Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1425: Detoxification failed (third)

"Oh!" One after another, the wind-strength fighting spirits chopped out, and time passed by the wolf's body, Seraki fully planned that these black giant wolves would be doomed to death by the waist, but did not expect , The slash swept across, and those dark wolves were unharmed!

"Uh? What's going on?" Seraki was surprised, "Isn't these wolf cubs real, just a ghost?"

"No, Seraki, get out of the way!" It was too late, and at that time, Guan Heng suddenly shot his hand and patted Serachi on the shoulder and shook it.

The next second, the fierce wolf that had been violently hit the ground where Seraki stopped just now, and banged and slammed the cracked stone debris there!

Seeing this scenario, Serachi's forehead suddenly burst into cold sweat: "What's going on? They can attack me directly, why can't my slash hurt them?"

"It's nothing great!" Guan Heng said in a deep voice at this time: "These dark pack wolves are not ordinary physical creatures, but are made of pure dark matter. Against these guys, ordinary sword or vindictive attacks will not work, only Use this-- "

Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and he suddenly spread his palm, "Oh!" The sphere of Dragon's Breath crystal suddenly appeared in the hands, "Give me full absorption!"

"Oh!" The crystal sphere quickly spun, and produced a great suction. The dark wolves trembled and shook violently. Then they were swept into the air, disintegrating in the howling screams and turning into Countless streams of dark matter were dragged into the crystal sphere!

"Uh-huh—my dark wolf pack ?!"

"Oh!" I just felt dark in front of me, and the second elder suddenly spit his head against the sky.

Just because the summoning technique of the Dark Demon Wolf is closely connected with his own mental power, once the Devil Wolf is forcibly taken away, the second elder is equivalent to being severely wounded. Is there no reason to hurt?

Just as the second elder of Wolf Wolf Castle suddenly sprayed blood and was seriously injured, Guan Wang body moved, and he rushed to his side and patted the second elder's scapula. "Squeak!" The bone cracking sounded immediately.

"Oops!" The second elder made a terrible cry, his eyes suddenly turned white, and Guan Heng threw back the second elder's body, and this guy suddenly fell in front of Seraki and Tingsi and fell a dog to eat shit!

"Basilisk, send a little spirit monster over!" Guan Heng issued a command with his mental strength, and the long-headed Basilisk that chased and killed other werewolves immediately threw a small clone, and then Guan Heng drove this thing, Let it stumble into the body of the second elder.

"Give him some color and see!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng ordered the little spirit demon in the electric light and flint, so the second elder suddenly felt his body swell violently, and the pain made him die alive. He screamed, and Guan Heng drank. The little soul demon urged further, and then sneered at the second elder: "Now with your third brother, be a prisoner honestly. If you dare to have a slight change, I will let the little soul demon burst your body!"

"Eh ... obey, obey." Life is at stake. The second elder dared not to go against the slightest intention. He immediately pulled his head and stood with the three elders. Seraki and Tingsi stood to the left and right and quickly took this. The two prisoners were taken care of.

"The gate here is the range of the outer castle of Devil Wolf Castle. Now go in the direction of the inner castle." Guan Heng said at this time: "I believe that you can see the elder guy soon."

Sure enough, Guan Heng and the other three escorted the two elder captives, striding into the interior of Molangbao, and met the elders and hundreds of the most elite pure-blooded werewolves in the dark third floor courtyard.

"Second brother? Third brother?" The elder Wolf Fortress saw his brother caught and missed. He was suddenly angry and thunderous. He is a powerful and domineering dark werewolf who likes to run on. He has a nine-footed Tomahawk in his hand. , Saw Guan Heng and others immediately launched a fierce attack!

"Hoo--" The Tomahawk swept across Seraki's waist with a strong wind, and the latter hurriedly stunned with a large sword. "Dang!" The Tomahawk was not as strong as the sword, and was suddenly cut off, but passed by. Serachi, the dragon soul transforming the blood, turned his arms sore and twitched back and forth seven or eight steps, showing that the elders were born with divine power, almost comparable to the tyrannical power of ordinary dragons.

However, it is only the power of ordinary dragons ...

"唰 —— 噌 噌 噌!" Among the light and flint, Guan Heng moved to the elder's side instantly, and the left hand wrapped in the power of the crystal of dragon's breath stretched out, holding the blade of the elder's tomahawk, suddenly Drill five holes in it!

"What ?! I broke my tomahawk empty-handed? How could this be possible?" Between the surprises, the elder responded slowly, Guan Hengzhang suddenly jumped up and opened his bow from side to side. He fell **** the cheeks of the elder and fell away.

"Go to you!" With Guan Heng's roar, a boomerang waved wildly, "Bang!" The elder flew into the air to draw a parabola, and then slammed into the distance!

The next moment, Guan Heng came up with a gourd like this, and summoned a little soul demon, let it penetrate into the elder, and control him firmly.

At this time, the three Elder Wolf Castles have become prisoners of Guan Heng and others.

At this moment, Guan Hengfei kicked his elder's legs and bent the knee, and let the guy fall to his knees, Guan Heng lied, "Say! Where is the Dark Lord Wolf King ?!"

"This ... Her Majesty the Wolf King is awake, but the severe injuries sustained during the expedition to the other world (Ashton mainland) have not healed." The elder said with an expression of pain: "Your Majesty has been healing in a secret place, neither me nor me Know what it is! "

"Mixed things, now that you can't find the Black Devil Wolf King, then I have to spit out the hearts of the three of you first and detoxify my companions!" Guan Heng calmed his face at this time, and ordered the multi-headed basilisk to entangle the three. The elder flew in the air, and led Seraki and Tings to an open space in Molangbao.

"The first one is you!" Guan Heng grabbed the three elders' hair, then said arbitrarily, "You took the hunting team to bite people everywhere on the seventh abyss, causing my companion to be poisoned, and the sin was unforgivable. Your end --dead!"

"Yeah!" Guan Heng's dragon's teeth flashed out the heart of the three elders, and he immediately filled the hot meat ball to Ting Si next to him: "Swallow it quickly."

"Um." Ting Si took the wolf's heart frowning, closed her eyes and swallowed her belly a couple of times.

But she lifted her skirt and looked at her calf, and immediately said to Guan Heng and Seraki, frowning, "Have been hurt, the bite of the tooth has not disappeared!"

"That's not the three elders." Guan Heng took the guy's body aside and immediately kicked the second elder to the ground. He said blankly, "It's your turn now!"

—— [2016.7.11 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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