Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1440: Misunderstanding (third)

However, surprised and surprised, surprised and surprised, the battle between Serachi and the other party is still heating up and intensifying!

However, the most fierce battle in the field is still Guan Heng and the ape-strong tribe headed by that one. The strong man is obviously the leader among the three of his own. A thick-backed mountain blade grows more than five feet and moves. Power is terrifying.

Coupled with the sorrow and indignation of the brave man at this time, he could not wait to dump all his anger on Guan Heng. At this time, he broke out in an angry blow and shouted, "Evil thief, my ape demon's gangkui "I'm going to crush you."

"It's really a reckless guy, let alone play two hands with you." Guan Heng knew that the other side was now angry and covering his eyes. Even if he explained it, it was useless, so he didn't even pull out the dragon's blade. The ape-devil man fought.

The ape-devil Gang Kui ’s thick-backed open mountain blade flipped up and down, and in a hurry, Guan Heng was surrounded by water from the front, back, left, and right. Gang Kui had a trick, and he really wanted to cut Guan Heng into two halves. However, Guan Heng's understatement left and right flickered, and all of Gang Kui's attacks were immediately defeated. Anxiously, Gang Kui was wow and yelled: "How can this be, bluff, if you have the patience, don't hide, fight back !!"

"This is what you told me to fight back, but don't regret it!" Said time and time soon, Guan Heng's figure flickered slightly, and time disappeared in situ.

"Pop!" The next second, Guan Heng's arms stretched out, his fingers suddenly rested on the opponent's knife, and then he stunned gently.

"Uh huh?" Gang Kui only felt the shock of his arm. His response was extremely quick and he drew a knife quickly, retreated a few feet, and his face suddenly appeared in astonishment: "You ..."

"Hahaha, you can see the machine very quickly. If it was a little slower, the weapon would have been released." Guan Heng smiled slightly: "But this time, you will not be so lucky!"

Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, his body has suddenly jumped out, and suddenly jumped to the side of Gang Kui, "Hoo-bang!" A heavy elbow slammed the wind to strike, and he was not biased towards the side ribs of Zhong Kui.

"Ah!" Gang Kui was sore and painful in the half of his body, Guan Heng immediately patted him on his forearm. "Dang ---" The thick-backed blade of the mountain fell to the ground, followed by Guan Heng's heavy weight. The punch had blasted Gang Kui's left cheek: "Bang!"

This boxing was useless, and the opponent's teeth spurted out, and he fell down in a groan!

"Uh? Brother Gang Kui?" The two ape-mongers who started to fight with Xue Xue and slaughtered with Seraki were shocked when they saw Gang Kui injured and fell to the ground.

"Pop, pop!" After two loud noises, their huge axe hammer was blown off almost at the same time, and the front paw of the Snow Beast stepped on one, and Seraki's great sword had already touched the neck of another person. .

"Yeah!" Guan Heng strode to the ape-devil strong man Gangkui at this moment, raised his palm, "Papapa!" He pulled the other four big mouths in the opposite direction. Immediately, Gang Kui was taken aback by this move. He covered his face and asked, "Why did you hit me?"

"Stupid, I hit you to make you awake." After saying this, Guan Heng lifted up the other person's collar and immediately threw Gang Kui next to a corpse, he said angrily: " Enlarge your eyes and look carefully, and carefully distinguish whether we are the killers !!! "

Gang Kui had long been angry and covered his eyes. From the beginning, he could n’t wait to tear them off to take revenge, but after a fierce fight, coupled with the four slaps of Guan Heng, Gang Kui was awake a lot. He hurried Climbing to the side of the corpse and examining it carefully.

A few seconds later, Gang Kui raised his head in shame, and he trembled and said, "I, I know you are not murderers. The sword scars on the body are not the same as your weapon's blade ... Traces of a scale monster scratching. "

"Huh, that's right, even if you're a bit sober." Guan Heng said and waved. "Xue Xuebei, Seraki, let go of this guy's two companions, the misunderstanding has been lifted." Seraki and Wu Xuebei looked at each other and smiled, and immediately released Gang Kui's companion.

"Damon, Xiao Yan, are you all right?" Gang Kui glanced at his companion, and the other shook his head and said in unison: "It's just a slight injury, it doesn't matter."

"This gentleman, I was blinded by anger and hatred for a while, I misunderstood you, please forgive me."

Although Gang Kui has a bad temper, but the Ape Demon people are rare in the Demon Realm and have clear grudges. He bowed and saluted to Guan Heng: "For my reckless behavior, you could have killed the killer, but Gang Kui was grateful for the lives of my companion and me, thank you. "

"Hey, although the people of the ape demons are hot, they can distinguish between right and wrong, and it really has a good reputation."

After announcing his name, Guan Heng said, "A previous misunderstanding, you don't need to be on your mind, but when we rushed here, your tribe had already been poisoned, and I saw that the blood on the ground was still dry, should It happened a while ago. Does Mr. Gang Kui have any clue about this? "

"Well ..."

At this time, Gang Kui looked at the corpses, and then looked at the two companions around him, Damon and Xiao Yan. All three shook their heads blankly. Gang Kui said: "In fact, we are a demon from the ape The caravan of the clan came out to buy the abyss iron ore. Just now, my two companions and I went to the town to purchase supplies. It took less than thirty minutes. I didn't expect ... "

Speaking of which, Gangkui paused, his tone can not help but choked up: "Unexpectedly, these companions of ours were inexplicably hit by a poisonous hand, alas."

At this time, there were also some sadness on the faces of Gang Kui's two companions, and Damon said to Guan Heng and others, "Don't tell everyone, our caravans are all made up of relatives of our own tribe. These people who passed away are either our elders and uncles, or our brothers and sisters. "

"It turned out to be this way," Guan Heng said to Gang Kui at this time after thinking about it. "You'd better check what's missing here, because it might be an assault to **** the goods."

Gang Kui is five big and three thick. In addition to iron smelting and fighting, his brain is also unable to turn around other things, otherwise he will not recklessly engage with Guan Heng, but at this moment, Guan Hengyi reminded, Gang Kui looked around again and again and suddenly cried out, "Well, why are the cars of the abyss iron ore we bought gone?"

After hearing Kui Kui's shout, Damon and Xiao Yan were also astonished. They also made a few laps in situ, then said with a sad face: "The ore is indeed gone. What can I do, that is to be delivered to the chief The lord's share, if he blame, the consequences would be unthinkable! "

—— [2016.7.14 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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