Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1459: Missing heart

The multi-headed Basilisk stagnates in mid-air at this moment, and brings one of its snake skulls together: "Master, I have caught two ghosts. Please turn them into the soul stone to search for memories."

"Well, you two are doing well." Guan Heng then turned the two floating ghosts into soul stones, and then began to read their memories. After a few seconds, his eyes flickered suddenly: "Heart Eater Destroy a nearby Mozhuang village ... so it was. "


A few minutes later, Guan Heng and the Xuexue Beast had arrived at the scene of the accident. It was a demon village on the edge of a huge swamp. The houses were uneven and all were unusually humble thatched bark houses. Hundreds of ordinary demons were lying on their backs lying in a pool of blood, long gone.

Seraki and Tingsi saw this scene, and although they both had no good feelings towards the Demon Clan, at this time they also showed indignation.

"According to the memory of the souls of the two ghosts, the group of heart-running rats that attacked the village looked like about a hundred people. After entering the village, all men, women, and children were killed, and fresh ones were taken away. heart."

At this moment, Guan Heng looked at the tragic situation on the ground, frowning and wondering: "What was happening at the time? No one knows, but those heart-eaters are really hard to deal with. It seems that they should pay more attention to these guys Now. "

"Hey, Guan Heng." Su Xuexue suddenly sniffed his nose, and then called out, "I smelled like there was a living creature in front of me, let's hurry over and look at it."

At the next moment, Guan Heng, brothers and sisters of Seraki, and Xun Xuebei ran to the front of a destroyed wooden house. They looked around and found no living people at first. But at this moment, the soul-absorbing beast Yabuhu One of them fell into the wormwood that was high in the air next to the house, and he cried, "There is someone here, it seems like there is still breath!"

Seraki took the first few steps and ran first. He waved his sword and cut off the wormwood in front of him. It was an old woman in a ragged and blood-stained Demon race. At this moment, she was dying. .

Ting Si only glanced at her, then frowned and asked, "Brother Guan Heng, does this person ... can she still be rescued?"

"Well, you need to try it." Guan Heng said, took out a bottle of ambergris rejuvenating agent and gave the old woman of the Demons a sip. After a few seconds, the person finally woke up and gasped.

Seeing that the old woman of the Demons regained consciousness, Guan Heng quickly pressed down and asked, "Hey, old lady, all the people in your village are dead. Was it done by the Heart Eater?"

"Uh ... this is ... revenge ..."

The old demonic woman looked at the wound in front of her heart, and slowly dripping blood dripping from her mouth said, "I can't do it, please take the map of the house ... Go to the hundred miles away. Guyuxia Village outside ... notify my nephew and that Rat Girl ... run ... uh !!! 噗 —— "

The old woman of the Demon Race said here, because the blood was soaring because of the severe injuries, and her head slanted to the side of her neck, and she took her last breath.

"What is the revenge of the heart-rat rat family? And, Gu Xia Xia Village ..." Guan Heng was a little confused at this time, but he said to everyone: "This dead woman said that there was a map in the house, we are just right Use it, find it first. "

Hurrying to dig a shallow pit to bury the old Demon woman, everyone went into the wooden house and turned around to find it. Guan Heng and Seraki did not gain much. In the end, Tings cried in surprise: "Look at it, the map is in Here it is. "

Speaking, Ting Si unfolded a huge animal skin map with a length of several feet, and several people spread it on the table to watch it together. Guan Heng suddenly pointed at one of them and said, "Here, the territory of the Heart Eater- -The magic marsh bunker, where we are now, is about two or three hundred miles away from the magic marsh bunker. With the running speed of the snow monster, it should not take long to reach it. "

"And ... on the way to the Mouma Bunker, it seems that I will pass this place called" Gu Xia Xia Village "." As he said, Guan Heng's finger tapped twice on the map, and he looked up to ask Brother and Selaki. Opinion: "How's it? Shall we fulfill the last wishes of the old woman of the Demons race and report to her nephew?"

"Well ..." After hearing Heng Heng's words, Seraki was in deep thought. He wanted to say that one thing is not as good as the other, and it was important to hurry, but at this moment, Ting Si said: "I see us Let's go to the village and say it. After all, after taking the map of the elderly, you can't do nothing at all. This is also contrary to the morality of our people. "

"Well, Tings makes sense." Guan Heng laughed holding her shoulders. "I mean the same."

"Well then, the minorities obey the majority." Seraki also smiled, he spread his hands and said, "Then, let's go."


After a while, Wu Xueshou, holding Guan Heng and three others, has begun to gallop on the edge of the swamp.

"Xue Xuebei, you just go straight to the northeast." Guan Heng said at this time: "It won't be long before we can reach the ancient Xunxia Village."

"No problem, this journey is a piece of cake." Wu Xuebei sprinted and said loudly: "Hey, look at the front, there seem to be a few people shaking, what are those guys?"

Hearing this, Guan Heng looked up and stared forward, and looked closely. The next second, Guan Heng suddenly called out: "It seems to be a bite rat, what kind of people are they fighting with? Snow Beast, slow down, let's quietly go and see what happens. "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Xue Xueshou nodded slightly. It had slowed down at this time. When Guan Heng and Seraki and Ting Si winked, the three of them drew down Xue Xueshou's back for a while, then, The stingy ran forward.

"Dangdang Dang!" Not far ahead, the sound of the weapons crashing was endless, and several Heart Eater smirks sneered and besieged a tall ordinary demons.

"Well, it's estimated that this kid also went to Guxiaxia Village to report. Brothers, put a lot of effort into it and kill him, and everyone will share it!" One of the dwarf heart-eating rats is obviously a Boss, he shook his short-handed hammer and shouted, "Kill, let these **** **** know the power of our rat race."

"Boss is right, it's so delicious to kill this kid and share it."

The rest of the heart-eating rats cynically irritated the slender demon, while waving steel blades and not staying beside their opponents. The group of rat-rats was really shameless. They made surprise attacks from time to time, and they were caught off guard A thin scar was added to the tall and thin demons.

—— [2016.7.18 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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