Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1460: Ancient Lu Xia Village (Third)

"Abominable." The tall and thin Devil held an iron bar in his hands, kept blocking up and down, but couldn't stand the opponent's wheel of warfare. The matter had fallen into a near-death crisis.

"Guan Heng, what shall we do now?" At this moment, three quietly watching people are hiding behind the big rock. Seraki then pressed his hilt and asked, "Did you kill these guys directly?" ? "

"No, let's just grab these guys and ask for information." Guan Heng said with a wink at Ting Si: "Sister, let these guys taste your sharp frozen dragon spell."

"Haha, then I'll take it." Tingsi chuckled softly, and then pulled her white staff to point at the four extremely arrogant Heart Eaters.

"Drink! Ice crystals bind the feet!" With a low whistle, the front end of Ting Si's staff suddenly swept away an extremely cold breath, and in an instant, they frozen the feet of the three Heart-Eating Rats and took them Fixed in place.

"Yeah!" The slender demon who did not know the truth saw that the other party's movements were stagnant. Where did he let this opportunity go? The iron rod in his palm burst out violently, and it broke instantly in a loud noise. A heavenly spirit of a heart-eater rat.

Immediately afterwards, the slender devil's iron rod slammed straight out, right in the middle of the second rat's face. The boy immediately heard the sound of bone fractures on his cheeks, and his teeth fell sharply. Out, suddenly died!

The slender demon clan has not stopped, and it is about to kill the remaining two enemies alive. A figure suddenly appeared in the oblique stab, and grabbed his iron rod: "Hey, kill the man with God's possession, don't All killed, you have to leave me two live mouths? "

"You—" The thin, tall demons of Tongren Ren in blood had not calmed down yet, and they were still struggling to regain their iron rods, but did not expect Guan Heng to reach out and take his weapon in his hands.

"Woohoo-slap! Slip!" The iron rod suddenly turned around in Guan Heng's hand, and then he was scooped into the ground, then stepped on it, and disappeared without a trace. Strength, suddenly scared and tall, the demons shrink their necks.

The slender and tall demons suddenly felt a bit wary of Guan Heng, and immediately took two steps backward, but Guan Heng did not embarrass the other party, but beckoned to the siblings who came over: "Come, All come here. "

At the next moment, Guan Heng said to the two unforgettable Heart Eater clan: "The demon village in the swampland in front was slaughtered. I believe it must be a good thing for you. Who can tell me, you two? what is the reason?"

"Well, I can't say anything ..." One of the cheap-mouthed Rats just spoke, and the short blade in Guan Heng's hand had been picking up suddenly, and he slashed off the other's left ear with a bang. Immediately stuck in the air with the edge of the blade.

"噗 嗤嗤 ——" The broken ear wound spewed a sudden burst of blood, splashed around the rat people with faces all over, and the injured guy suddenly wailed: "Uh ah!"

"This guy said something I didn't like to listen to, so I lost one ear." Guan Heng shook the meat on the edge of the blade and snorted into the mouth of the first rat-like man, making this likable. The guy tasted his ear taste and Guan Heng then said to another rat people: "So what do you want? Have fewer ears, or eyes, or nose? Or answer my question honestly?"

Seeing the miserable situation of his companion, the rat man was scared and sweating. He stuttered, "Don't hurt me, I said, I said it all."

"We are members of the Guardian, a member of the Karate Patriarch Karupa. The patriarch sent a message not long ago, let us hunt down our daughter Miss Tiki and a demon boy."

At this moment, the rat clan said, "The specific reasons are not clear to me and us, but ... there are rumors that Miss Tessie ran away with the kid, and the patriarch felt Because I lost my face because of this incident, it was so heartless that I decided not to even miss the life of the lady, so we must kill the two of them. "

"Well, what happened to the Tucun?" Seraki interjected at this time: "You are so cruel, the hearts of men, women and children are all taken away, all cold-blooded beasts."

"I and I were also ordered to act. The reason for Tucun was ... It was the demon kid who originally lived in that village. When our leader, the mouse general, Buga, arrived, the kid had already run away."

The Captive Rats then glanced at the people with poor eyes in front of them, and then whispered, "At that time, General Buga was so furious that he slaughtered and slaughtered all the people in the village. It is to serve as dry food on the march. "

"Your beasts! My people are here!" Upon hearing this, the slender demon who was next to him leaped madly and hit his rat with a fist. Above: "Bang!"

"Hey, you ..." Guan Heng wanted to stop the other side, but then thought about it, what is his qualification to stop the other side from pouring out his anger? So he had to stand beside him, watching coldly with Brother Seraki.

The fist's head fell like raindrops, and the two Rats were beaten out of sight, until the tall Devils beat themselves with blood, and Bai Sensen's bones broke through the flesh, and he stopped his breath.

Guan Heng said at this time: "Are you from the Marsh Village on the edge of the swamp?" Hearing Guan Heng's inquiries, the tall and thin Mo people nodded dullly, and then he whispered, "My name is Hepu. Live in that village ... "

"We found an old woman in that village who was seriously injured. Before she died, she asked us to go to Guxiaxia Village and told her nephew and a rat girl to escape." Guan Heng then asked: "You know These people? "

"Ah ?!" He Puwen suddenly panicked when he heard this, and then burst into tears. "The old woman is my mother. I didn't expect that I would leave home in the morning to send my cousin Kozan and that Miss Tiki Going to Guxiaxia Village, this kind of thing happened in my own house, ohh ... "

"Hey, don't cry anymore." Guan Heng sighed at this moment and said, "These guys just said the names of the ancient ancient summer villages in their mouths, which means that their heart-biting rats may have already After that, you should go to Guxia Village to see it, maybe something happened over there. "

"Eh ?!" Upon hearing this, He Pu's face suddenly changed suddenly. He turned and was about to run in the direction of Guxiaxia Village. Suddenly, he turned back with a flushed face.

"Several people, although this is a bold statement, but I still want to invite you and me to go back to the village." At this moment, He Puzhi said indifferently: "I have limited strength alone, in case of a lot of envy The Heart Rats are soldiers, I am afraid there is only one way to go. I just want to save my cousins ​​and folks. "

—— [2016.7.18 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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