Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1439: Attacked Caravan

But ... other demons at the abyss level are too unwilling to deal with the ape demon, because these five big and three thick monkeys are really too irritable. Maybe at the moment, they were still laughing and drinking wine with you side by side. The next moment the words didn't agree, the group of mad monkeys immediately howled and turned their hands, this character was really crazy and unbearable.

The fourth layer of the abyss was originally a place rich in soil and water, but the ape devil did not like those suitable living environments. He moved his community to the desert hills where the birds do not shit, and they lived for thousands of years. Moreover, they have always seldom asked questions about things outside their own territories, and allowed other demons to spawn in the fourth abyss.

However, the Ape Demon will go to other villages, towns, and towns to purchase abyss iron ore for casting equipment on a regular basis every year, and the Ape Demon will drive down the price of the ore purchase. In addition, the Ape Demon Although he has a bad temper, he doesn't take the initiative to hurt other races. Unless you kill them by yourself, you will be miserable.

At this moment, Guan Heng and others were rushing forward along a wide river while riding a snow monster, and Xue Xue also said: "Although we have run to the end along this river, we can reach the Ape Demon race. Territory, but we'd better find a map or something in the Mozu village and see if we can save the time by taking a short route. Can you say that?

"Agree, that's a good idea."

Guan Heng chuckled and said at this time: "Just do what you said, I hope we can walk to the site of the Ape Demon race as soon as possible." 凛 雪 兽 slightly jaw head, so slowed down and looked around, suddenly, it called A cry: "Huan Heng, I saw a road in front of it, and there seemed to be traces of wheels rolling over. It seems that the person going forward should be heading for the town."

"Well, just go down this road." Guan Heng said to Seraki and Ting Si around him, "Hurry up, I will let the Xuexue go at full speed!" Guan Heng's voice just fell, 凛The snow beast had spread its four hoofs and ran full-force. At full speed, the yellow dust rose behind it, like a dirt dragon that kept turning around. In a blink of an eye, the snow beast ran out for more than ten kilometers. .

Suddenly, a trace of strange air drifted past Guan Heng's nose, and Guan Heng suddenly felt something wrong: "This is ... **** ?!"

"Xue Xuebei, stop for a moment." Guan Heng patted the other's head at this time. Although somehow inexplicable, Xue Xuebei slowed down, and asked with a tilted head, "What's wrong?"

"I have a very bad hunch." Frowning his eyebrows tightly, Guan Heng sniffed the air nearby, he said immediately, "Did you all smell a **** gas?"

Seraki and Ting Si frowned after Guan Heng's body, and they said in unison: "We seem to have noticed."

"Well ... this smell ... is the smell of death ..." Wu Xueshou lowered his head on the ground and sniffed, and said immediately: "The place where the accident happened is two or three kilometers ahead. Shall we go and see?"

At this time, Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "Okay, just go and take a look. Otherwise, I'm also very disturbed." Seraki and Tingsi looked at each other, and then slightly jaw, they are obviously the same Views.

Now that they had made up their minds, Wu Xuebei immediately took off and hurried forward. After ten seconds, the crowd reached the place where they were exuding blood. When they saw the scene in front of them, their eyebrows tightened suddenly.

"Well, they're all dead. It seems they're from the ape demons."

Guan Heng and his siblings jumped off the back of Xun Xueshou at this time, striding over to watch, and saw that there were at least 20 or 30 corpses lying on the floor, all of which were distorted, and the dazzling demons People, the black mane on their heads and faces is very heavy, the huge cross-mouthed ears and the nostrils have proved that the deceased are the characteristics of the ape-devil people.

"The shapes of the fatal injuries suffered by these ape-man are different." Guan Heng murmured after glancing at each other. "They were caused by swords, spears and strong bows."

Seraki's vision was also very sharp, he said beside him, "These ape-devil guys seemed to have been killed by a surprise attack. Everyone sees that their weapons are almost still tied around their waists and on their backs. Some apes As soon as the demon held the axe's handle, he fell. "

"Yes, it looks like a close range attack." Guan Heng blinked at this moment and said, "I just don't know if it was done by an acquaintance."

"Well, there seems to be movement in the distance!" At this moment, Ting Si, who was standing closest to the road, suddenly called out, "It seems someone came over."

Everyone heard Ting Si's reminder, and they all heard their heads raised, saying that time was late, and then, three singular monsters carrying knights were rushing in the distance. The monsters of these strange realms looked similar to lions. However, except for the large lilac scales on the head, the whole body is piebald smooth skin, not even a hair, and the beast also has three bare tails.

"Ah ?! Why did our people die here?" The first strong man riding a strange beast was also an Ape Demon. When this guy saw the **** corpse, he screamed loudly: "Heavenly killer, I want to tear you up to avenge your people!"

"Oh!" As the roar came out, the ape demon tribe and his two companions behind him fell down on the mount, took off the huge axe and heavy hammer on the saddle, and flung them towards Guanheng fiercely. :"kill--"

Seeing this, Guan Heng's face changed suddenly, Ting Si still shouted in a hurry: "Wait, we are not fierce ..."

"Yeah!" But before she finished speaking, a strong man of the ape demons roared and slammed her head with a heavy hammer.

"Huh!" The heavy hammer shook the wind and the wind was fierce, and Xuexue immediately fit and fluttered, and it roared, "Ting Si girl leaning back, let me deal with him!"

The claws also came, and the front claws of Xun Xueshou had been wrapped up in cold air and hit the opponent's hammer with a hard blow: "Bang!" At the same time, Guan Heng and Seraki also had two other ape demons. There was a fierce fighting among the ethnic clans.

"Dangdang Dang!" Instantly, Seraki's great sword and the opponent's axe repeatedly collided with each other, both of them felt that the other was strong and powerful, both of which were powerful and powerful.

At this moment, Serachi was surprised, and said in his heart, "Since I learned Guan Hengjiao's dragon fighting spirit, my strength has increased tenfold. I didn't expect this guy to not lose to me?"

It's not how Seralki praised his opponent secretly. What he didn't expect was that the ape-devil and the brave man on the opposite side was also surprised at this time.

—— [2016.7.14 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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