Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1426: Dark Devil Wolf Queen

The cold light flashed away, the second elder fell to the ground with staring eyes, and his heart was handed to Ting Si's mouth: "Taste this."

"Brother Guan Heng, I ..." Ting Si's face just appeared a bit disgusting, Guan Heng said immediately: "Stupid girl, this is to save your life, understand? Eat it!"

Persuaded by Guan Heng, Ting Si had to swallow the heart of the second wolf, but when the eyes of the three people fell on her calf, her face suddenly changed.

The wolf teeth marks on the legs still clearly exist, and Guan Heng murmured with a bitter smile at this time: "Luck is too bad? The chance of choosing one of the three is still in the end ..."

"Ah? Isn't it still necessary to eat ?!" Ting Si's face turned red and white for a while, and she changed back and forth.

Seeing that Guan Heng was about to shoot at the elder again, Ting Si suddenly said loudly: "Forget it, Brother Guan Heng, this is my own hands. Maybe I am a bit lucky."

"Would you like to come by yourself? Okay, okay, it's you who hurts, and it's okay to let you do it yourself." Guan Heng glanced at Seraki, who shrugged his shoulders without objection. Throw a short blade at Ting Si.

But when Ting Si was about to start, suddenly changed suddenly! !!

At this moment, a scream of shriek suddenly came from above the Wolf Wolf Castle: "Who is it? Who killed my children and grandchildren? Destroy my Wolf Wolf Castle's foundation, I will tear you to pieces!"

Suddenly, a frenzied enlargement, in the midst of the sky, a dark cloud billowed with thunder, and suddenly fell on the open space.

"Uh ah ah-Your Majesty the Wolf King, save and save your life!" At this moment, the elder shouted sternly: "Your Majesty, the second and third brothers, ohhhhh ... they were all heartbroken. Death, they have to fight against me, Your Majesty! "

"Miscellaneous things, why would my dark wolf clan have such wasteful things like you? If you did n’t look at the death of my three sons, you would be the only one, and I would have killed you as a coward!"

At this moment, an angry female voice came out of the black mist, and then, "Oh!" Someone waved his arm, and the mist disappeared immediately.

Brothers and sisters Guan Heng and Seraki took a closer look. Standing in front of them was a girl of medium build and dark armor. The woman was over forty years old and had beautiful features, but her eyes and brows were very evil. Shaohua is no longer there, but she is still in a state of grace and beauty.

"Women, women?" Seraki screamed first. "Is the Dark Lord the Wolf King a woman?"

"Huh!" ****** sneered: "You should call this 'Black Devil Wolf Queen'!"

"Okay, but no matter how we call you, we can't change our position."

Guan Heng chuckled at this moment, then stepped on the elder's head and said, "I said ... Ahem, Her Majesty, my companions and I are planning to go to the sixth abyss, please tell me the path, By the way, hand over the fragment of the alien space teleportation array you saved, otherwise, the second elder, the third elder and this dead wolf will be your end !! "

"Is this true! How dare you be so rude ?!"

When the black demon wolf heard Guan Heng's words, she undoubtedly felt the humiliation she had never encountered in her life. She is a dignified abyss lord. Although she is a female prostitute, that is also the general of the demon master Pawn and the patriarch of the dark werewolf tribe. I have never suffered such scornful and contemptuous words!

"I'm rude? Not necessarily, I'm persuaded, because we don't want to do anything with women."

At this time, Guan Heng slowly released the huge momentum of the Dragon's Breath crystal, and at the same time, he constantly absorbed the pure dark matter within a thousand kilometers around him, so that his murderous energy soared to the extreme. Guan You slowly said: "You ... How is the strength compared to the venerable king of the snake and the ancient skeleton evil god? They are all dead in my hands, of course, it is not bad for you, huh !!! "

Guan Heng's last word said, a fierce and violent invisible murderous spirit suddenly condensed, and slammed into the body of the black devil wolf queen.

"Eh ?!" The queen had long expected that it was not easy to find the door. How could she know that the opponent was a hundred times more difficult than she thought? The invisible murderous force was like a smashing hammer that knocked at her. In front of her, in a hurry, the black devil wolf yelled and gathered gas defense: "Wolf King Shield!"

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, and Guan Heng's murderous hammer condensed with the crystal of dragon's breath had already hit the "wolf emperor shield" fiercely!

"Squeak-click!" In the harsh sound of energy friction, the Wolf Emperor Sky Shield shattered, and the Dark Devil Wolf Queen hurried back ten meters. Guan Heng's Dragon Breath was so aggressive that Fast and improbable speed approached the Queen again.

For a moment, the black devil wolf queen even felt that the shadow of death had fallen near her forehead, and she closed her eyes: "It's over, am I going to die? Lord, I will never ..."

"Pop!" Suddenly, Guan Heng slammed his fingers, and the murderous spirit disappeared in front of the queen. The Dark Lord Wolf only felt that the strong wind in front of her swept across her face, and she was shocked with cold sweat.

At this moment, the queen opened her eyes, her lips trembling slightly and said, "Why didn't you kill me? Our abyss lords are hard bones, and they will never yield to your nameless little soldier!"

"Hehehe, what I want to tell you right now is that killing is not my purpose, but for me it is easy to take your life as an abyss lord."

Guan Heng said proudly to the black devil wolf queen at this time: "This elder, I can give you back, your life, I have no interest, promise me a few conditions, and I will leave the seventh immediately with my companion The abyss allows you to continue to live in peace. This is my extra gift. How about it? "

Just now, his life was almost lost in the hands of the other party. The Dark Lord Wolf Queen is still scared and still has a lot of fear. So when I heard that Guan Heng wanted to spare his life, the Queen said almost without hesitation. "What conditions? You say?"

"Pap." Guan Heng patted Ting Si next to him, and then said to the queen: "My friend was bitten by your wolf slave. This is the root of the conflict. According to the traditional method of lifting wolf poison You must eat the heart of the pure-blooded werewolf who is the source of infection. Now that she has eaten the hearts of two elders, it will not work, so you need to help her detoxify. "

At this point, Guan Yoght paused, and continued to say firmly: "Don't tell me you can't help it, you are the patriarch of the Dark Werewolf. Detoxifying this little thing should not embarrass you!"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.11, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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