Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1441: Missing minecart

Seraki came to Guan Heng at this time and asked, "Guan Heng, are you going to help them catch the killer and recover the lost things? Will it delay our own journey?"

"I have a solution to the problem of the Ape Demon being killed." Guan Heng smiled at this moment and replied in a low voice: "Just when everyone started working with a few reckless men, I had sent out a multi-headed snake in secret. The blame was released, and they were allowed to investigate the trace of the killer. Since the other party had stolen the iron ore truck, it must not have gone too fast. I believe it can not go far. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and he continued to say, "As long as I help these ape-devil people, I believe they will take us to the ape-devil territory. In the long run, not only did not delay But saves time. "

"That's why, you're still smart." After listening to Guan Heng, Seraki and his sister Ting Si nodded slightly, praising Guan Heng's thoughtfulness.

At this moment, Guan Heng said to Gang Kui and his two companions: "We were going to the Ape Demon Territory, but since this tragedy, we ca n’t let go. Let ’s find the killer together, I And my companions. "

"Thank you so much, Mr. Guan Heng." Gang Kui is also an upright and ape-like man. Hearing Guan Heng's willingness to help, he immediately rejoiced and said to his companions: "You bury everyone first, I Go with Mr. Guan Heng to find the missing goods and the killer. "

Damon and Xiao Yi agreed, and Guan Heng also said to Serachi and Ting Si: "You stay and help out with the Ape Demon tribe. The killer is looking for the lost things and leave it to me. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng released Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, and told him to patrol the whistle over the sky to ensure everyone's safety, so as to prevent the killer from returning, which is not good for everyone.

Then, Guan Heng rode on the snow beast, and Gang Kui stepped on his mount Shaling Bald Lion, and began to search for the killer's trace along the road.

After walking so aimlessly for a few minutes, Guan Heng suddenly received a message from the long-headed basilisk sent out: "Master, I have found the whereabouts of those murderers, seven or eight kilometers north of the murder site. There is a burrow in the wormwood grass on the roadside, and they have been drilling into it for a while. "

"I see, you are doing well, just stay there." Guan Heng communicated with the Basilisk with mental strength: "I'll be right there!"

Guan Heng shouted to Gang Kui behind him: "I heard unusual movements in front of me, so follow me quickly." Guan Heng's sentence was just a pretext, but the straight Gang Kui was convinced. Anxiously came to the place described by the multi-headed Basilisk, Guan Heng rolled over and lowered the back of Xue Xueshou, and then said to him, "Wait here, I will be back soon."

Upon hearing this, Wu Xuebei nodded and promised, and then Guan Heng glared at Gang Kui who jumped off the sand lion. The latter immediately noticed that the cat followed behind Guan Heng, and the two rushed together. Human tall wormwood.

The further forward, Gang Kui became a little puzzled. He didn't understand what Guan Heng heard in this secret place. Gang Kui was about to open his mouth to ask, Guan Heng suddenly turned his head and waved at him. Then pointed to the front.

Seeing this scene, Gang Kui slightly twitched his head, then slipped over and looked up, and saw more than ten meters behind the Artemisia bush, there were two dark shadows sneaking there, and they didn't know what to do, a few feet behind them, It's a dark cave entrance.

Seeing the features of the other person, Gang Kui suddenly felt a tremor, then he leaned down and whispered to Guan Heng and said, "The two guys of the" Dark Devil Serpent "are standing next to the grotto. The characteristics are very obvious. I am I won't admit it. "

"Dark Devil Serpent?" Guan Hengyu asked with confusion: "Are they also the Demon of the Fourth Abyss?"

"Yes." Seeing that Guan Heng, who had been transformed into an ordinary Demon appearance at this time, was unfamiliar with the Dark Devil Snake Clan, Gang Kui seemed unsurprising. He whispered: "The group of guys only live on the fourth floor. The underground city of the abyss rarely travels during the day, so most of the demons living on the surface have never seen or heard of the Dark Devil Serpent. "

"Uh, is that so?" Guan Heng slightly slightly jaw head: "I see, it seems that this group of people are the killers who attacked your clan caravan, you see what they packed on the ground."

Hearing this, Gang Kui Ning Shen looked and found that two people of the Dark Devil Snake Clan were packing up the black ore scattered on the ground. There was still a lot of blood on the ore. One of the Dark Devil Snake Clan screamed quickly. : "Hurry up, hurry up, in case we are late, we will be punished!"

"Shinji, don't rush."

Another Dark Devil serpent complained loudly. When he tilted his head, he suddenly appeared his own weird face covered with blue and black snake scales. This guy then snorted and said, "It's all bad for the leader, for fear of those There are people in the Ape Demon who haven't lost their breath. It is really troublesome to leave us on the dead to make up the knife. Now the bag containing the ore is also broken. We have to stay to pick it up.

The voices of the two guys passed into Gang Kui's ears. The furious ape-devil man suddenly shuddered. The next second, he couldn't bear it anymore, he yelled and went out: Dark Devil Serpents, you will pay for my companions! "

"Hey ... you are too impulsive ..." Guan Heng didn't hold it, Gang Kui had already rushed out, Guan Heng had to sigh, and then jumped out of the Artemisia bush.

"Well, why are there any ape-devil people alive?" The two dark-snake snakes saw the Gang Kui coming over, and they were so frightened that they didn't wait for them to respond. Gang Kui was already stunned. Live on one of them.


"Sigh!" In the roar, Gang Kui struggling hard with his arms, and immediately split the guy's head and neck into a house. This was called "Tearing two halves of blood and flying"!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since another darling snake slain twilight twilight, terror screamed frightfully. He had a hard crossbow around his waist, and he was trying to take it off in a hurry. The eye-cracked Gang Kui has already waved his fist wrapped in the wind, hitting the opponent's shoulder blade hard.

"Kalie-sigh!" This punch was amazingly powerful, and immediately discounted the kid's arm and soared into the air.

"Ahhhhh! It hurts me!" The Dark Devil snakes plopped and fell to the ground, and the pain rolled over. "Kill you!!"

Gang Kui, who was already angry and blindfolded, was about to kill again. Guan Heng suddenly held his fist and shouted, "Fool, stay alive, otherwise how can I find other killers?"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.14, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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