Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1432: Severe damage to Demon Sect (fifth more outbreak)

In this way, under the victorious leadership of brothers and sisters of Seraki, many people repelled many three-eyed demons and went straight to the core of the three-eyed demons.

"Yeah!" Yu Xue, the wild beast, suddenly exhaled a chill, freezing more than a dozen magic soldiers in front of it, and shouted to Guan Heng and others: "Let's go, the old thing with three eyes on Mozong is not far ahead ... ... "

"Xuexue mad beast, how brave you are!"

Without waiting for the words of the mad beast, a figure appeared in a distant place. An old man in a black robe outside the 60s came down with a sinking face. He stood a short distance away from the crowd, shouting in tears. "You, an unfamiliar beast, have brought outsiders to destroy my home and hurt my ethnic group. It is really an ungrateful dog thing. If it weren't for me, you would have died miserably on the roadside!"

"Fart, three-eyed demons, you old devil. For so many years, you have clearly abused and enslaved me!" Seeing the old man, Xunxue beast could not help but kill and anger: "You put it on me The evil pupil's imprint is gone, now I'm not afraid of you! "

"Huh? I said why I just broke the connection with the imprint in your head. It turned out to be ruined!" Mozong stared at his three bloodshot evil pupils, staring at Guan Heng and others. He hated it. He said, "It must be a good thing that you dogs have broken me. What a shame-I will kill you all and take revenge for my people!"

"What do you mean by the three-eyed old man? Who wouldn't say that?" Guan Heng sneered at the other side at this time: "Looking around you, it is estimated that the three-eyed Demon tribe has nothing left to die, you quickly wipe your neck and follow Let's go and save Master Ben from working hard. "

"Guan Heng, I have unsolvable grievances with this old thing, let me fight him!" At this moment, Xunxue beast gritted his teeth and said, "I know where the old **** ’s secret room is, you want The teleportation debris you are looking for must be there, so it doesn't matter if we kill him directly! "

"Abominable, how dare you ... dare to betray my secrets to outsiders!" Hearing the words of Xunxue's mad beast, the three-eyed demon screamed at the mad beast and said, "Kill! Evil Hitomi petrified curse! "

"Eh!" In a hurry, a huge black eye appeared in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, an evil mane that was as thick as a bucket shot out, soaring towards the snow beast on the ground. See this scene, Xunxue mad beast, regardless of his huge body, was frightened and rolled away!

"Pop!" The light of the evil pupil shot on the ground where the snow beast hurriedly rolled over, and there was a strange gray color there, and the beast barely escaped the attack, but there were several three-eyed monsters around The soldier's corpse changed suddenly and suddenly turned into a stone!

"The curse of petrification?" Guan Heng frowned suddenly after seeing this scene: "No wonder the beast hides in such anxiety. If it is illuminated by the evil pupil's eyes, it will be completely petrified!"

"Selach, you and Tings step back a bit." Guan Heng whispered at this time: "The petrified ability of that evil pupil is very difficult to deal with, you should be careful before you lift the danger." Listen to this In other words, Seraki and Tingsi didn't know where they were at stake, so the two slightly jaw heads and hurried back.

"Hey-bang bang bang!" At this moment, the light of the evil pupil in the air attacked the snow beast again crazy, and many corpse capitals lying on the ground turned into stones. This series of raids forced the wild beast to escape from the rush, and even had no time to fight back.

"Well, **** betrayal, do you know how powerful the old man is now?" Three-eyed demons smirked proudly at this time: "Run, run away, no matter where you go, my petrified evil pupil Will definitely catch you. "

"Heck, don't you be too proud of this old thing, do you really think I can't break this trick?" Between the lights and flints, the snow beast suddenly jumped back and jumped suddenly, suddenly jumping into the air, "Woohoo!" Aim The petrified evil pupil is a breathtaking breath of three!

The evil pupil in the air was suddenly blown away by the frozen breath. It was an intangible object, and the cold attack effect was limited. Even so, the petrified evil mang was interrupted for two or three seconds.

It's this time when the snow beast is waiting. Speaking late, at that time, the beast in the air dived down sharply and yelled at the three-eyed demons in the distance: "Take me a shot of ice crystal cannon !!"

"Bang!" A bucket-like ice crystal cannon rushed to Mozong. This old thing never imagined that the snow beast would also use tactics, it was too late to dodge when the ice crystal cannon attacked it. Next, the three eyes of Mozong bloomed with evil spirits at the same time, and in a low roar, a gray slate suddenly appeared in front of him: "Shield of the three evil pupils!"

"Bang! Hey-click-crackling!"

With a rush of harsh sounds, the shield of the three evil pupils has been excited and soaked red, but the old thing of the three-eyed demon is safe and sound, but at this time, the petrified evil pupils in the air have got rid of the anxiety The frost of the frost, a petrified ray directed at the snow beast!

"嗖 ——" When the mad beast turned back, his eyes were wide open. It was too late to dodge this time. At the very moment, a ray of cold light suddenly struck through the oblique stab, and it was cut straight to the evil pupil in the air: "Snapped!"

"Haha, the petrified evil pupil of this seat is an intangible thing. How can ordinary chopping have effect?" Mozong saw Guan Heng waving his knife, and suddenly sneered with a sulking nose: "Stupid, this is in vain ..."

Without waiting for the words of Maozong to finish, I saw the petrified evil pupil of the air suddenly burst on the spot, and the petrified ray that attacked the snow beast annihilated and collapsed. It no longer exists, and the wild beast landed in time. To Guan Heng's side.

"I see you as an old guy who is stupid. Master Ben ’s beating has combined two forces of thunder and fire, and an invisible petrified evil pupil, I said to destroy it, and it will not be retained for a moment!"

At this moment, a pair of dragon tooth blades in Guan Heng palm suddenly turned half a circle, and then pointed to the three-eyed magic sect: "Old ghost, your death has also arrived, it is useless to struggle in vain, stand still and don't move, I Good to see you off the road! "

As soon as the word "Lu" exited, Guan Heng's body suddenly disappeared into place. In a blink of an eye, the three-eyed demons heard that the wind on the head was not good. It turned out that Guan Heng had already reached there. The two shadows of death are approaching the head of Demon Soul!

"Ah!" The three-eyed monster Zong didn't see well, and there was too much time to avoid it. The evil pupil on his forehead flickered, petrified with his arms, and he met the dragon's blade and tried to block it out!

"Old things, have you got water in your head?" Guan Heng laughed longly: "The stones also want to block my dragon tooth blade? Daydreaming!"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.12, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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