Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1419: Werewolf virus

This Mozu caravan travels year round on the ground of the seventh layer of the abyss, and has been almost anywhere, but they have never dared to approach a mysterious area of ​​the seventh layer of the abyss, which is-Magic Wolf Castle!

The so-called Devil Wolf Castle is the habitat of the seventh abyss' lord family—the dark werewolves. No one knows how many of these dark werewolves, but there are other demons in the entire seventh abyss. Hate them.

Just because these dark werewolves look like usual, there is no difference from ordinary demons, but they often lurk in demons villages and towns, killing people and eating their hearts, the means are extremely cruel.

Often as long as a dark werewolf breaks into other demonic gathering places, all the creatures there will be killed. This is only to dig out their hearts, and of course, occasionally there will be a dark werewolf who bit the attacked , Not kill, this is done to turn those people into inferior "werewolves".

These forced transformers are also known as "wolf slaves". After wolfening, they will only obey the order of the "pure blood werewolf", prey on him, and act as an accomplice.

However, the forced wolf can also be rescued and restored to normal. That is to find the source of all wolf infections, that is, the "pure blood werewolf", dig out the heart of the werewolf, and let the transformed person swallow the belly while it is fresh. , You can detoxify in this way, safe and sound ...

"Pop!" At this moment, Guan Heng closed his hand to take notes, and his heart turned like an electric analysis: "Pure blood werewolf ?! Is that the guy who ran away when we arrived at the scene just now?"

Thinking of this, Guan Heng hurriedly called out the soul-absorbing beast Abu: "You are here to protect Seraki and Tingsi, I'll go back as soon as I can!" Before the words fell, Guan Heng's figure suddenly turned into a shadow, straight into it In the jungle.

As Guan Heng ran, he called out the multi-headed Basilisk: "Hey, show me all the little ghost demon avatars immediately, I want you to find a trace of the dark werewolf immediately."

"Observe, master." After the multi-headed Basilisk promised, he immediately shook his body, and in a short time there were one hundred and ten identical "Little Basilisks", but reduced by more than ten times.

This is the trick it realized after it evolved into the soul demon king-the little soul demon clone, which can be used to detect enemy situations is very convenient.

Just after Guan Heng sprinted through the woods for dozens of seconds, the multi-headed basilisk suddenly exclaimed: "Master, three hundred meters in front of the right, found that similar species are resting."

"Go—" Hearing this, Guan Heng rushed forward without hesitation, and his action was like a thunderbolt. Before the dark werewolf sitting there responded, Guan Heng had already flew a record The whip leg was swept across the werewolf's neck: "Bang!"

"Woohoo!" In the scream, the kicked werewolf's body soared straight to the side, hitting the trunk of a large tree fiercely, "Woo!" The next second, Guan Heng was like a ghost Landed beside the fallen werewolf.

"Yeah!" He stepped on the werewolf's abdomen to resist it. Guan Heng pulled out a dragon tooth backhand and took aim at the opponent's heart. Then he went in: "To save Ting Si's life, borrow your heart ! "

"噗-嚓!" With such a bang, the heart of the werewolf, whose fist was hot, was instantly picked into Guan Heng's hand.

"Uh ... wait a minute!" But at this moment, the fallen dark werewolf gasped and said, "Even if the bitten man eats my heart, it's useless ... because Me, cough, is also a 'wolf slave' who evolved after being bitten and infected ... "

"What ?! Who the **** did you bite? Hurry up!" Guan Heng at this time raised the collar of the seriously injured werewolf and shouted, "Hey, don't die, tell me, that bite you, Who is it that has infected you with the evolved pure blood werewolf? "

"Keekeke-I don't know too well, only knowing that he claims to be one of the three elders of the Dark Wolf Race and the Demon Wolf Castle, you remember one thing ..."

The werewolf who was pinched out of the heart sprayed a lot of blood, and he struggled and said, "Let the bitten person devour my heart, so that she will not be infected and transformed within ten hours. You can use this Kill the Elder Wolf Castle for a while, save your heart, hope ... you, you can take revenge for all the bite wolf slaves! Uh ah ah ah!

The injured wolf slave finished this sentence, and his head was sprayed with blood mist at that time, and his head was stricken with death!

"Is the elder of the demon wolf castle? Your heart, Lao Tzu is going to fix it!" Guan Heng held the heart of the werewolf with the temperature still in his hands, and ran back to the place where Ting Si was attacked. At this moment, Guan Heng passed the heart to Ting Si's mouth: "Come, eat it!"

"No no no ... I, I ... This is too disgusting!" Ting Si only felt that her stomach was overturned, and she almost vomited again, but Guan Heng calmly said to Serachi: "If you don't want your sister to transform in the future Becoming a werewolf, just hold her down and let me feed the werewolf heart! "

"This ... okay!" In order to prevent her sister from becoming a heart-eating werewolf in the future, Seraki had to cry regardless of Ting Si, and held her down until Guan Heng completely ate the whole wolf's heart for Ting Si. .

"Woohoo ... uh ..." At this moment, Ting Si, who was crying and constantly vomiting, was extremely distressed. She kept trying to vomit something, but she couldn't help pulling her throat, and she couldn't vomit anything. Already.

"Sister, brother is not good!" Seraki was downcast at this moment and couldn't help crying. He whimpered and said, "I didn't take care of you. If I stopped you or walked in front of you, you I won't be bitten, I, I'm sorry for you! "

"Okay! Don't cry!" At this moment, Guan Heng said with a grimace: "I didn't say that Ting Si eats this heart and will relieve the danger of infecting the evolved werewolf. This wolf slave heart can only Temporarily curb her rate of poisoning, so time is running out! "

"What did you say ?!" Upon hearing this, Seraki and Ting Si's faces were surprised and panicked at the same time. At this time, Seraki asked first: "Guan Heng, you mean, Ting Si's poison has not yet Completely lifted? "

"Yes, in order to completely detoxify, you must eat the source of the infection, which is the heart of the elder wolf castle that bit the first wolf slave."

Guan Heng whispered, holding his shoulder: "For the sake of today, I can only rush to Devil Wolf Castle part-time, kill the elder, pinch out the heart of his pure-blood werewolf, and let Tingsi eat, so that she can lift her. The crisis of infection! "

"Ah ?! One more heart ?!" Ting Si said with a sad face at this time: "Brother Guan Heng, can I roast that heart before eating it? It's too fishy to eat raw food!"

—— [2016.7.10 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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