the air in the place, there was an unusually dense, **** gas that was disgusting. On the ground, there was a dead body that was breathless. Among the many dead bodies, there was a dark shadow leaning over and chewing. Suddenly I heard a sound behind me, immediately dropped half of what I had in my hand, and slammed into the bushes next to it.

"Well, what's that?" Ting Si stared at the other party's thing, and suddenly felt faint and nausea before turning around and vomiting on the side of the road. It turned out that what the guy had just lost when he ran away was blood. Dripping, captivated into shape-heart! !!

"You need to pay attention!" Guan Heng signaled Seraki to protect his sister at this moment, and then he exclaimed: "The guy eats his heart. He must be a dark werewolf. He may not have gone far. Beware of being bitten by this werewolf. "

"Brother Guan Heng, this person doesn't seem to be completely suffocated." Ting Si, a girl, had a weak heart, and a 13- or 4-year-old Demon boy was lying next to her. The cave was still murmuring and bleeding, so he subconsciously stepped forward and wanted to take a closer look.

Seeing Ting Si's actions, Guan Heng yelled and stopped immediately: "Ting Si, step back !!! He may have been converted into a dark werewolf !!!"

However, at this moment, the accident happened suddenly!

The demon boy with a blood hole in his throat disappeared suddenly, and said that time and time soon, this guy jumped up with a carp, and landed beside Ting Si with impartiality.

"嗷 ——" In the low-pitched howl of the other side, Ting Si only felt a pain in her calf, and suddenly fell on the ground!

"Miscellaneous things, how dare you hurt my sister ?!" Among the light and flint, Seraki's great sword came out of the sheath, wrapped in wind and chopped at the demon boy biting Tingsi. In an instant, he had escaped the sword slash, and Hu's moved to Seraki's side.

The next second, the demons showed fangs and fangs, and opened his mouth to bite Seraki's neck and throat. The speed of this guy was swift and unethical, like ghosts, Seraki hurriedly dodging in confusion, though The opponent bite hard, but the sharp claws of the Devil Boy suddenly fell down, and immediately scratched a few visible bone scars in front of Seraki's chest!

"Ehhhhh!" Seraki reached out and covered his heart, and the blood immediately flowed out along the gap between his fingers. The pain made him hurriedly retreat for several meters, but the other side didn't let Serachi mean, and still sprayed his mouth Howling saliva, howling rushed over.

At the very moment of his death, the oblique stab suddenly crossed the figure, and he growled and flew out, "You get out of me!"

"Bang!" The wolf-like demon boy took a kick and was kicked out of the air immediately, banging on a huge trunk not far away!

The reason why Guan Heng didn't come over to rescue Seraki just now was because he was also in trouble. There were several demons on the ground who had been bitten to death. All of them stood up and screamed at him wildly.

When Guan Hengquan punched and kicked several wolf-like demons, his bones were broken, Ting Si had been bitten, and Seraki was injured. He was rescued.

"Tings, how are you doing?" Seraki couldn't help himself while he was still bleeding. He hurriedly picked up his sister who fell down and called out: "Answer me! Sister, you can You must be fine! "

"Brother, my leg ... it hurts ..." At this moment, Ting Si stared at Serazzi with a loss of eyes, and said weakly: "The guy just ... bited me ..."

"I'll take a look at your wound." Guan Heng strode over at this moment, reaching out and tearing the skirt corner where Ting Si was bitten. After seeing it, he frowned suddenly and said, "Where the injury begins, start The bruises have spread, this is a precursor to being infected by the 'werewolf poison'. If you don't rush to cure, Ting Si is afraid of being transformed, and will be difficult to save by then! "

"What can you do?" Seraki was already the six gods at this time. He said anxiously: "Guan Heng, you are so capable, you can save Ting Si, right?"

At this moment, Guan Heng's face remained silent, he quickly took out a bottle of ambergris refining agent, pried open Ting Si's mouth, filled a half bottle with a brain, and then threw the other half bottle to Seraki. "You're hurt too, drink it!"

Seraci drank the recovery agent, and his wounds began to heal quickly, but Tingsi drank without any improvement. Guan Heng slowly shook his head at this time: "Alas, the recovery agent is not an antidote and cannot be symptomatic. Detoxifying werewolves, these are difficult ... "

At this moment, Guan Heng turned around and looked at the demons around him. He found that these guys seemed to be a multi-person caravan, and there were several vehicles carrying items, but the World of Warcraft that pulled the cart was already Was bitten to death.

Guan Heng hurriedly ran to the front of the cars and began to look east and west. Within half a minute, he had turned to something useful: a semi-old map of the seventh layer of the abyss, with the names of the nearby areas marked on it. With the location of the village and town, there is also a notepad written by somebody.

Guan Heng looked at this handbook with a deep face, and found that it used the common characters of the Demon Abyss. After capturing a lot of demons and ghosts, he learned how to identify the abyss by searching their memory. Guan Heng found that the diary was a diary written by an old Demon businessman.

—— [2016.7.10 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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