Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1453: Runaway Mad Ape (first)

"What's going on? Since I reached the fourth level of the abyss, I have never encountered such a mighty murderous spirit." Guan Heng was suddenly surprised in his heart at this time: "Even the Shi De Su, the dark snake leader, Nor is he qualified to compare with this murderous master. It seems that this person must be the strongest in this layer of abyss-the Great Sky Ape !!! "

"This murderous spirit came so fast that it had hit me. Good. I'll see what you do!" Guan Heng's mouth suddenly passed a hint of mysterious smile, and then his whole body erupted. A strong momentum, which is the source of Dragon's Breath crystal, was mobilized by Guan Heng for nearly 40%, and suddenly rushed towards the opposite murderous spirit!

"Hoo-bang!" The two intangible violent momentums collided hard in a short time. The breath belonging to the Sky Giant Ape tried to resist Guan Heng's Dragon Breath origin, but it was very different.

In just one second, the other side completely collapsed under Guan Heng ’s murderous crushing force, and then spread out in a ripple shape, disappearing invisible, and Guan Heng smiled slightly at this moment: "You can still break the giant ape. My 40% strength is a little deadlocked. Yes, these abyss lords I met, your strength is first! "

Just then, something unexpectedly happened to Guan Heng!

I only heard the rapid footsteps from far to near outside a certain house in the distance. Then, a thin figure stumbled and ran over. When he saw someone in front of him, he immediately shouted: " Guan Heng, it's not good, my uncle and uncle are crazy! "

"Adan, what are you talking about?" Guan Heng heard the child's words, his eyes flickered, and he hurriedly asked, "What about your mother? What the **** happened?"

"My mother, she was injured by the uncle, but the uncle was not intentional ..." At this moment, the young Adan was so anxious that he stammered and said, "Mum took me to the foundry room just now. Uncle, Uncle looks so terrible. He keeps mumbling about 'fire is not hot enough, why am I unsuccessful', and so on, mother starts to persuade him, who knows ... "

Adan said here, suddenly remembering the horror situation just now, he shivered involuntarily, and then continued to say: "Uncle listened to his mother and said a few words, suddenly his face changed greatly, he shouted 'I don't control If you live by yourself, you run with Adan ', and then my mother and I are just a moment of God, and the uncle already gave her a punch and hit her against the wall ... ohh ... "

At this moment, Guan Heng had already picked up Adan and rushed away in the direction of the accident. He then handed Adan a bottle: "If you see me fight with your uncle, or I lead him away, Immediately give your mother the recovery agent in the bottle, otherwise it will be too late, you know? "

Seeing that Adan nodded again and again, Guan Heng was relieved, saying that it was too late, and then, he had pierced into the moment when he ran to the door.


At the same time, in the casting room below the room, a huge figure growled as long as he stood up, "Oh!"

At this time, various casting equipment and hammers and iron tongs in the room were already scattered all over the place, and the huge figure kept roaring and going crazy, and even beat the solid chest constantly, making a loud noise, and in the corner of the room , Still lying Mrs. Io, whose life and death are unknown.

At this moment, the fierce giant staring at the red eyes suddenly glanced at the comatose Mrs. Ao, and suddenly screamed and rushed past, seemingly trying to tear the other party apart.

"Stop it for me!" A violent drink rang, and there was a figure in the oblique spur between Guanguang and Flint. It was Guan Heng. It was said that it was too late, and he had already blasted his fist in the wind. On the other side's weakness.

"Bang!" Zhong Quan's huge figure shouted ten meters away and crashed heavily against the stone wall.

"Slap!" Guan Heng punched, not to mention hesitantly, and immediately lifted Mrs. Io's placket, then rushed to the room above, and put the injured Io in the corner, he Yang Yelled, "Adam, I will seal the door of the underground casting room, don't come too close."

After saying this, Guan Heng had fallen down again. At this moment, he had already punched out with both fists, severely knocking down the stairs and entrance to the room above the casting room.

"Patter!" Guan Heng, who had both feet on the ground, was staring at the split-day giant ape slowly rising from the wall. He smiled and said, "Okay, Lord Abyss on the fourth floor, now we can I used force to 'communicate' a bit. "

At this moment, Guan Heng carefully looked at the split-day giant ape in front of him, and saw that the ape demon chief and the fourth-level abyss lord can indeed be called the word "giant ape". This guy is flat-topped The height is less than five meters away, the muscles are knotted, the inverted triangle is thick and the body is wide and narrow, and the whole body is violently murderous.

However, at this time, the split-day giant ape seemed to be a little unconscious. He screamed with a 嗬 嗬 嗬 嗬 嗬 嗬 in his mouth, his eyes were almost red and bleeding, and the pair couldn't wait to seize it.

But Guan Heng just broke at least three ribs of the giant ape. Although the lord of the abyss was vague, he even recovered a bit of fighting instinct under severe pain. It seems that he may not be able to beat Guan Heng with his bare hands. Suddenly roaring again and again, picked up a thing around him and smashed in front of Guan Heng.

"Huh? What a weird weapon!" Guan Heng's eyes flickered, and the dragon's teeth on his back suddenly came out of the sheath. However, the brick floor under Guan Heng's feet could not withstand the huge impact, and cracked and sank three feet.

"Well, it turned out to be a huge iron vertebra!" Guan Heng stared at the weapon blocked by the dragon's blade at this moment, and smiled suddenly: "I am also a battle-hardened, but I rarely fight with this kind of thing One, hope you won't let me down! "

"Oh!" For a long time, the body of the split-day giant ape soared once again, because he had already run the "ape magic steel power" of the ape demon family to the extreme. It broke through the air, and even the surrounding air was torn out of numerous cracks. It can be seen that this destructive power can be described as shocking!

Guan Heng saw that the other party's offensive had arrived, and immediately caused the double teeth of the dragon's teeth to attach a thick layer of dragon's breath, and then poured a force to break the force: "On!"

"Bang bang bang--bang !!!!"

Suddenly, the giant iron cone and the dragon tooth blade collided to resist each other. This might not be described in words. Both forces are extremely destructive. Therefore, in the competition, in addition to the loud noise, the ground is even more impossible. Withstanding the damage caused by this force, it finally collapsed!

—— [2016.7.17 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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