Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1463: Captured and rescued (first)

"If you are acquainted, immediately throw away the weapon in your hand and be obedient." At this time, Buga turned his eyes around, and said, "In that case, I will just grab you two and go back to the patriarch to return to life, Let go of these villagers without any harm. What do you think? This is the bottom line of Lao Tzu! "

"This ..." Kezan and Tessie glanced at each other, and then looked at the poor and bound villagers who were bound together, and suddenly hesitated.

Immediately afterwards, the good-looking Di Qi threw the sword in the palm of the hand and suddenly made a loud noise. She said, "Well, let me go with you, let these villagers and Kezan go!"

"Fool, how can I rest assured that you are going back alone?" At this moment, Kozan was also throwing his spear on the ground. He gently held Tessie's wrist and said, "No matter what bad luck I have to face, I will hold on to it. Hold your hand, let's face it together. "

"Huh, a pair of stupid people, I was stunned by two words." Buga was overjoyed at this moment, he suddenly shouted: "Come, tie me these two guys, remember , Be tied separately !!! "

Like a wolf-like Heart Eater warrior, he rushed up and tied Kozan and Tiki in a hurry. Some guys with ulterior motives also kicked Kozan a few feet, and this guy Bourga laughed: "Shit, deserve it. ! "

At this moment, Tiki struggling desperately and shouted, "Burga, we have laid down our weapons and let you catch them. You should keep your promises and let go of all the villagers of Gulinxia Village!"

"Hey hey, dear Miss Tiki, you still have a bad temper with me, very good, Lao Tzu likes your spiciness." A low evil laughed a few times, Buga said suddenly : "Come here, kill these villagers ... all of them at once, and then spit out all my heart. Today's blood-washed Guxia Village, hahaha-"

"Animal, you, how can you say nothing without faith?" When they heard the mean and shameless Bourgadol, Kezan and Tiki suddenly became furious, they shouted in unison: "Buga, you This **** thing must not die! "

"Hahaha, Miss Tiki, you have known me for many years. When have you seen me talk about keeping promises?"

At this time, Buga laughed shamelessly: "If you want to scold, scold your dad, our dear patriarch Carupa, 'no reason, only interests'. This is the iron that his old man taught me. then!!"

"You-despicable !!" Watching the heart-stealing Rat Eater warrior with a dagger in his face and gradually urging the poor villagers tied to the big flowers, Tiki suddenly burst into tears and shouted, "I hate it, who? No matter what No matter who you are, show up quickly and rescue these villagers of Guxiaxia Village, please! "

At this moment, Ke Zan, who was **** all over, was also sad. He whispered and murmured, "I'm sorry, Tiki, it's my useless ..."

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly appeared in the air: "Hey, girl, these heart-eaters are yours, can I kill them all?" Hearing this voice, Tiki's subconscious hissing was loud. Shouted: "No, these guys are not my people, they are just crazy and bloodthirsty, addicted beasts, and I want to kill them to save the villagers!"

"Hehehe, that's easy to do." The figure in the air suddenly landed on the ground, which was Guan Heng who drove Long Xiangshu quickly, and he sneered slightly at this moment: "Basilisk, Yabu, let's do it together. No one of these miscellaneous soldiers of the heart-running rat family left, but left me that boss, and Lao Tzu will make him himself! "

"Oh!" Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, took the lead and rushed towards the Heart Eater Warrior. A spit of yellowish mist sprayed over it, and most of the enemies were turned into senile white bones. Then the ghosts floating out of these bones were thrown. Exhausted!

"Ah ?! What kind of monster is this?" Seeing Yabu's fierce, Buga sitting on the swamp giant was almost horrified downside down, but before this guy made the next reaction, the multi-headed basilisk had already Descending from the sky, nine huge snake skulls opened their mouths fiercely.

Hearing only a few loud noises, the Basilisk has bitten the necks of dozens of rat tribal witch offerings, and then chewed the other person's head into a crush. Such a mighty and fierce attack method is common in ordinary killings. In the eyes of the Demons addicted to the Heart Eater tribe, they have become a lingering nightmare!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh!" In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen dead Heart Eater warriors in place, so scared that he threw a knife, threw a gun, turned around and ran away. In the past, Yabu stopped up, the second yellow bone mist sprayed out, and swept across those unlucky eggs, leaving a large piece of white bone in place!

At this moment, the minions of his subordinates died, and Buga, who became a smooth-rod general, was subject to Guan Heng's "special treatment."

I saw Guan's body shape moving, and he had already reached the top of the bog giant bog, and kicked it on the bog's jaw. With the sound of his bone cracking, Bogga screamed upside down. On the ground, the bones rolled away all the way.

At this time, Hepu, Seraki, and Tingsi who had arrived had already untied the ropes of Tiki and Kezan, and then released a large number of villagers in Guxiaxia Village.

"Slap!" Guan Heng stepped on Buga's back at this moment, he grinned: "You kid seems to be quite arrogant just now, what do you want to wash the ancient village of Xiaxia, uh, this is me Believe, because you've done it once, right? "

"Eh? How did you know ..." Buga just said a few words, already blasting the hearts and minds of Tiki and Kozan next to each other, they exclaimed, "Is this true?"

"Yes, it's true." He Pu, who walked to the front, said to the two and the villagers with sorrows: "My mother's village has been blood-bathed and slaughtered by this group of god-eaters. Everyone's heart has been taken and taken away ... "

"Animal, you return my aunt's life!" At this moment, Ke Zan sent a mad rush and approached Bhagga, punched his fist and slammed the other side, and saw the blood flying, and Bhaga kept screaming, Ke Zhan shouted. : "Aunt, what did they do wrong? She just took the desperate me and Tiki, and was killed by you, the cruel killing of thousands of swords. I killed you, killed you!"

"Stop, oops! It hurts me, don't fight again!" Buga hurt at this time, but he simply told the truth: "Tucun killed all your people, this is not just what I mean , Even the death orders given by the patriarch, these are all for your sake! "

"What do you mean ?! What does this mean?" Upon hearing this, Kozan suddenly felt guilty. He reached out and grabbed Bouga's collar, and yelled at the other party, "Say, why did you kill my people?"

—— [2016.7.19 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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