Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1444: Underground castle

Guan Heng said that he paused for a moment, and then he said, "Xue Xuebei has the ability of space leap. After you drove out of the ore cart, you immediately told it to come to me along the teleportation array. At that time, I saved Hostages can ride away quickly. "

Seeing what Gang Kui wanted to say, Guan Heng also said: "You wait for me for an hour here in the teleportation array, and I will definitely return within this time limit, absolutely no problem!"

Hearing Guan Heng's assertiveness, and there was no room for discussion, Gang Kui sighed and said, "Okay, that's it, but let me say, in case you don't come back within the time limit, my post Que first rushes into the underground city to find you. "

"Okay, that's all it takes!" Guan Hap patted Gang Kui's shoulder, and then said, "Hurry up and I will take this guy to the teleportation side."

Speaking, Guan Heng stomped Norlandi, who was paralyzed with mud, he said angrily: "Get up and lead the way. If you don't see your clutter as useful, Lao Tzu would have hit you with a knife!"

"Yes, yes, uncle, please go this way." Nolanti rolled along and led the way. At this time, Guan Heng waved and Gang Kui hurried a few ore carts to rush out of the cave. go with.


A few minutes later, Nolanti had taken Guan Heng to the end of the underground cave. He pointed at the front of the teleportation array and said, "Master, this is the teleportation network to the underground city."

"Well, this teleportation team is really rude."

After reading the memory of Master Bai Di of Master of the Snake Formation, Guan Heng is now familiar with the various teleportation arrays in the abyss of the demon domain. He is very clear that this teleportation array only has short-range teleportation functions, so the entrance to the underground city must be away from here. Not far.

At this moment, Nolanty, who had turned off Hengheng's eyes, said, "Let's go and go to the underground city with me."

"Uh? I ... this ... I can't go back ..." Nolanty's face changed at this moment, he said with a brace: "If anyone sees me entering the Underground City with an outsider, I will be treated as a recruiter Traitor, then I am dead! "

Speaking late, at that time, only a snapping sound, and Guan Hengyang's hand with a calm face slaped Nolanty: "Mixed balls, I haven't got your consent, you have to go Or I'll kill you! "

After saying this, Guan Heng ignored Nolanti's screams and screamed, and he dragged him into the teleportation together. Guan Heng immediately lifted his feet and saw that there was a flash of flashes in the teleportation, and the two had disappeared. In place.

In the next second, Guan Heng and Nolanti have arrived in a dark and abnormal area around it. This is a dark and underground world. In front of it is a towering and simple earthen city with a large area, which seems to be inhabited by the Dark Devil Serpents. Underground City.

At this moment, Nolanti hurriedly ran forward, and he hurriedly yelled, "Help, come on, come in, foreign enemies invade ..."

"Abominable, you're looking for death!" Guan Heng fired in Guan Heng's eyes, then flicked his fingers, and a small fireball condensed and gathered by Dragon's Breath smashed into the air, and landed on Noorty's head for a while, and immediately cast this guy The whole body was ignited, and it was burnt into a fly ash powder!

"This is the untrue end." Guan Heng glanced coldly at the ashes on the ground. At this time, he heard the rapid and noisy shouts from near Tutucheng: "Hurry up, someone just shouted here, and quickly searched around Look at anyone suspicious. "

Speaking late, then was fast, Guan Heng had already used the dragon flying technique to fly up to tens of meters in an instant. Those Dark Devil Serpent warriors in black armor only searched around, but no one was there. Notice that there are still a pair of cold eyes in the sky looking at them.

At this time, a Dark Devil snake warrior said, "Captain, it seems that someone is listening, there is no suspicious activity at all, let's go back."

"You can't be lazy." The captain of the Dark Snake Warrior yelled angrily: "This is an extraordinary time. Seeing that the patriarch of the Heart Eater tribe is coming to sign a covenant with us and overthrow the ape demons. Rule, absolutely nothing can happen at this time, you know? Search it carefully again! "

"Yes, the captain makes sense." Another soldier said flatteringly, "Captain, I see that you are also working hard, it is better to go back to the city to rest first, you do not have to take someone to guard the captured ape demons hostages Is that the first priority? Let us handle it here. The captain can grow up assured. "

"Well, it ’s still your kid who knows my heart." The Captain of the Dark Devil Serpent's Hand said by the hilt of his waist. "It is also a big thing to guard the Ape Demon Captives, so I will go back first, after you thoroughly search here , Go to the cell and report to me! "

These serpent warriors agreed, and then the captain turned and walked in the direction of the humble Tucheng. He was still saying, "These **** ape demons are oppressed on their heads, so that we can only perch. Don't **** in this bird, and see the underground city in the sky, take this opportunity to torture the captives, and let out the evil in my heart. "

Captain Snake Demon walked forward, but didn't notice that he had kept up with someone quietly behind him. It was Guan Heng. Just now, Guan Heng had knocked out a single snake demon warrior when he was unprepared, unplugged his armor, and the guy was thrown into the grass in an instant.

At this moment, Guan Heng whispered the soul demon king and commanded: "Wait a while, you and I followed the guy secretly to a remote and uninhabited place. You immediately shot him to subdue him, but don't hurt his life. ,understand?"

"Little servant understands, please be assured of the master." The multi-headed Basilisk promised, and then hid in the air, disappeared silently.

At this moment, Guan Heng and the Snake Demon Captain rushed to the gate of the rude earth city. The Snake Demon soldiers guarding the door did not check carefully. They also greeted the captain with a smile, and the guy shook his shirt. Walked in.

Guan Heng saw the Captain of the Snake Demon step out of the dozens of meters, so he also came to the gate of the city. At this time, he had transformed his appearance into the look of a Snake Demon Warrior, but the goalkeepers stopped him with a spear: "Stop! Boy, Why haven't we met you? "

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng suddenly waved his arms in a bad mood, and immediately opened the opponent's gun and spear, he said, "You blind? Did you see me following the captain? Lao Tzu rushed to the cell, no time to grind your teeth! "

Not only was he being aggressive, he was fierce, Guan Heng also had a bit of depressing murderous power, and before the gatekeepers had responded, he had taken a big stride and rushed into the city, leaving in a blink of an eye. Far away.

—— [2016.7.15 second, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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