Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1442: Dark Devil Serpent (5th outbreak)

Guan Heng ’s sentence was like pouring a bucket of cold snow and water all over Gang Kui ’s body, and immediately extinguished his anger. When he saw Gang Kui calm down, Guan Heng immediately lifted up the robes of the Dark Devil snakes, The guy froze.

"Miscellaneous things, I ask you!" Guan Heng shouted loudly, "Who are the people involved in the slaughter of the Ape-Devil Caravan, where are they at this time?"-

"I, I ..." The Dark Snake tribe knew that if they told their secrets, they could not escape if they returned, so they couldn't help but get up: "I don't know ..."

"Gang Kui!" Guan Heng heard the words and passed the guy in his hand without hesitation: "Kill him!"

"Oh!" Gang Kui grabbed the head of the Dark Devil Snake people with a big hand, and immediately squealed. "Uh ah! Stop it! It hurts me!"

The kid only felt that if the other party tried harder, his head would burst instantly, he shouted in a hurry: "I said, I said! The sneak attack on the Ape Demon Caravan ... is the Dark Devil Serpent Warlock and our underground city. The warrior, who is in charge of commanding, is our leader, called 'Noranti'. He has taken people into the burrow to go back to the teleportation array. I do n’t know anything else!

"Bang! Hey--" At this moment, the angered Gang Kui had crushed the skull of the Dark Devil snake family, Guan Heng couldn't help but grin: "You can really count the time, this kid just confessed, respect He drove him to death. "

Upon hearing this, Gang Kui blushed, and he snorted and said, "Sorry, I'm so impulsive."

Guan Heng glanced at the ghost's black gas that had just emerged from the corpse at this time, and immediately calmly captured the object with a swallowing beast, and immediately turned it into the soul stone. He then said to Gang Kui: "It doesn't matter Now, since you know the identity of the other party, then hurry up and maybe they haven't gone far with the ore cart. "

"Eh? Makes sense!" Gang Kui patted his thigh: "Then we will speed up to catch up, but ..." Speaking here, Gang Kui hesitated and said, "Only you and me, will the strength be Somewhat thin? I'm not afraid of death, or I'm worried that Mr. Guan Heng will help you with your righteousness. If I get hurt, I will feel bad. "

"Hahaha, don't worry about it." Guan Heng patted the other's shoulders indifferently at this moment, he said easily: "I think that the guy who can hurt me basically does not exist in this fourth abyss. "


A moment later, in the martyrdom of the underground caves, a group of dark devil snake warlocks and soldiers wearing black robes and black armors were desperately pushing and pulling several ore carts.

At this time, there was a guy next to him who was looking like a leader. "Jumbo stuff, you are all waste. At this speed, when can you return to the underground city teleportation team, speed up a little bit faster. Caused me to be scolded in front of the patriarch, and I will clean up your idiots! "

But at this time, there was a Dark Devil snake on the left, and his feet fell to the ground, and several companions around him wanted to help him. The calm-faced leader immediately shot the ferocious man: "Useless waste Not worth saving, kill !!! "

The words did not fall, the vicious guy quickly waved a strange wand in his hand and yelled in a low voice: "Dark Demon Blood Devour !!"

Suddenly, a strange black-and-white shadow suddenly appeared in the air, and he stumbled on the head of the fallen person.

"Uh-huh!" In the scream of screaming, the unfortunate head of the unfortunate tremor suddenly trembled, and then smashed on the spot, and the red and white objects immediately splashed the face of his companion.

"Ah ?! The leader of Nolanty ... too vicious ..." These people saw their leader so cruel, and started to treat them like killing dogs and chickens and killing ants, and they were frightened immediately Stuck like a chicken, he couldn't stop shaking.

"Why? Do you want to delay Lao Tzu's time?" The Dark Lord Snake Commander named Nolanti sneered sneerly: "If the action is not accelerated, the dead ghost on the ground is your end!"

"Yes, yes." Under intimidation, these people suddenly lifted the ore cart and walked forward hard, but the road in this lane was winding, rugged, and the speed of advance was unsatisfactory. The Nolanty The commander frowned at this moment, his eyes were fierce, and he immediately had the urge to kill people!

At this moment, at the end of the cave, there was a sudden sound of cluttered footsteps, and Noranti immediately yelled, "Someone is here, all on alert--"

"Noranti's command?" At this time, the other person suddenly greeted him suddenly: "We are the helpers coming from the underground city. The patriarch is afraid that your speed is too slow. Everyone has brought the strange beasts who pulled the car."

Upon hearing this, the leader of Nolanti was ecstatic at once. He hurriedly yelled to the Dark Snakes around him: "Miscellaneous things, what's wrong, don't hurry to help put these ore carts on strange animals. "

However, just as the Dark Snakes and seven or eight new companions were busy setting up a car, an angry roar suddenly sounded behind them: "Heavenly Dark Snakes, I want to kill you These bastards, hey !!! "

"No, this time, the enemy is chasing after!" Nolanty commander shouted at once: "Come over the two warlocks and stop the enemy with me, the others quickly pulled the mine cart away!"

Speaking late, at that time, together with Nolanty, the three Dark Demon Sermon Warlocks raised their wands and pointed at the martyr behind them: "Dark Demon Blood Spell, Three Shadows One!!"

"Eh!" Three weird black shadows appeared in the air in mid-air, which were the evil spirits produced by the dark demon blood sacrifice. They suddenly twisted into one, and went straight towards Gang Kui, a hundred meters away. !!

"Miscellaneous things, **** feuds to kill my people, must be liquidated today!" Seeing the **** evil spirits of the other party rushed to himself, the angered Gang Kui did not hide, and immediately drank with a stunt: "Ape Magic Steel Body !!! "

The ape demon steel body is a skill honed by the ape devil in actual combat. In a short time, the muscles of the whole body are toughened and invincible. I saw that Gang Kui ’s unusually strong body suddenly doubled, and his muscles were full. As a result, he opened his blade with a thick back in his palm, and aimed at the **** evil spirit in front of him, he severely cut off: "Kill !!"

"Well!" There was a sudden crackling sound in the air, and the three-in-one blood-eating spirit was cut in half by the blade, but this evil spirit was extremely weird, and at this moment wanted to be split. Invisible body closed.

"Gang Kui, flicker away!" After Guan Heng's voice came from behind, Gang Kui did not hesitate to make a sideways move, and saw that the dragon's tooth blade in Guan Heng's palm was also cut off by the cloak: "Thunderfire Dragon Breath!"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.14, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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