Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1420: Encounter a wolf slave again (third)

"That's not okay, you have to eat it raw, because then it will have a detoxifying effect!" Guan Heng's tone was firm at this time, but he chuckled again and said: "Well, I can teach you something called 'sashimi' The way you eat is guaranteed to make you feel endless, rest assured! "

After eating the heart of the wolf slave, Ting Si's injury was indeed much better, but no one knew what the potential danger was, so the three of them ran straight out of the woods according to the map guidelines found by Guan Heng. A town where the Mozu people gather.

In the town's bazaar, Guan Heng exchanged a large number of black magic crystals for three "Redwing Wind Warcraft".

This kind of monster realm can fly in the air, but it runs faster, and it is one of the most common walking powers in the seventh layer of the abyss. When trading, the horizontal cattle dealer--a burly old monster The situation in Fort Wolf.

"Hey, old man, I'm going with my companion to visit Wolf Castle, and you tell me what's worth noting in that neighborhood."

Hearing Guan Hengman's utterance of this sentence, the Demon Elder Man suddenly shook his neck. He hurriedly looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to himself, so he quickly said to Guan Heng: "I said this Grandpa, you do n’t want to walk around Molangbao recently. It ’s too dangerous there, so you should cherish life. ”

"Fuck, uncle has been walking south and north for many years, and there is nothing left near Molangbao. What can be terrible there?" Guan Heng said with a grin: "Isn't there just a few dark werewolves? I am a hundred miles away. It has been slaughtered in the woods! "

When I heard Guan Heng said that he had slaughtered several dark werewolves, the old Devil could not believe it at first, but he was a businessman who had been crawling around for many years, and he could feel the presence of Guan Heng's body. Murderous, so I believed that Guan Heng's speech was eight or nine points.

However, the old demons still whispered: "This uncle, you can kill the nearby dark werewolves, you must be good at it, but I tell you that anyone who works outside the hundred miles of Devil Wolf Castle is not Pure-blooded werewolves, just those who have evolved after being bitten. "

Having said that, the old demon tribe paused and went on to say: "Demon Wolf Castle recently awakened from sleep to celebrate his patriarch, the seventh-level abyss lord, the Dark Devil Wolf King. "Large hunting" spreading out of the center of Devil Wolf Castle. "

"Large hunt ?! What the **** is that?" Guan Hengzhuang looked ignorant: "I came from a remote place, and you tell me about this unheard thing."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the old demons couldn't help but grin in his heart: "I said, why aren't you afraid of Molangbao? It turned out to be a dumpling from a remote country."

So the old man explained: "The large-scale hunting of Demon Wolf Castle is aimed at all demons in the seventh layer of the abyss. The pure blood wolves of the dark werewolf race are intended to increase the number of their slaves, so they bite people everywhere. ! "

When he heard the words of the old man, Guan Heng frowned, and at this moment he thought to himself: "Uh? Increase the number of wolf slaves ... what the **** do the guys in Molangbao want to do?"

Perhaps he was aware of Guan Heng's doubts. The old demons continued to say, "In the past hundreds of years, Demon Wolf Castle has frequently held large-scale hunting and desperately expanded its number of wolf slaves, but no one knows why. But the sense of fear and crisis of other demons on the seventh floor is increasing year by year. We can't resist the werewolves at all, so we can only let them do whatever they want. "

Speaking of this, the old demons with a bit of kindness on his face said: "Uncle, if it is not a matter of life and death, I advise you not to go to Molangbao, after all, this is not a joke! "

"Hahaha, thank you for your kindness." I got some basic information from the old demons, and Guan Heng didn't do much for a long time. He beckoned to Seraki and Ting Si behind him, and three people crossed the red wings. Warcraft thus hurried out of the town where the demons lived, and headed straight for the direction of Molangbao.

Overhead, the three weird magical fields still emit strange rays of light, but Guan Heng suffered some sudden changes in the middle of it!

"It turned out that more than a dozen dark werewolves got together and acted?" Guan Heng looked at the fangs werewolves with red eyes and saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth, and frowned slowly.

"Brother Guan Heng, let these werewolves let me deal with it!" Ting Si sighed at this moment, thinking, "If it weren't for you werewolves who bit me for no reason, Miss Ben wouldn't fall into continuation." Two wolf hearts, I want to strangle you !!! "

The girl who was burning in anger can't be afflicted by anyone. Guan Heng and her brother Seraki suddenly felt the smell of gunpowder around them, and they immediately grasped their Red Wing Wind Warcraft with great interest, just at this moment. , Ting Siji turned over and dropped the mount, and waved the white staff to the group of wolves in front of her was a low voice: "Dragon Spell, Ice Crystal Manic !!"

"Oh!" Just a moment, a large piece of ice grains condensed in the air, exhaled and swept away towards the dark black wolf pack.

Speaking late, it was fast, except for the two dark black men who saw the machine quickly and leaped away from the place, the rest of the wolf were frozen in place instantly. "噌 噌 噌 ——" Ting Si was red at this time I ran over with my eyes, and waved the staff in her hand and knocked on those "human wolf ice crickets". She beat and scolded: "You **** wolf cubs, dare to bite Miss Ben. I beat, hit, Hit-kill you assholes! "

"Uh ... Serachy, your sister is angry and terrible!" At this moment, Guan Heng grinned in amazement. "It seems we can't easily anger her in the future."

"I feel the same !!" Seraki secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said with a bitter smile: "Two werewolves ran away, shall we go and chase the enemy back ?!"

"No, just now I have quietly released Abu and the Basilisk, and let them also move their muscles." Guan Heng smiled at this moment, he turned over and walked to the dark werewolf who was not completely frozen and asked. "Are you a wolf slave?"

The werewolf was desperately struggling to rush up to bite Guanheng, but when he heard that the other party broke his identity, he was frightened and immediately acted a lot more honest. He gasped and asked: "You, what are you people?"

"Who am I? You don't need to know." Guan Heng sneered and hugged his shoulders at this time. "I'm asking a few questions now. If you answer them truthfully, we won't embarrass you, but if you don't You know, did you see the big lady next to you? "

Guan Heng said, using his thumb to tap Tingsi, who was mad at the werewolf with a staff, and then said, "I'll leave you to her until she chokes you to death."

—— [2016.7.10 third, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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