Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1433: Searching the Treasury (first)

"Yeah! Click!" The arms of the three-eyed demon fell to the ground, but there was no drop of blood on the broken wrist, and then something strange happened suddenly!

Suddenly, the three-eyed Demon Sect of the broken arm turned into a stone statue. This stone statue continued to crack in the blink of an eye, and then collapsed into dirt.

At this moment, Xunxue mad beast shouted, "No good, Guan Heng, this old thing wants to run away, attack the broken hands!"

Speaking, the beast first spit out a column of frozen light and fell to the place where the broken hand fell, but unfortunately the beast awakened a little later, and when his hands fell into the ground silently, he blinked Nowhere to go!

Seeing this, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly: "What's going on?"

"The three-eyed Demon clan is best at the technique of evil pupils and assimilation with the dirt."

凛 雪 狂 兽 shouted eagerly at this time: "That guy knows that petrified arms can't resist your weapon, this is the opportunity to be chopped down, hidden in the broken hands and trapped in the dirt to escape, this cunning old devil In the beginning, he would have thought that this time was too late! "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng's mouth corner sneered sneerly: "So it is true that the patriarch of the land demon clan is well-deserved, but unfortunately, if you want to run away or play tricks, it is a waste of effort!"

"Even if you flee in the soil, there are still traces to follow." Guan Heng said, summoning the soul demon king immediately: "Basilisk, immediately turned into a hundred soul demon avatars, and drilled me into the ground. That old groundhog is dug up! "

Guan Heng's voice didn't fall. The multi-headed Basilisk was already swaying in the roar of his head, and time turned into countless soul-monger avatars, and all of them got into the soil. At the same time, all soul-monger avatars turned themselves on The various angular positions seen in the soil were fed back into Guan Heng's brain.

The next moment, Guan Heng suddenly sneered: "Hmm, I found it. There was a sneaking movement 500 meters away from the northwest, and I immediately blasted that old thing out !!"

"Little servant obeys!" The multi-headed Basilisk in the air issued a command immediately, and saw a series of loud noises suddenly erupted on the ground not far ahead: "Bang Bang Bang!"

Suddenly, a group of dark shadows was knocked out of the soil by countless soul demon avatars, and then "噗嗤" spurted out an old blood, and 咣 when they fell in front of Guan Heng and others.

At this moment, Guan Heng stared at the other person with a cold and indifferent eye, saying, "Old man, you are running, why can't you move?"

"You!" Guan Leng whispered in his ears, three eyes of the divine abyss Lord of the Demon, suddenly angry again with a blood spurt: "Uh ... hmm!"

But even at this time, the three-eyed demons didn't give up to escape. He looked at Guan Heng now striding towards himself, hurriedly turning around and trying to escape, but between the electric light and flint, Tingsi and 凛Snow mad beasts shot together!

"Dragon language ice spell-ice crystals bound feet!" "Oh!" In the low snoring sound of Ting Si, the freezing ankle time condensed the demon's ankle, at the same time, the snow monster yelled loudly An extremely cold breath was sprayed, which instantly frozen the other half of the body.

"Uh ... uh ... uh ah ah-" Suddenly, the cold bones swept through the whole body of the three-eyed demon who screamed and screamed, and immediately made his lips blue and dull, "Pop!" The old guy's cheek was just a slap, and he snorted and asked, "Say! Where are the fragments of the alien space teleportation array you keep?"

"Well ...... Well ...... I say, I say, as long as you leave my life, what I say!" Now keep their residual life of this escape is the most important, three magic number Distressed said: "My A storage ring was tied around the waist, and the debris from the teleportation array was there, inside. "

Guan Heng immediately searched Mozong and found the storage ring and a bunch of keys. At this time, Xunxue Beast said: "Guan Heng, those keys can open the three-eyed magic zong secret treasure house. The treasure chest in it, you can just take everything away. "

"This is a good idea, Mozong, you lead the way. If you dare to play tricks, Master Ben will make you die unsightly!" Guan Heng said with a wave and patted him on the shoulder of Mozong, and immediately put the whole body of ice on him. She struck into powder, and then kicked on the back of this old thing: "Hurry up, don't grind!"

"Oops! Yes, yes, I'll lead the way right away." Mo Zong was suffering from the pain, and had to lead the way in frown. At this moment, this old thing greeted the eighteenth generation of ancestors of Xunxue Beast. : "Damn traitor, how dare you sell all my babies to someone else, I'll look for a chance to kill you!"

Seeing the hidden hatred in the eyes of the three-eyed monster, Guan Heng sneered and made a look at the long-headed basilisk floating in the air. The latter immediately noticed, and secretly drove a soul demon to avatar, silently drilling After entering the three eyes of Demon Sect, he lurked in his body.

After a moment, with three eyes full of perseverance, Demon led Guan Heng to the door of his secret treasure house. Guan Heng reached out and unlocked the door lock with his key. Then he walked in, and when he and Serachi When the brothers and sisters Tingsi saw a room of things, they couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning: "The old things like the three-eyed demon are really searchable. Here, the black demon crystals are already piled up like a mountain."

"Well, I can almost feel that the dark matter contained in these magic crystals is extremely pure." Guan Heng thought to himself at the moment: "After my dragon's breath crystals have absorbed them, they can definitely make rapid progress."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng honestly put away all the black magic crystals here, and then he threw the storage ring found from the demon to Seraki: "Take it, the stuff here can hold How much counts, it's all up to you! "

"Wow, it's so cheap for me ?!"

Seraki met with the storage ring and took the contents of the treasure house in one breath. After seeing this scene, a fierce color suddenly appeared on the face of the devil who was behind the crowd, and his heart was dark. Scolded: "Grab my baby? A group of assholes, I'd rather blow up here than let you do it !!"

Speaking late, fast then, the deliberate three-eyed demon lord reached out and pulled the door of the treasure house, listening only to a series of sounds of "giggling, grunting", and there were countless strange inscriptions erected around the treasure house suddenly. The thick iron slab of the text is not unbiased and traps Guan Xing and his beasts.

Three-eyed Mozong roared sharply at this time: "Damn traitor and invader, you will be blown up to pieces here!" Between the electric light and flint, Mozong will reach out and detonate the treasure house according to the motive, but here it is Suddenly, unexpectedly!

—— [2016.7.13 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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