Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1458: Leave (first)

After a moment's pause, the Giant Sky Monkey continued: "After seeing your ability to control the Sea of ​​Black Fire, I only know that my strength is obviously a lot worse than you, but our ape demons are all born to fight. Mad, once you meet an opponent that is stronger than yourself, even if you have a life-threatening, you want to fight a soothing bones, so do n’t reject me, otherwise, do n’t blame my old ape!

Hearing the split-day giant ape saying this, Guan Heng only felt his hot blood boiled, and he laughed loudly: "Okay, let's have a quick fight, no one needs to keep hands !!"

"That's what you said, come on!" The split-day giant ape heard the words, and the two immediately launched a wonderful fight around the Black Fire Basin!


After a while, Guan Heng returned to the realm of the Ape Demon with his wounded Great Sky Ape. In the room, he hugged his shoulders and smiled at the Great Ape: "I knew I wouldn't have such a heavy hand, and in the end I have to work hard to carry you back, eh. "

"Hahaha, this fight was extremely enjoyable, but unfortunately you are about to leave. I don't know when I will meet such a powerful fight opponent." The giant sky ape is now wrapped in gauze, the big one just now Laughing also affected his wound, his pain was grinning and grinning: "Looks like you're going back to St. Lompland soon, don't you today ..."

Just now, there was a gloom on the face of the giant ape, he murmured: "Lao Tzu is impossible to leave the abyss of the Demon Realm, and you, after leaving, will probably be gone forever, we can I can't meet you. "

"Don't say that. Although the acquaintance is short, it all depends on whether you are making a bad temper!" Guan Heng patted the giant ape's shoulder and said with a smile: "Friend, I will definitely treat you Keep it in mind. "

"Well said, although I am the Lord of the Abyss of the Demon Realm, I am very happy to meet you as a human friend." The split-day giant ape cracked and laughed: "Let's say goodbye then."


A few minutes later, after leaving with the apes and demons of Io and his mother, Gang Kuina, Guan Heng and his siblings left the desert hills, and they have come to an empty place.

"Well, let's start here." Guan Heng said and patted Xue Xueshou's head and laughed, "This time you change to a new flower, you don't need your space leaping ability."

"Huh ?!" Xue Xueshou felt strange, and asked with a doubt: "What's your kid's idea?"

"Hahaha, in the Underground City of the Dark Devil Clan, I knocked down two Mouse Couriers." Guan Heng smiled and pulled out a scroll, shaking in front of the brothers and sisters of Seraki and Wu Xuebei, he continued. : "How about a one-way space moving scroll to the third abyss, isn't it a good thing?"

"Yeah, Brother Guan Heng got such a convenient item ?! We are so lucky!" At this moment, Ting Si said with a smile: "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

So Guan Heng waited for the three to step on the back of Xun Xuebei, and then he tore the scroll fiercely, and only heard a loud noise, everyone's figure disappeared suddenly, and there was only a pale white line in place. smoke.

The next moment, Guan Heng and the crowd had reached another strange area.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, I just remembered a sentence that the Great Sky Ape said, and he told me that the third time of the abyss lord, Karuba, the patriarch of the Heart Eater tribe, was simply Alien among the nine lords. "

"Exotic ?!" Seraki and Tings heard the words, both of them blank, and the latter asked casually: "Brother Guan Heng, what does" exotic "mean?"

"Well ... according to the description of the great ape, the rat patriarch Karupa is ugly and insignificant, with devious and deceitful behavior. He is a shameless shameless junk."

Guan Heng touched his chin at this time and said, "However, the ape demon and the heart-rat rat clan have never dealt with it. The giant ape also particularly hates those mice, and this time the snake and rat clan conspired to plot the ape demon clan. I guess The Great Sky Ape will not let Karupa pass easily. "

"Huh, aren't these things we should worry about?"

At that moment, Xue Xuejuan walked forward with Guan Heng, and said in his mouth, "Our goal is to quickly find the fragment of the teleportation array in Karupa's hand, and then quickly leave the abyss of the demon domain. Guan Heng. You have a special constitution, so you do n’t feel discomfort in the abyss, but if you are here for a long time, Brother Seraki will not be able to hold it. "

"Well, you're right."

Guan Heng glanced at Seraki and Tingsi, who were slightly embarrassed, and then said, "This third layer of the abyss is full of mud swamps. When I inquired with the Great Sky Ape, he told me that it was a bite Rats like to live in crypt caves in this kind of environment. These guys take other species in this layer as their food, and they often nest out, hunting common demons, and digging out these demons and monsters. Eats his heart. "

"Gluttony of the heart?" Tings remembered the dark wolf race before, and she asked with a little curiosity: "Isn't these heart-eating rats like the dark wolf race like to eat heartily?"

"No, no, I heard that these heart-eaters are not the same as the Dark Werewolf." At this time, the Xue Xue Beast spoke next to him: "Dark Werewolf only eats when he is crazy, usually The diet of the werewolf is basically the same as that of the ordinary demons, while the Heart Eater is based on the hearts of demons and demons, and does not eat anything else. "

Speaking of which, Wu Xuebei saw a disgusted expression on the faces of the three of Guan Heng, so it also had a vicious feeling, saying: "Those eaters like to chase their prey, and then take them Forced on top of desperation, and then digging out the heart of the prey under the condition of the other person's terrible fear, it is said that the heart that is so swollen is full of fear, and it can best move the appetite of the heart-eater. "

"Uh, these demons are really disgusting." After hearing what Xue Xueshou said, and remembering that she had swallowed a few hearts before, Tings felt a tumult in her stomach and almost vomited on the spot.

"Everyone should be careful. These heart-eating rats are soft and afraid. They like to play tricks on sneak attacks." At this moment, Guan Heng reminded: "And these rats like to hunt in groups, they are a group of guys fighting. ... "

Guan Heng's voice didn't fall. He just let out a patrol whistle, and spied the absorbing soul beast Yabu and the multi-headed basilisk flying back at the same time.

"Guan Heng, Guan Heng." Yabu rushed to the top of Xun Xuebei and said, "I found that there were a lot of demons in the place thousands of meters away. Their chests were all scratched and emptied. The heart inside It's gone, and the ghosts of those who died also wandered nearby, and I let the basilisk catch a few back. "

—— [2016.7.18 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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