Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1457: Fire from the sea (fifth more outbreak)

"Oops, did I just die in the sea of ​​black fire like this?" Although the Great Sky Ape was violent and manic, his life was full of grudges and grievances, and Guan Heng had three great gratitudes to him: rescue the people and save his cousin Io Twice with my nephew, and sent out the flame of dragon breath to help forge the iron cone of the weapon.

Enmity must be reported, this is the principle of survival of the ape demon family, so at this moment, the split sky giant ape has made an amazing decision!

"Guan Heng, I threw the iron forge warehouse!" Said, the giant sky ape struck his arm and threw a small warehouse with thousands of pounds to the edge of the Black Fire Basin.

"Bang!" The iron foundry warehouse fell in the wind, and suddenly the ground collapsed and cracked. It was said that it was too late, and then Guan Heng suddenly flew over the Black Fire Basin using Dragon Xiang.

"Giant ape, you are also a believer, I won't let you die like this!" Suddenly, Guan Heng's whole body quickly burst into a fierce source of dragon's breath, and all the rolling sea of ​​black fire Pulled into the air, gathered around his body.

"Hey, hurry up now!" Hearing Guan Heng's shouting, the split-day giant ape dared to hesitate for a while. He ran away, ran for a few moments, and climbed to the edge of the Black Fire Basin. When he turned his head to watch, the situation in the air suddenly shocked the Great Sky Ape.

I saw that Guan Heng's body had been completely covered by the black fire of the Demon Realm at this time, but the flame could not cause any harm to Guan Heng. Instead, the pure dark matter inside was constantly being extracted, and then Guan Heng was released. The power of Dragon's Breath is absorbed.

Sixty-seven percent of the source of black fire was quickly pulled away, and Guan Heng thought to himself at this time: "Almost on the line. The ape-mongers will use the black fire to forge the blade and equipment here. I can't do too much. In case you missed it, you can completely absorb the sea of ​​black fire here, hey, then I'm a little sorry for the sky giant ape. "

Thinking about this, Guan Heng turned around and immediately recovered the outwardly spreading Dragon Breath original power. Those out-of-control demon domain black fires seemed to have received the grace of heaven, and all of them fell back into the basin and gathered again. Into a sea of ​​black fire.

"Huh ..." Guan Heng took a long sigh of relief in the air at this time, and said secretly in his heart: "The Black Fire Basin in the Demon Realm here has been formed for a long time. Although I have sucked away a lot of dark matter, it will definitely be slow in the future. Recovered, because in this abyss, the last thing that is missing is the dark air of the demon realm that restored the sea of ​​fire. "

In the next second, Guan Heng's feet had already landed on the edge of the basin. He asked loudly, "Ape, are you okay?"

"It's okay, okay." The split-day giant ape said at this time: "Thanks to the power that erupted on you, you can curb the spread of the sea of ​​fire, otherwise I'm afraid I can't escape the bad luck of being swallowed up."

"Hahaha, after all, you are also in danger because you want to bring back the fragments of the teleportation array that I want. I can't make you have any accidents." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "In that case, just I'm so sorry for your kindness. "

"Okay, let's not be polite. Let's see if the teleportation array fragments in the iron-cast warehouse are still there." Said the giant sky ape, and went to the front of the warehouse with Guan Heng, and then put his fist. The pinch clicked.

"It's been hundreds of years, and the lock of this iron-cast storehouse may have burned out long ago, so it's better to smash it open with brute force." Then, the Great Sky Ape shouted with a fist and banged. The iron plate of the warehouse, "click-boom!"

After the loud noise, Guan Heng took a look at the iron plate of the storeroom and recessed a shallow mark into it. He could not help frowning: "How powerful is the fist of the Giant Sky Ape. Although it is not as strong as mine, it is not The ubiquitous generation didn't expect to break an iron plate ?! "

"Haha, this iron-cast warehouse has been refined in the black fire of the basin for hundreds of years, and the shell has become a rare good casting material." Although the fist was numbed by the iron plate, it was cracked at the moment. Tian Ju Ai was full of joy, and he whispered, "You can build hundreds of top-level weapons as long as you remove the iron plate, which is really good. Unfortunately, I can't take it apart with my fist."

"Then let me do it." Although the iron cone of the Great Sky Ape knows that it is extremely destructive, this kind of detailed cutting work is not suitable for the Great Ape to complete. And Guan Heng was afraid that when he used the iron cone, he also destroyed the teleportation array fragments inside, so it was worth the money.

Speaking late, at that time, the dragon's tooth blade on Guan Heng's back suddenly came out of the sheath, and when the cold light flashed, there was a gap in the shell of the iron forged warehouse in front of the two. Piece.

"Oh, good sharp weapon." A sigh sighed in the heart of the split-day giant ape. At this moment he flipped and turned the iron plate fragment in front of him, and finally grabbed a rotten box from it, and then gave a hearty laugh: "Haha, Find it, Guan Heng. This is the teleportation fragment you want. "

Guan Heng took over what the Great Sky Great Ape handed over, and nodded after checking: "Yes, this is the thing, then I accept it." He paused for a moment, and Guan Heng asked casually at this time: "The giant ape, this is what the demon Pawn asked you to keep, and it was so easy for me to take it away, does it really matter?"

"Hey, Demon Pawn ?! In the abyss of the Demon Realm, he is a fart !!" At this moment, the Great Sky Ape said indifferently: "Pang left with a group of his friends a long time ago. In the Abyss of the Demon Realm, at least we haven't seen any **** in the past millennium. Now the lords of the Nine-Story Abyss have their own policies, and they are invading and fighting each other, which is not the same as Pawn's era. "

Speaking of which, the Great Sky Ape glanced at the ambiguous Guan Heng on his face, and then said: "Now, the abyss of the Demon Realm can only be described in two words, that is-chaos!"

After listening to the split-day giant ape, Guan Heng touched his chin and asked in a deep voice: "So, do the nine-story abyss lord not obey Pawn's order now?"

"That's not necessarily true. Although other abyssal lords may not pay attention to Pawn now, there are two people who may still maintain contact with Pawn. Maybe."

The split-day giant ape scratched his head and thought for a while, then said to Guan Heng, "These two people are the first layer of the abyss lord 'Mangdu' and the second layer of the abyss lord 'Herkinson', because they are both Pang Eun brother, if you meet them, try to be careful. "

"Okay, thank you for reminding me." Guan Heng suddenly remembered something before, and he asked, "Did you say that after I got the pieces, let me promise something? What the **** is it now? Can you always say it? "

"Hahaha, what I want you to promise is actually very simple, and that is-fight me fast!"

The split-day giant ape laughed at this moment: "Before, when I was out of control and hurt Iao, you shot me down in the Black Fire Basin. To be honest, I have been a little unconvinced, so Always want to try again with you. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.17, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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