Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1454: Finally awake

"Wow, wow!" The two figures turned into blasts of lightning, bouncing and colliding repeatedly among the falling rocks, and the sound of the fierce fighting and friction of the blades spewed countless Mars, Guan Heng Although his figure is quick and unkind, but the Giant Sky Monkey is waving the iron cone tightly, and he has not lost a lot in speed.

"This gorilla's speed is really good." Guan Heng secretly wondered as he played. "It was a tie with me who used 50% of the strength for a while. This arrogance is worthy of praise, and the Sky Giant Ape really deserves its reputation!"

In a short time, the feet of the split-day giant ape suddenly kicked on a rapidly falling rock and flew to Guan Heng, and the giant iron cone in his palm swept and swept wildly. Off the waist.

However, how could Guan Heng be severely hit as he wished, saying that it was late and fast, and then Guan Heng's dragon teeth slashed on the giant iron cone, and the forces of the two sides collided again fiercely. The ape just felt a great shock, and in this instant, Guan Heng suddenly yelled, "Yeah!"


"Dangdang Dang!" The dragon's double-edged sword launched a thunderbolt-like onslaught in Guan Hengzhang, countless swords couldn't stop chopping and chopping on the giant iron cone, and the iron filings in time, the giant iron cone could not bear Guan Heng Dao Jin's "crazy bombing" showed a large number of cracks.

At the same time, Guan Heng and the Fission Giant Ape originally stagnated in mid-air fight. Speaking of which, Guan Heng's Dragon Aid can float in mid-air, but the Fischer-Story Giant Ape is not so lucky, he waved iron Cui only tried to resist the attack of Guan Heng's fierce sword, but he did not expect his body to bear the blow from the opponent, and he shouted like a meteor meteorite and fell straight to the ground!

"Uh ah ah-this sword is going to kill you!" Guan Heng's killing rose, and he lifted the Dragon's Fang to cut a heavy thunderbolt, but he suddenly stopped his offensive.

"Yeah, I almost forgot that I didn't come to fight with the Great Sky Ape. I have to get the teleportation shards first." Guan Heng thought of this, and he returned the double-edged blades to his sheath, and murmured in his mouth. "The giant ape ... don't die."


At the next moment, Guan Heng flew down quickly with the dragon flight technique, and the more he flew down, Guan Heng felt the heat around him gradually and the temperature was getting higher and higher. He remembered what Kong Kui had said, Slowly jaw head: "Yes, I heard that in this desert hilly area inhabited by the ape demon family, below is a huge black fire basin, presumably it is here, and see where the giant ape fell, his skin The meat is thick and must not have died ... Ah, there! "

At this moment, Guan Heng had found the Sky-splitting Giant Ape that had fallen down. It turned out that the king had smashed his body on a protruding rock unbiasedly. At this moment, the body ratio of the giant ape and Guan Heng It shrank a lot during the battle. It seems that the effect of "Ape Magic Steel Power" has receded and he has been holding the giant iron cone.

"Don't forget to hold the weapon, it's really a fighting freak!" Guan Heng couldn't help but secretly laughed, and then landed next to the Great Sky Ape.

"Papapa!" Guan Heng patted the giant ape's head with his hand and said, "Hey, man, are you okay? Wake up soon ..."

"Uh ... ah ..." Under the continuous shouting of Guan Heng, the Great Sky Ape shook his head and hummed a few times, and finally opened his eyes slowly, but at this time, the red blood in his eyes had not disappeared yet. When the giant ape saw Guan Heng in front of him, he suddenly roared loudly, and then he would raise the giant iron cone to continue to fight!

"Are you endless?"

"Bang!" Guan Heng hit an awkward punch on the head of the giant ape at once, and immediately beat him with a veiled head and turned, then immediately dangled in his eyes, Guan Heng then called out: "How? Is it crazy enough? ? "

"Ahhhhhh!" Guan Heng was punched in the head, and the mad blood in the eyes of the split-day giant ape disappeared. Some of them were stupid, looking straight at Guan Heng and asking: "Hey? Who are you?" How could I be here? "" Alas, you fought with you for nothing, you don't even know who I am. "

Guan Heng shook his head and sighed, and then, how did he save the other tribe, cousin, and nephew from the Dark Devil snake family, and what happened just now that the Great Sky Ape went crazy and hurt Io? Over again.

"Uh? So, you are the benefactor of my cousin Io and my nephew? Damn it, I actually acted with you, which is against the principle of clear distinctions between our ape and demon." Although the split-day giant ape is a A fierce and arrogant fighting maniac, but it's not a rude and unreasonable guy, so after listening to Guan Heng's story, he felt a little feverish on his face.

"Forget it, I don't care too much anyway, I came here just to get the fragment of the alien space teleportation array from your hand." At this moment, Guan Heng was too lazy to make any more nonsense, and simply picked out the intention. He wants to see if the other party agrees to his request.

"Well, it should be okay. I kept the shard for others. I haven't taken it for so many years, so I can give it to you." The Great Sky Monkey just said here, his face suddenly turned blue and white. , Began to change color, and talked a little bit indifferently: "No, but, I am afraid that this thing is still impossible ..."

"What the **** is going on?" Guan Heng saw the embarrassment on the big face of the split-day giant ape, so he said, "Are you in any trouble?"

"That's the difficulty of this iron cone ... hehe ..."

The split-day giant ape suddenly smiled awkwardly, and then he said, "In that year, I had another storeroom that stored my family's treasures and foundry equipment. Because I forgot to repair it for too long, it turned out that when the desert hills were 100 years ago, then Treasury has fallen to the bottom of this black fire basin in front of our eyes ... "

Speaking of which, the fissure giant ape swayed in front of the basin of hot and black fire, he continued: "The entire warehouse is made of the strongest magic domain fine iron, so I will not be trapped in the black fire. It ’s going to burn, but it ’s not easy for me to get the warehouse. ”

"Is that so? For so many years, you left the iron warehouse to roast in the black fire?" Guan Heng asked curiously at this time: "Don't you think of any other way?"

"Slap!" The split-day giant ape patted his thigh, he exclaimed: "Of course I thought of various ways, and finally I figured out an idea."

Seeing Guan Hengtou's eyes inquiring, the split-day giant ape immediately explained: "I have a unique trick called 'Ape Magic Steel Booming Sky Explosion'. It is very powerful. If you use all your strength, you will definitely be able to put the The black fire is divided into two for the time being, so that I can jump down and directly take out the entire fallen iron depot, but ... there is a small problem that has puzzled me for many years. If the problem is not resolved, I You ca n’t do it. "

—— [2016.7.17 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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