Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1421: Three Elder Wolf Castle

"Do n’t, just ask what you want to ask, I will tell you everything I know!" The werewolf hurriedly saw Ting Si's anger and blindfolded, "Never throw me that crazy woman what!"

"It seems your kid is still fun, okay, then I started to ask." Guan Heng said, and immediately asked: "I ask you, why is the Wolf Wolf Castle frequently holding large-scale hunting to the abyss of the seventh floor? Residents start? "

"This ... this uncle, I'm just a little wolf slave. If you want to ask about large hunts, it's best to ask the leader and deputy captain of our hunting team." The night werewolf with frequent sweat on his head said: "They are the two who just escaped the magic attack and ran away."

"Oh, the matter is temporarily put aside, I ask you, do you know how many elders there are in Mo Wolf Castle, where are they at this time?" Guan Heng thought of the urgent task now, is to find the Elder Wolf Castle quickly , Out of the other person's wolf heart, so that Ting Si eat to understand the poison, so he will ask about this.

At this moment, the frozen werewolf shook his head and said, "I and I are also listening to the captain. They have chanted. There are three elders at Mobobao. They are triple brothers. They not only look exactly the same, but they are all The seventh son of the abyss lord 'Black Devil Wolf King''s biological son! "

"That's what happened!" Guan Heng heard this sentence, a drop of sweat suddenly leaked from his forehead, and murmured in his mouth: "It's awful, it's exactly the same triplets. Such words , I don't know who is the source of the infection at all, wouldn't it be necessary to seize the three elders and find out three wolf hearts for Tingsi to eat? "

With a light from the corner of his eyes, he took a look at Ting Si, who was next to the dark black wolf, and Guan Heng secretly said: "Until the last moment, you must not tell Ting Si if you need to 'eat the hearts of three wolves', otherwise she will cry We can't stand the trouble! "

"Slap!" Guan Heng thought of it, raised his hand and slapped the frozen wolf slave, he asked angrily: "Where are these three elders?"

"Uh ... I know this!" The unlucky wolf slave cried out, "Three or three elders are in charge of hundreds of hunting squads outside Molangbao, and he usually stays in the" Montenegro "a hundred miles away. Every day, all the hunting teams will gather the two hundred freshest hearts and send them to Montenegro to feed the three elders. I and I know so much. "

"Huh, right? Then I will save you a life." At this moment, Guan Heng had seen the multi-headed Basilisk and Abu flying out of the woods, and the Basilisk had wrapped two of its giant tails around itself. Captain of the half-dead wolf slave.

"Huh, Guan Heng, we're back." Abu fell on Guan Heng's shoulder with big ears, and said, "The captives have been caught. What about my reward?"

"Your cheeks are too thick. I usually eat and drink from me, so you can help me with a little help and humiliate your face to reward, really shy and shy." Guan Heng shook his head helplessly: "Okay Okay, here are some soul stones for you to eat. "

"That ... the master, the little servant me ... hehe ..." Although the multi-headed Basilisk was a little embarrassed, it was obviously a bit stunned to see Yabu eating and chewing. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng smiled and threw it away Give the multi-headed Basilisk a few soul stones: "Well, I'll give you some."

"Thank you master, thank you master." The multi-headed Basilisk catches the soul stone with a big mouth, and immediately chews up happily. In fact, this guy's wisdom has gradually matured. He knows how to please Guan Guan, and behave like a cat. Some benefits, these are all learned from Yabu.

At this time, Guan Heng, Seraki and Tingsi had aggressively surrounded the captains of the two wolf slaves, followed by a punch and kick, and hit the two wolf slaves. Screaming, begging for mercy.

"Bang!" Ting Si gave her white staff to the ground fiercely, and she said sharply, "Whatever you ask now, you must answer honestly, otherwise, Miss Ben hasn't played enough!"

After hearing Ting Si's ruthless words, the two wolf slaves were instantly frightened to snore, and then, after repeated interrogation by Guan Heng, the two guys confessed some information, such as the magic The specific location of Montenegro where the three elders of Wolfsburg are located, how to make a short-distance approach, and some information about the other two elders.

In addition to the three elders alone in charge of all the wolf slave squads, the two elders and the two elders are in charge of the outer and inner castles of the magic wolf castle, and they have been with the lord of the abyss at this level. — Outsiders of the Black Devil Wolf King cannot be easily approached.

After discussing with two companions, Guan Heng decided to go to Montenegro to clean up the three elder wolf fortresses, because the guy is often outside and in charge of all the wolf slave hunting squads, which is likely to be the source of the virus that infected Tingsi. Perhaps the elders' hearts could detoxify Ting Si.

A moment later, near Hengshan, a hundred miles away, Guan Heng was riding on the saddle of Redwing Wind Warcraft at this moment, turning his head and Seraki and Tingsi said, "According to the Wolf Servant captives, the three elders had at least a few Ten pure-blooded werewolf guards. These pure-blooded guys are not the same as wolf slaves. They are all more violent and fierce guys. You must be careful at that time, especially Seraki. You should not be bitten. "

"Relax, Guan Heng." Seraki snapped his heavy armor at this moment, he said, "Put on the thick and strong armor you gave me, I believe the fangs of the wolf cubs also It's not so easy to bite me. "

"Brother, don't say it so easily, don't be careless." Ting Si said beside him, "Don't forget, I was bitten because of carelessness."

"Okay, I listen to you." Serazzi was the most helpless to get his sister, so he muttered in a low voice and stopped talking loudly.

Suddenly, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and he hurriedly said to them: "There is movement in the forest and grass in front of you, everyone be careful!"

Seraki and Tingsi glanced at each other, quickly grasped the reins of Redwing Wind Warcraft, and immediately stood close to Guan Heng's side. At this moment, the Qi people who were more than ten meters away rang suddenly in the bush of Artemisia annua. Learn everything-the sound of a rattling!

"Oh!" It was late, and then fast, five or six swift and unshakable shadows rushed out of the grass, these guys did not hesitate to show their fangs and claws to Guan Heng and others!

"Dragon fights off!"

"Oh!" Seraki's great sword quickly came out of the sheath, and immediately split three invisible chops.

"Oh!" Cold light flashed, and the two black shadows fell to the ground in grief after being cut, but the rest of the guys have been scattered between the electric light and flint, but fortunately they are not hurt!

—— [Fourth more in 2016.7.10, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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