Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1437: Verbal provocation (fifth more outbreak)

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehh ," Jianlin screamed suddenly. After the severe pain, she just wanted to reach out and pull out the wooden spurs. The three weird things suddenly swelled up and thick, so she drew the blood of Ji'anlin. Countless tentacles were grown, and she snapped Ji Anlin's eyes, ears, nose, and nose in an instant, tearing her Tianling stiffly.

"Oh!" After the three thorns became thick thorns and drank Ji'anlin's blood, he suddenly twisted into a skein, and he flew back to Leona's hand, and turned into a dark thorny cane in black.

"Uh, are the blood Meizu ... all these cold-blooded beasts?" Seeing this situation, Guan Heng couldn't help frowning and said, "No matter what, it ’s relatives and sisters. It ’s just killing and killing me. It's cruel. "

However, at this moment, Leona and Xiuying, the second daughter of the blood Meizu, just looked at Guan Heng and others coldly. Xiu Ying stepped forward at this time and said blankly: "Three, must be in A traveler looking for fragments from a different space? Our Duke of Blood Charm has long been waiting in Fufu, please come with me. "

After Xiuying said this, she immediately waved to the followers behind her, and those people immediately flashed a road, and wanted to ask Guanheng to go inside.

"Guan Heng, what's going on?" Seraki whispered at this moment: "The other party actually knew that we were looking for teleportation debris. This is really weird, would it be a trap and want to introduce us to the net? ? "

"It doesn't matter, I have sent Yabu and the Hydralisk to follow us secretly." Guan Heng answered in a low voice. "In case there is something wrong, everyone will shoot together, and they will not be afraid to play tricks. Let's go." "

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Seraki and Ting Si and Xun Xueshou heard that Guan Heng had arranged everything, and immediately put his heart in his stomach, and followed Guan into the opponent's mansion hall.

After Leona and Xiuying introduced the crowd into the hall, they said with expressionless expressions: "Please sit down for a while, our Duke of Blood Charm will come out and meet you soon."

"Well, the mansion of the Blood Meizu lord is much stronger than the mouse hole of the three-eyed demon." At this moment, Xun Xuebei was lying lazily on the soft and thick carpet, and his eyes narrowed, "No Do you know what kind of man the Lord Duchess of the Blood Meizu is? "

"I think the Duke of Blood Charm knows that we are here for some reason. Someone must have disclosed the news to her in advance."

Guan Heng was sitting in a chair at this time, leaning aside, not far away, Leona and Xiuying stood up and deliberately exclaimed: "So, presumably the Duchess has already given us what we want, and with both hands, That's fine, so as not to annoy me when I get rid of the blood Meizus up and down the Duke's Mansion in one go, then you're asking for trouble. "

"You!" At this moment, Leona almost stared at Guan Heng's eyes. She forced the mother-duke's order not to conflict with the other party, so she could only meet Guan Heng and others by anger. Just to kill his cousin Ji Anlin just now, I just wanted to give Guan Heng a power to let him know that he had no fear.

However, Guan Heng saw Leona's dislike for herself early, but if the other side could not bear it, Guan Heng felt a little uncomfortable. She simply made a statement to provoke Leona, tempting her to take a shot to herself, to see that hiding in the dark What will be the reaction of the Duchess.

All of a sudden, the air was full of gunpowder, and Guan Heng smirked and slanted the other side. He did not take Leona at all. This contemptuous behavior suddenly made Leona, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, shot and killed. heart.

"Miscellaneous things, I don't believe in killing you, my mother will blame me ?!" Leona thought of this, and immediately decided to make it difficult for Guan Heng, and saw that the three-foot thorn and rattan staff in her hands flinched, and suddenly became Three black wooden spines, then threw to the throat of Guan Heng: "Go to death!"

This attack method is the same as Leona ’s killing Ji Anlin just now, but at this time Xiu Ying shouted in panic: "Sister, don't stop!" It was too late, and the three black ebony spines had already been released, and flew to Guan Heng's eyes in an instant.

At this moment, Guan Heng didn't panic and smiled: "Finally I can't help it, OK!"

Suddenly, the palm of his hand gathered the fiery dragon's breath power, Guan Heng's unarmed fist grabbed at the three wooden thorns, and immediately held them in his hands. At this moment, Leona trembled and felt that the wooden thorns had been stunned. The danger of destruction, she yelled quickly: "Wood thorn tentacles, long !!"

In a short time, the three small wooden thorns rose sharply again, and stretched out numerous narrow and long tentacles, seeing that it was going to entangle Guan Heng's head.

"I've seen this trick once, and it's useless to make it again." Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and the fiery dragon power's original power immediately burst out from his body, and those wooden thorn tentacles swept away. At that time, it was immediately scorched into powder, forming a plume of smoke. "Pop!" At the next moment, the fingers of the horizontal cross were pressed tightly, and the three wooden thorns in the palm were immediately crushed.

"Uh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs" after suffering a great loss was destroyed, a spurt of blood spurted out.

"Sister, don't you worry?" Seeing Leona being injured, Xiu Ying kept busy helping her. She looked at Guan Heng and others and immediately added a lot of fear.

At this moment, Guan Heng said loudly: "Duke Blood Charm, I know that you have been observing for a long time in the dark. Why? Do you want me to hurt both of your daughters, and only then will you show up? body?"

The words didn't fall, Guan Heng's figure disappeared in place, the next second, he had appeared beside Xiu Ying and injured Leona, and he waved to Xiu Ying's heavenly spirit: " dead!!"


"The rotten wood poisonous bee !!" In a low snoring sound, three pieces of decaying wood suddenly flew in the air, the target was Guan Heng's head and the palm he posed to Xiuying.

"Hmm, will you finally come out?" The dragon's tooth blade on Guan Heng's back suddenly came out of the sheath, and it took time to shatter two of the dead wood!

But the third piece of rotten wood was smashed in the middle, but it was done by the person who secretly shot it. I saw the debris flying, and a large group of fine-waisted black bees, like black clouds, stormed towards Guanheng. The thin-waisted black bee was wrapped in a large amount of black magic in the Demon Realm. At first glance, it was a fierce and unusual breed. Guan Heng saw them without fear. Hey! "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.13, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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