Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1461: General Buga

To be honest, He Pu's request is indeed a bit excessive. Even family and friends may not be willing to work hard for you, let alone Guan Heng and others who met for the first time today, so when He Pu said the request, he was also embarrassed. Anxious, they were afraid that Guan Heng would immediately refuse.

Seraki whispered in Guan Heng's ears at this time: "I think we should go there. I promised her mother to send a letter before. Isn't it good to stop halfway?"

"Well, I mean the same." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head and said, "Coupled with the daughter of the clan patriarch, I think we should take a trip there and see what we can do."

Ting Si also agreed with him, so Guan Heng immediately exclaimed: "He Pu, we have already decided, and I will go to Guxun Village with you."

"Really? Thank you very much!" He Puwen was overjoyed at hearing this, and he said quickly: "Then I will guide you down the road, please follow me."


On the way to Guxiaxia Village, Guan Xuanhepu asked a lot about Kezan and the niece Tessie, the ancestor of the Heart Eater tribe.

It turned out that the Rat-girl named Tiki was kind-hearted. Since she was young, she did not eat the heart of any demons or monsters, but feeds on other meat, fish, and fruits. This makes Karupa, the patriarch, very Annoyed, but there is no way to take his one-child daughter again. As time goes on, he can only let it go.

The next thing can be explained in a few words: the ordinary demons Kezan accidentally met the daughter of the Heart Eater clan Tez, and the two soon fell in love.

However, this incident soon passed to the ears of the mouse clan Karupa. As the head of a family, Karupa would never allow his daughter to marry an unknown ordinary demonic kid, an extremely vicious card. Rupa even suggested to Kozan that if he wants to marry his daughter, he must first give away a thousand ordinary demons' hearts, and it must be Kozan himself to sacrifice it to himself!

Of course this kind of heart-wrenching gift is impossible for Kozan. If he really becomes an executioner and his hands are stained with the blood of his family, then the good-looking Tiki will leave him.

In desperation, Kezan and Tiki had to meet to elope and desperately escaped from the Mozong Bunker, the core territory of the Rat clan, but Karupa could not tolerate this, so he sent his own "heart-eater" The "Clan Guards" chased and killed the two with all their might, saying that they would never leave alive.

At the beginning, Ke Zan took Tessie back to his aunt's home, which is in the village of the old woman of the Demon Race. Who knew that it didn't take long before the heart-eater Rats had chased there.

In anxiety, the old woman of the demons let her son take Kezan and Tiki to escape to the secret ancient Guxiaxia village, but these people never expected that the Heart Eater Guards were desperate, and they would wash the village blood. , Kill everyone!

Guan Heng, Serachi, and Tings all shook their heads secretly after listening to Hep's narrative. Everyone thought, "Those heart-eaters are really excessive. If they hit me in their hands, they would kill them directly. ! "


At the same time, Guxiaxia Village has suffered an unprecedented catastrophe, and Buga, the general of the Heart Eater tribe, led hundreds of Heart Eater warriors and rat witches to the village entrance.

Buga waved and shouted on his mount "Swamp Giant": "Have me listened, rush in and quickly control all the villagers, go from house to house and search for me, be sure to bring the Mozhangzi and Tiki's dead girl turn up!!"

"Yes, obey the command of the general!" A group of wolf-like heart-eater rat fighters rushed into Guxiaxia Village with a mighty force, and drove hundreds of villagers out of their home, all concentrated at the village entrance. On a clearing.

"Damn demons and pariahs, please listen to me!" General Buga rode on the tall swamp giant beetle. "Laozi is from the magic marsh bunker, and is a noble rat general, Buga, now I am Come to catch the defected Tiki and the **** Kezan. If you know each other, you will quickly hand them over, or you will annoy Lao Tzu and slaughter the village at once, kill all your cheap dog breeds! "

At this moment, the heart-eaters screamed one by one, and the dog screamed fiercely, "Did you hear the words of the general? Did you hear the words? Hurry up and hand them over !!"

The sound of the cricket on the ground sounded. An old demonic man with a cane walked out of the villagers' trembling. He came to the swamp giant worm and said to Bujia, who was fascinating above him: General Rats and adults, I am the village head of this village. This ancient Xiaxia village is remote, so few outsiders come at all. The two people you said, we have not seen them, please ... "

"Old things don't tell the truth ?! You are looking for death !!!"

"嗖 —— 嗖!" Without waiting for the village chief to finish begging for mercy, Buga has quickly shaken the long whip in his hand, and suddenly twisted around the old village chief's neck for several turns, and then vibrated his wrists to force the old village chief. Le's face turned blue, his tongue spit out the old man!

"Uh ah ... you, you ..." The old village chief had trouble breathing, trembling with his fingers at Buga, and then fell to the ground and died instantly!

"Village chief ?! You are so terribly dead!" The villagers saw the old village chief who was loved and respected on a weekday, and he was brutally killed, and he was filled with indignation and sentiment, but at this moment, even more heartbroken behavior was still behind Yet.

"Pop!" Buga reached for his spear and stunned towards the old village chief's corpse. "Pop!" In a flash, the guy used the spear tip to pick out the steaming heart. Then he grabbed it in his hands and chewed, "Haha, the old guy's heart is quite fat, well, the taste is barely middle-up."

Seeing the other person chewing his heart crunching, the villagers of Guxiaxia were frightened, and they realized that the other party was the notorious executioner in the third layer of the abyss, the heart-rat rat family. These poor ordinary demons are hard to escape today.

At that moment, I do n’t know who in the village crowd shouted, "Go to his jerk, and I can't escape today. I simply fight with this group of rats!"

As a reminder after the shout, the villagers of Guxiaxia village suddenly red-eyed: "Yeah, since you don't let us live, then I will fight with you to the end!"

At this moment, the villagers were also suffocated with anger, and madly rushed to the warriors and generals Buga, but at this moment, there was a bloodthirsty sneer in the corner of Buga He spit out a few words quickly: "Where is the Rat Witch Sacrifice? Give me this bunch of ignorant bitches!"

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.18, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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