Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1438: Conquer the blood charm (first)

Speaking late, it was fast, and three of them were divided into front, left, and right, and swept across the swarm in a fan shape. When the thin-waisted black bee wanted to flutter and dodge quickly, it was found that the air had condensed for it In this half a second, none of the whole group of black bees were defeated, all of them were frozen into ice flowers by the freezing knife, and they fell to pieces and fell to pieces.

Guan Heng already knows this result well, and what he is most concerned about at this moment is his whereabouts of the fourth frozen knife, "Bang!" The chill knife blasted fiercely on the wall in the corner of the hall. Suddenly cracking and shooting fragments, suddenly burst from the inside of a rapid black shadow, wielding arms attacked Guan Guan.

"Haha, I want to see what you have to do, is not qualified enough to be called the Lord of the Demon Realm!" At this moment, Guan Heng has long been determined that the other party is the Duchess of the Blood Charm, so he waved the double teeth of the dragon teeth and dared to meet: Within ten minutes, let your weapons go! "

The Duke of the Blood Meizu looked about forty years old and looked very similar to the two sisters Leona and Xiuying. In the fierce wind of "whooting", the old woman was waving a black iron staff, like crazy. The tiger can only attack and defend, and madly engages with Guan Heng, and she yells, "Hurt my baby girl, I want your life!"

"Innocent, you are worth it ?!" Guan Heng did not forget to scoff at each other in the fight: "Look at your age, find a place to hide and live for two more years, Master Ben disdain to kill you- — "

Guan Heng said here, his body suddenly turned sharply, his blades were divided into two parts, and his neck was cut and his waist was cut. The castration was like lightning, and the wind was sweeping the leaves like a wind. The Duke of the Blood Charm had no time to dodge. The black iron staff stretched out and blocked.

"Ka-cha!" The wand in the Duchess's palm was broken into three parts, and Guan Heng was too impassive. Then he kicked his legs in the middle of the other's abdomen. "Bang!" "In the sound, suddenly knocked over the numerous tables and chairs in the hall.

"噌 噌 噌 ——" Guan Heng tiptoed, and suddenly leapt to the side of the Duchess of Blood Charm. The dragon's tooth blade suddenly stuck on the neck of the opponent. "唰 唰 唰!" The epidermis of her neck was not broken.

At this moment, Guan Heng said coldly, "Hmm, did you see that? If you just press your hand a little harder, you have already died three times."

"Huh ..." The duchess's face was so pale, she whispered, "I'm not as good as anyone, you kill me!"

"唰-锵!" Guan Heng's double-edged dragon blade not only fell off, but retracted the scabbard in an instant. He said at this time: "I haven't got what I want, the reason to kill you and Not enough. If you want to survive, you know what to do in your own heart! "

"Well, I finally understand why the Queen of the Black Demon Wolf tried to dissuade me from doing anything with you when she notified me." With a pale face, the Duchess of the Blood Meizu said with a sigh: "With your strength, you ca n’t It took a lot of effort to settle down my Ducal Mansion. "

"Oh, I said how do you know we want to get the teleportation debris, it turned out to be the result of a secret notice from the Dark Lord Wolf Queen." Guan Heng asked with a little curiosity at this time: "How do you know?"

"Uh ..." At this moment, the Duchess stood up with the help of her two daughters Leona and Xiu Ying, and she said, "I not only know the Dark Wolf Queen, but I also keep in touch. She ’s a good friend, so she used a communication crystal ball to tell me that if you can reach the fifth abyss, if you ca n’t do it, it ’s best to settle it peacefully. This is also for the safety of our blood Meizu. ”

Having said that, the Duchess paused, and then said with a bitter smile: "At first I thought that the girl of the Black Wolf King was scaring me. I didn't expect that you seemed more powerful than she said. Now. "

"Come with me. I stored the teleportation debris in my secret room. Let's go get it there." Then, with the help of two daughters, the Duchess of Blood Charm took Guanheng to the mansion. The third floor. When the crowd entered the secret room, when the Duchess took out the teleportation shards and handed them to Guan Heng, she suddenly said: "I hope that after you reach the fourth level of the abyss, you will teach the mad monkeys with low intelligence."

"Crazy monkey?" Guan Heng slightly twitched, but didn't answer the stubble. He turned the words forward and said, "Although I had some unpleasant troubles before, I haven't hurt anyone in your government, so leave. Now. "

The **** princeess, Guan Heng, quickly left, so she said coldly, "Send it soon, please."

In this way, Guan Heng led the brothers and sisters of the Seraki to the long run, and soon came out of the Duke's House.

"Brother Guan Heng, I heard the Duchess's last words." Ting Si asked with a little confusion at this time: "Do you know what she meant?"

"Well, I really don't know, hey, Xunxue." Guan Heng turned his head and asked, "Did you not go to the fourth abyss? Who is the lord there?"

"Uh ... even if I've been there once with the old thing of Sanyangua, it's hundreds of years ago, let me think about it." At this moment, Xue Xueshou pondered his head for a long time and finally lost his voice. "Yes, I remember, the fourth level of the abyss is ... the realm of the ape demons!"

Immediately afterwards, Xun Xueshou said, "The boss of the Ape Demon clan should be the" Split Giant Giant Ape ", and he seems to be familiar with the three-eyed demons, but the two seem to be a little bit different. Ape is a very upright, grumpy guy who doesn't like the character of Mozong. "

"Oh, is this the case?" Guan Heng said at this time: "Let's get on the road first, and you can tell me about the Ape Demon thing in the road."

As a result, Guan Heng, Seraki and Ting Si turned over the back of Xun Xuebei. The beast screamed with a head hissing, and then jumped into the air. Afterwards, they took Guanheng across and they passed through Area of ​​the fourth level abyss.

Different from the fifth layer, the fourth layer of the abyss includes desert hills, huge rivers and vast grasslands. In the nine layers of the abyss world inhabited by the demon life, the fourth layer of the abyss has a good land, but ... The ape demons here don't know how to use resources.

The Ape Demon is the most fierce fighting race among the creatures in the Demon Realm. Their tempers are fierce and aggressive, and they are aggressive and aggressive. When the demon Pawn expeditioned to the Ashton continent, he once entered the palace of the five main gods as a vanguard. Countless divine soldiers and priests died miserably.

It is said that as long as the ape demon clan enters the combat state, nothing can interrupt their violent momentum that shatters the enemy. In addition to the super strong combat power, the ape demon clan is also the only ethnic group in the abyss of the demon domain who knows the forging technology. Almost all the weapons used by the Demon Race are made by the Ape Demon.

—— [2016.7.14 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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