Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1431: Three Eyed Demon Race

"That being the case, that's great! That **** three-eyed demon lord has been controlling me with the evil pupil's imprint, letting me act as a mount for him to travel to every layer of the abyss."

Xunxue Beast shook his huge head at this moment, and he sobbed, "And I was in pain because of that imprint every so often. Mozong told me that I must devour the blood of the Demons to stop the pain. That ’s why I hunted the Ogres everywhere, and now I can finally get rid of the **** doom. ”

"I'm going to find the three-eyed demons now to get something, and then we can go to the fifth layer of the abyss." Guan Heng asked the Yuxue mad beast: "Where is the territory of the three-eyed demons?"

"You're going to find that old Dongxie's faintness? Great!" After hearing this, the Xuexue mad beast said loudly: "Riding on my back, I'll take you, just use my You can reach the territory of the Three-Eyed Demon by jumping five times in a short space.

"Excellent, this is the result I need. Although your speed is not as fast as a thousand miles, it is also fast!" Slightly nodded his head and head, Guan Heng shouted loudly to the cabin: "Serachi Tingsi, let's go! "

The next moment, the brothers and sisters of Seraki walked out of the cabin, and they were startled when they saw the blue snow-covered snow beasts: "What? Didn't you kill this ferocious beast?"

"Detailed things, let's talk on the road." Guan Heng thanked the demon woman who had kept herself and three people sheltering from the snow, and told her that there would be no more beasts devouring the demon people in the future. In addition, Guan Heng left her with many small pieces of "black magic crystal", which is the universal currency of the abyss magic domain, and the value is quite high.

Due to the wind and snow raging just now, Guan Heng and others did not know that the territory of the Three-Eyed Demon was nearby, and after several consecutive space leaps in the Xuexue Beast, they had already reached the area occupied by the Demon tribe.

A group of three-eyed Demon patrolmen suddenly came face to face, and they were frightened when they saw the three beasts of Guan Heng and the snow beast. "Not good, someone came back on a beast!"

"Hurry up and report to Lord Lord Mozong!" In the next second, three patrolmen turned around and ran away. The remaining three-eyed magic soldiers waved the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the Snow Monster!

"So many years in the Three-eyed Demon Clan, I have received a lot of anger, I will deal with a few miscellaneous soldiers!" Wu Xue mad beast shouted with a loud voice, and he suddenly uttered a fierce cry to the Three-eyed Demon. Roar roar: "Ice Crystal Cannon!"


"Bang, bang!" Bing Jing Cannon directly hit five or six magic soldiers, making these guys fall out of the air in a volley.

"Wow, this is a great trick." Ting Si, also an ice magician, was particularly interested in this trick, and she said involuntarily, "I wish I could learn it."

"Hehehe, there is nothing difficult to learn." After being praised by others, Yuxue mad beast shook his head and proudly said, "As long as you have a strong magic power, the human race can also master the use of the ice crystal cannon, and I can teach it at that time. you."

Ting was suddenly very happy, she cried with a smile: "Great!"

"Hey, don't worry about chatting," Seraki and Guan Heng said at the same time, "the group of guys have been killed!"

"Boom! Boom!" The sound of breaking through the air of Bingjiayi was ringing, and a hundred meters away from the snow beast, a crowd of black-eyed three-eyed demon soldiers suddenly appeared. There were hundreds of people. At this time, a captain-like guy shouted: "Hurry up and surround them, don't let this guy out, someone has already notified Master Zongzong!"

"Let's run away ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng and the other three laughed at each other, and even Xunxue Beast was amused: "Your dogs can't be blind? We are here to kill you What does it mean to escape? "

Speaking slowly, at that time, Seraki flew to the ground and immediately shouted, "Let's move our bones first, Ting Si, we can't always call Guan Heng on this road, we all have Almost rusted! "

"Brother is right." Ting Si also fell to the ground at this time, she said with a smile: "The genus of miscellaneous soldiers, it's enough for you and me to pass, there is more than enough." At this time, Sierra The strange big sword has fallen on the blades of several three-eyed magic soldiers in front of him: "Go to yours!"

"Bang, bang!" The magic soldier only felt that the opposite side was rushing, and the guy in his hand suddenly soared into the air. Then, Tingsi behind Seraki whispered, "Ice the ground!"

"Woohoo--wow!" The freezing cold swirled like a tornado, and time passed by these unfortunate bodies, turning them into ice maggots.

"Well, Ting Si seems to be very talented in learning ice magic." At this time, the watching snow beast called Xuan Heng with a smile: "Maybe I should think about it, and take what I know The simple ice spell was taught to her. "

"Oh, this is a good thing, you just have to decide for yourself." Guan Heng replied while watching the war effortlessly. At this moment, he saw a few three-eyed demons suddenly came in the distance, one of them The speed was extremely fast, and Seraki, who was running a large sword and fighting with the magic soldier, rushed aggressively.

"Earth Demon Armor-Onslaught!" The three-eyed Demon Clan yelled with a yell, and the whole body suddenly glowed with a khaki light, but in just a blink of an eye, his body was already wearing a full look The thorny earth yellow armor, the fierce charge speed and the spikes, are about to pierce the Seraki into a blood hole!

"Good time!" Seraki just swept through the demon soldier in front of him with a big sword, and saw Huang Jia Zhuanghan rushing towards him like a mad man. He strode forward and waved his big sword to meet him: "Dragon Struggle for life! "

Long Dou Qi is slashed. As the name suggests, this sword-wrapped stabbing sword has no cleverness. It is because of its own power that the real tough guy is domineering!

"Bang!" While the three-eyed brave man in the state of armour of the land was slashed, he retreated seven or eight steps in a row, and Selaki's good power suddenly shocked him with cold sweat, but here he was At that time, the other side waved a big sword, and Feng Jianyan swept across the strong man's neck. The guy's body collapsed and fell to the ground, and a bright red slice suddenly murmured under him, and he died!

The Seraci sword cut the yellow armor and the three-eyed brave man did a good job, and they were very proud of them. They waved the big sword and rushed toward the rest of the magic soldiers, as if the tigers were entering the wolves.

At the same time, Ting Si next to her was not idle, and the Dragon Wings Wenbing Bing magic was frequently shot. In a short time, dozens of three-eyed magic soldiers were frozen on the spot. Guan Heng shouted, "Awesome, awesome, come again!"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.12, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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