Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1436: Nao Ducal Office

The words didn't fall, Guan Heng's whole body suddenly surged the coercion of the dragon's breath crystal, and those naturally sensitive red worms were stiffly stuck in midair. At this moment, Guan Heng sneered sneerly: "You can disappear It's up! "

"Hoo!" The Dark Dragon Starburst reappeared in the palm, and was then thrown into the air by Guan Heng lightning. They turned into a dark meteor fire and rain in a short time, completely burning the Red Scarlet Swarm into ashes!

The way the Blood Meizu controls the swarms and plants is to have a direct spiritual connection with the other party. When the red red swarm released by the strong man is burned out, the guy suddenly screams: "Uh ah ah —— "

"Bang, bang!" The next second, all the skin pores of the **** Meizu strong man were cracked and burst, and countless bright red blood mist soared out, making this guy violently on the spot.

"Ah ?! This ..." The "Miss Three" who directed his attack on Guan Heng saw this scene, and was immediately embarrassed, angry and crooked, she shouted with a stomping foot: "Let's go together, no need to catch Kill me, kill me— "

"Chong!" The remaining blood Meizu guys each pulled out the short black rods, and released a large group of red flying insects from inside. At this time, Guan Heng's eyes froze suddenly, he said unhurriedly: "Ya Cloth, would you like to taste these bugs? "

"Hum, I'll wait for you!" Abu, the soul-sucking beast, felt a lot of dark matter in the red worm just now. When Guan Heng burned out the worm, Abu screamed in his heart. At this point he could be considered to have a full meal.

"Woohoo--" Fanning his huge ears to meet the flying swarm, Abu suddenly opened his big mouth and produced a strong absorption force: "Haha, I'm moving!"

The number of these red scarlet flying insects is small, and there are thousands of them, but under the breath of Yabu, the blink of an eye has disappeared without any trace, and all enter the stomach of the soul-sucking beast.

"Ehhhhhhhh!" Suddenly lost his spiritual connection with his swarm. The **** Meizu strong man suddenly spurted his head and slowly fell to the ground.

"Hum, let me show you some colors." At this moment, Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, was also fiercely exposed. It exhaled a yellow mist of bones towards the fallen blood Meizu people. The flesh on the ground disappeared immediately. Into piles of sensational bones.

"Yeah!" Miss San of the House of the Duchess of Blood Charm saw her companion's miserable appearance, and suddenly screamed in horror. She immediately realized in her heart that the other party was not a hot character she could handle, so she turned around and wanted to escape. .

"Want to leave? I'm afraid it's too late?"

"Wow!" In the sneer, Guan Heng flung out the bound demon cable and flew around the waist of the blood Meizu woman. Guan Heng dragged and pulled her back to herself. Then he said coldly, "Take us honestly to the residence of the Duchess of Blood Charm. Otherwise, you have seen the end of those guys, wouldn't you also want to become a bone?"

At this moment, the face of the Demons woman had long lost her pride and she was filled with endless panic. She said, "No, no, forgive me. If you want to go to the Duke's mansion, I will show you the way. That is it. "

For the next period of time, while the Demon woman led Guan Heng to walk through the jungle to the Duchess Mansion, she whispered the situation of the Duchess of Blood Charm under the pressure of Guan Heng.

This so-called "Miss Duchess Mansion" turned out to be the niece of the Duchess, Ji Anlin. She relied on this powerful force to run around the fifth abyss, and no one managed her anyway.

Ji Anlin claims that her half-daughter and duchess have been living in abundance for hundreds of years and rarely appeared in public. However, she had expeditioned to Ashton Continent with Demon Pawn that year, but she was fortunate to have not been seriously injured. One.

At this time, Guan Heng wanted to ask some valuable information again, but Ji Anlin frowned and claimed that she was not qualified to participate in the affairs of the Duchess's house. Those two cousins, Leona and Xiuying, were taking care of it. Those two were the actual powers of the Duchess' residence.

At this moment, Guan Heng and others, under the leadership of Ji Anlin, came to the Duchess of Blood Charm in the jungle hinterland.

This is a huge building that can't see the end. It has a beautiful appearance and luxurious decoration. The typical aristocratic lord-style mansion is comparable to the royal palace of the human world, and there are seven or eight black clothes on the door. Armored guards are patrolling.

When the black armored guards at the gate of the mansion saw people coming from the opposite side, Ji Anlin was pushed off like a prisoner. These guards were suddenly outraged, and one of the captain-like guys shouted: " Bold, how did you treat Miss Three of the Duke's Mansion like this? I think you are living impatiently ... "

"The chickens that are blocking the road are broken, roll me out!" Guan Heng waited for the other party to finish his words like a barking dog, and immediately punched his fists up, hitting the black armored guard headed by the opponent, and the other side sprayed blood. , Directly smashed the gate of the mansion.

"Is there such a thing, you—" As the other black warriors were about to provoke, the snow monster next to him immediately roared and blasted out the frost, and suddenly the unfortunate eggs were frozen into hard morsels, standing in the original place. The ground cannot move.

"Hey, if you don't want to die, quickly lead the way." At this moment, Ting Si gave Ji Anlin a grumpy look: "Go away, don't delay our time!"

"Yes, yes, please go here."

Ji Anlin is the fish on the chopping board at this moment. People want to kill and then kill, and chop and chop. She can only swallow with patience and lead Guan Heng's group forward. Suddenly, the Duke's Mansion suddenly rushed out of a crowd, headed by two blood-Meizu women with similar ages.

"Sister Lei, Leona ... Sister Xiuying ..." Seeing the two blood Meizu women, Ji'anlin suddenly changed her face and she couldn't help talking. She said indifferently: "I ca n’t help it. Come over these people ... "

"Stop, you slut!" Leona's fierce man on the left interrupted Ji Anlin's words, and she snarled like a female cat with a trampled tail: "Break into the duke's palace with an outsider, He also killed the defender. Such behavior is tantamount to rebellion, Ji Anlin, you go to death— "

Leona shouted these words, suddenly raised her wrists, "Oh!" A few times Wuguang had already burst out of the air, and suddenly nailed Ji Anlin's throat and throat, it turned out to be three black Narrow wood spines.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.13, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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