Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1443: Questioning details (first)

"唰-噗嗤! 吱 吱 ——-" Guan Heng's sword strength contains a powerful thunderbolt, which is the nemesis of the invisible evil. The blood-eating evil spirit is chopped by the sword strength, and it is suddenly harsh. The sound banged and disappeared!

"Oh!" The demons under his control were destroyed, and three Dark Devil Warlock Warriors including Nolanty spurted blood at the same time. In the next second, they were already pale and terrified.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "The horrible power of the ape demon steel body was instantly transmitted to the blade by Gang Kui.

"No, this can't be hard-wired." Seeing that the situation wasn't good, Nolanti flashed back at once, viciously cold-blooded, still pushing **** the shoulders of the two people around him: "Resist me for a moment ! "

"Ahh! No!" The two unlucky Dark Devil Warlock Warlocks screamed screaming, and was immediately smashed by Gang Kui's chopped corpse on the spot, but Nolanti took the opportunity to wave at the people around him: "Duck, hurry up the ore cart to the underground city teleportation team!"

However, between the electric light and flint, there was already a group of dark shadows that had swept across the three ore carts. I saw the cold flashes of light. The heads of more than a dozen Dark Devil snakes soared, and time erupted in the neck cavity. Puffy red fog, these guys suddenly lie on their backs and lie down!

"Uh? This ..." Seeing the opponent's hands clean and clear, he killed his men in the blink of an eye, and Nolanty suddenly became frightened, before waiting for his next reaction, screaming Gang Kui I've already rushed over and fisted: "Go to you!"

"Bang!" "Oh!" Fist in the eye socket, Nolanti's left eyeball was suddenly smashed into powder by the fist. Before he could scream, "Oh!" Gang Kui had pinched the kid's neck and put He froze.

"Mr. Guan Heng, look, I'm staying alive this time." Seizing Nolanty's postman, turning his head and grinning at Guan Heng: "I didn't forget your order?"

"Haha, that's good." Guan Heng smiled at this time: "Gang Kui, you have improved this time."

At this moment, Nolanti, who was blinded by one eye, was trembling with tremblingness, and he stammered, "Master of the Ape Demon Race, forgive me, forgive me ..."

"Say, why are you robbing the ores of the Ape Demon Clan? And also killing my clan !!!! You said--"

With squinting eyes and anger, Gang Kui was like a fierce fierce lion, swaying Nolanti's uncontrollable shaking, and almost shook the boy apart. Guan Heng also said slowly, "Boy, if you want When you live longer, it's best to be honest, don't try to play tricks. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, then said: "You dark monster snake clan will not smelt ore or foundry equipment at all. The reason for grabbing the ore cart and killing the ape demons is definitely something else. Why, right? "

"Ah? How did you know ..." At this moment, after listening to Guan Heng's words, Nolanti suddenly startled with a cold sweat. Where did he know that Guan Heng had just caught a ghost of the Dark Devil Serpent, in After reading the memory of the soul stone, the bottom of these snakes has been thoroughly understood.

The Dark Devil Snakes, who live in the fourth floor of the abyss underground city, are a group of guys who don't like light. They usually live by hunting weak monsters in the monster realm and looting ordinary demons. They can be described as "parasites". The average magic domain robber.

However, the Dark Devil Snake was born with a soft and scary temperament, and never dared to provoke the Ape Demon who has many fighting madness, because once the fourth layer of the abyss lord, the Ape Demon's Skybreaking Giant Ape Chief, is annoyed, the entire Dark Devil Snake family All the underground cities will be destroyed in an instant.

But today, these Dark Devil snake warlocks and warriors have attacked the entire Ape Demon Caravan, killed a **** river, and snatched the ore. This incident itself is extremely weird, so only Guan Heng has it. This question.

"Mr. Guan Heng is asking you about this mess!" At this moment, Gang Kui shook Nolanti's body and shouted: "It's useless to keep it without telling the truth. Mr. Guan Heng might as well kill him My undead! "

"Well, what you said makes sense, then ..." Guan Heng said here, deliberately lengthening his voice, scaring Nolanti into a hurry and saying, "Two uncles, I do n’t really know the specifics. When it came to the task of robbing the ape demon ore cart, I only heard that it was an order directly from the patriarch, and it was not only our group of people that robbed the ape demon ore cart everywhere ... "

"What ?! And the robbed ape-devil caravan?" Guan Heng and Gang Kui heard the news, and they were suddenly shocked. Gang Kui hurriedly yelled and asked, "Say, which caravan have you robbed? ? Also, have those people of the ape demons been killed? "

"This ... that ... I ..."

After two people asked and asked, Nolanty was scared and scared. He had a bucket of paste in his head. He spent a few seconds on it, and then he suddenly lost his voice and said, "I remembered, the others robbed. I do n’t know if there are living people in your caravan, but when I left the Underground City, I saw Esson, the young master of this tribe, withdrew a group of unconscious ape demon people. I heard that it was a direct line of the ape demon chief. Relatives, it seems that they are going to be taken hostage or something ... "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng and Gang Kui looked at each other, both nodded slowly, Guan Heng asked with a calm face at this time: "How are you going to return to the underground city? Is there any transportation?"

"Yes, yes, there is a teleportation team dedicated to the underground city." The sweaty Nolanti said more and more for his life, and he replied endlessly: "The teleportation team is at the end of this underground cave. , It's not that far. "

At this time, Guan Heng said, "Gang Kui, now you drive the strange beast to pull these three ore carts out of the cave, and then tell our companions to come here."

Upon hearing this, Gang Kui asked with a frown, "Mr. Guan Heng, how about you?"

"I'm holding this guy to find the teleportation array and see if I can go directly to the underground city and rescue the captured ape demons." At this moment, Guan Heng shook his head slightly and said, "Now it's against time. Time, so we had better act separately. "

"No, Mr. Guan Heng, I can't rest assured that you will go to the Underground City by yourself." Gang Kui said immediately, "Go, let's just go together."

"You still listen to me." Guan Heng waved his hand at this time and said, "First, I can easily move alone, and second, I am very confident in my skill, so there is no problem going to the underground city alone, let's Just do it ... "

—— [2016.7.15 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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